Accelerate Your Performance

Saying 'No' to Manipulators

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 191

What can we do when an individual hoards conversation time, constantly interrupts, provides unsolicited advice and puts others down? These behaviors can be interpreted as manipulative and can damage individuals on our teams and organizations. To maintain working relationships, and be authentic to ourselves and those we lead, we have to firmly and diplomatically say no to manipulators. Today Janet shares examples of how to take control when working with a manipulator.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we deal with manipulators in the workplace?
  • What "I" and "it" statements can help stop manipulators?
  • How do we firmly say 'no' to manipulators?

Recommended Resources: How to Spot and Stop Manipulators, Deal with Problems, Tips for Documenting Poor Performance and Non-Compliance, & Eliminate We/They
Recommended Podcasts: Dealing with Manipulators, What Makes an Employee a Productive One?, That's the Way it is, Handling Executive Leader Sabotage & Stop the Subconscious Behavior Infecting Your Organization