The MindShare Podcast

The Perfect Blend of Old School and New School for Your Real Estate Business, with Special Guests The Fulton Sisters

David Greenspan

Such confusion these days around what works and what doesn't work to grow your Real Estate Business.

This mish mash of options available, from the old school ways to the new school ways, there is simply so many different places to spend your time and your money to try and build your business.

But which one is the best one?

Should the seasoned old school vets who've been in the business 20, 30, or even 40 years long worry about learning and implementing all of this social media?

Should the new school agent who's a social media rock star focus on actually making phone calls and going out to meet new people?

The thing is, for both groups, both of those ideas can seem overwhelming.

And on this Episode we tackle the burning question, of what should you be doing to grow your business.

They are third generation Real Estate Brokers with Century 21 Percy Fulton located in Toronto and the Durham Region.

They help run the family brokerage of over 400 agents as well as lead two  sales teams.

And when they stepped into this business….or out from behind the curtain, they immediately made an impact and started to take over.

Joining me on this episode of The MindShare PodCast to talk about 'The Perfect Blend of Old School and New School for Your Real Estate Business' is not 1, but 3 simply awesome people - my friends The Fulton Sisters

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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