The MindShare Podcast

What is your Real Estate Sign REALLY for?

David Greenspan Season 1 Episode 40

This is the BIG 4 - 0 !!!

I don't know...seems like some sort of milestone I guess....

WOW, uproar, backlash, support, and confusion. All reactions I received…amongst the many, to one of my recent posts in a popular Real Estate Facebook group. And I loved it!! 

It got people talking for sure! And I certainly exposed the craziness behind what makes our industry tick. Well, maybe more specifically why people market themselves the way they do. 

In this Episode I share a story with you about a Real Estate Sign I recently saw. Once you listen you will have a better understanding around why I posted it on Facebook, and why I dedicated a PodCast to it.

And aside from just sharing the story, we're going to review whether Your Sign is really working for you the way it should be, whether or not you're delivering the right message, and you will learn what your sign should actually have on it, as well as not have on it.

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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