Accelerate Your Performance

Tackle Student Learning Gaps

Studer Education Season 3 Episode 203

Ensuring learning progress despite disruptions to learning has been no easy feat since the pandemic began. However, at Erwin Middle School leaders worked together to decrease student absences by over 40% and decrease the number of F's and incomplete assignments by 51%. Today, Principal Dr. Angela Bush joins Janet to share how her team continues to close the academic achievement gap and move students forward.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we tackle student learning gaps?
  • What measures are most important for ensuring post-secondary readiness?
  • Why are school leaders, teachers, resource officers, guidance counselors and parents all needed to close the academic achievement gap?

Recommended Resources: Improvement Cycles to Sustain Progress & Move Students Forward with a Focus on Strengths
Recommended Podcasts: Do What's Right for Students & Leadership Development is a Lifeline