The MindShare Podcast

The Art of Cold Calling with Special Guest Michael Samrah

David Greenspan Season 1 Episode 39

Everyone is out there every day trying to get new business, and trying to figure what does and doesn't work to get that business.

There are so many techniques and tools available. As time moves on, most try to stay with the times and use the new stuff that may not necessarily be tried and true yet, and which certainly does not have the test of time to stand behind it yet either. 

Not that the new stuff doesn't work. But we cannot discount the stuff that has been around for years, that has worked to help countless thousands of People build their businesses. The old school is still around for one reason, and that is because it still works.

My advice to everyone - use both. Practice both. You will win more!

For example, when prospecting and trying to generate new leads, why is it that everyone only isolates their thinking to online tools? Why are we not still thinking about the cold call, and even the door knock. 

And I love getting cold called, specifically when it is a Realtor. I want to hear your pitch, I want to see what you’re going to say. I want to see if you were even prepared to get someone like me on the phone. Do you have a plan, what’s your next step….are you just looking to put a sign on my lawn, or did you plan this one out right? 

Seriously, call my house as a Realtor and if I’m the one to pick up, be ready!

My guest on this Episode is Lifestyle Realtor - Michael Samrah. He is a cold calling machine and a prospecting ninja. Together we explore his process first hand, learn how he does it, how he stays motivated, and he teaches us about what truly makes it all work.

For anyone looking to start cold calling, anyone who wants to do more prospecting or get better at their prospecting, anyone looking for ideas on how to generate more business, you are going to enjoy this Episode.

Well....I hope you enjoy all of the Episodes! :)

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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