The MindShare Podcast

How to Build MindShare and Dominate Your Market

David Greenspan Season 2 Episode 87

Earlier on throughout Covid, I was doing a lot of virtual presentations to help Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Loan Officers, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners navigate a time of crisis.

I'd like to believe we are coming out the other side of this thing now, and although many people are getting back at it, and finding a lot of success, we always want to ensure we have a solid plan for what if it happens again, and whether it does or doesn't, how do we build up so much momentum that we can make up for lost time?

The thing is this, we can't control the market, we can't control what our competition is doing, but we can control what we do. 

The act of doing creates the result of having. 

On this Episode, I break down the 3 Steps to Building MindShare so you can Dominate your Market.

If you have any questions, want to join our private MindShare Masters Community, and want a demo of the KiTS Marketing System, just get in touch!

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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While on my site, be sure to download your free copy of The 7 Ways To Communicate eBook. It will help you know how to deliver the right message to right audience across the right channel, so you can build more MindShare. 

AND if you want to be part of our Private MindShare Community where we meet 2x’s a month live to share ideas, tips, tricks, and to motivate each other, where our MindShare Masters get access to our private VIP Q&A with our Special PodCast Guests each week, and where you get daily marketing & sales tips delivered right to you, plus the opportunity to motivate, learn, and network with a whole bunch of people just like you, just click here to join -

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