The MindShare Podcast

Is your Marketing adding value? Do you support your efforts? Are you truly building #MindShare, or just blowing your money? And a little rant about text messaging.

David Greenspan Season 1 Episode 6

We get hit with so many messages every single day. I look down at my phone and I have notifications all over the place. Now on one hand, that’s a great thing. On the other, its like where do you focus? 

Everyone is constantly looking for the solution that's going to make their year. Yet there's not enough planning around what you're going to do to support that new bright shiny object. There's not enough thought around the value you deliver. 

Most will jump on the mass advertising train without any rhyme or reason, because they need to "change it up"...and the fact that it makes them smile when they see themselves while driving down the road.

This is not a strategy. This is not how you build MindShare. In the world of small business, and entrepreneurship, it is so crucial to know why you're delivering a specific messages, what channel to deliver it on, and how to use that channel to deliver it the right way. 

Without the plan. we don't build the relationship which is where the true gold is. And we cause ourselves to spend more money, therefore having to work harder, and still not seeing the ROI we really want. 

In this Episode, I'm talking about Marketing, Value, and the Power of Reciprocity. And I have a little rant about text messaging which you need to hear.

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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