The MindShare Podcast

How To Generate More Leads on Social Media, with Special Guest Andrew Fogliato

November 13, 2020 David Greenspan Season 2 Episode 103

This week on the show I am joined by my good friend – Andrew Fogliato.

Before building a business dedicated to helping realtors convert more leads online, he was an agent himself.

He hated cold calling but he had a knack for online marketing. Before long, he was working with one of the leading real estate brands, training hundreds of agents across North America to generate more leads online.

One day, his mentor asked if he could hire him to do it for him, saying he wanted to just sell homes.

And just like that, his company Just Sell Homes was born.

Every day he gets fired up about the opportunity to help other agents, teams and vendors grow their businesses by driving real results online.

He has spoken at many high profile events including the Annual NAR convention, Inman News, OREA REALiTY Conference, and Banff Western Connection. 

Get ready to take notes as we talk about 'How To Generate More Leads on Social Media'.

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a Founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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