The MindShare Podcast

You need the Solution to achieve the Resolution. Here's How.

David Greenspan Season 1 Episode 5

So we're now into the thick of things this Year. A solid 2 Weeks in, and I know I'm rocking, and hoping that all of you are as well. 

I mean, I was planned, I laid out my 2019 Goals back in early November, I laid out my 2019 Resolutions at the same time, and then I spent the last 2 months of the Year getting really organized to crush it the minute the clock struck midnight on January 1st. 

To my own self content, I did exactly that too, on January 1st, I was in full GO mode. Most people were nursing hangovers, taking it easy, maybe even lying on a beach somewhere. In fact a lot of people were doing that for the last few weeks of the Year and even in to the first few weeks of the year. 

But no different, it was the Season to plan and get ready for the New Year. And this right now, the 2nd week of January, is exactly when most people start to fall off the wagon and go back to the same old routine, and those same old bad habits. 

In this Episode I'm going back to those Goals and Resolutions, and I'm discussing what it really takes to achieve it all. What it takes for you on December 31st 2019 to be able to look back at the previous 365 Days, and then look in the mirror and be able to say to yourself "I did it". 

I am going to help you do IT, I am going to help you achieve IT. I am going to help you WIN!

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