The MindShare Podcast

Special Guest Glenn Twiddle from all the way 'down under' in Australia shares insights on where Realtors see their business come from, and his thoughts on how you should be using Facebook.

David Greenspan Season 1 Episode 9

The common thought line for many Realtors, and for good reason, is that they want to do more for their business with Social Media. 

The thing is that although many know they want/need it, many have no idea where to start, or what the right way to do it really is.

As I dig into this topic more and more and more with many different experts, there are some similarities in advice, and yet many variations of answers. 

The similarities always boil down to the need to engage, and the need to be consistent about it. The differences on the other hand lie in whether to spend all of your marketing dollars online, on social, or to even spend on these channels at all. 

In this Episode I am joined by special guest Glenn Twiddle. He is a Real Estate Coach out of Australia, and is all in when it comes to Facebook.

Glenn and I met on Instagram. I posted something for free. He liked it for free. I then emailed him for free. We connected for free, and agreed to do a podcast together...for free. 

The power of Social Media connects people from anywhere. The key is to engage in order to take advantage of this. The more we connect with people, the more we grow as people. 

Now, looking at the fact that we did use Social and connected etc. for free. Glenn shares his view on what you should be doing to market your business, and he gives advice on whether you should or should not be spending your marketing dollars on Facebook. 

As he and I can both talk a lot, I tried to cut us off at 40min to make this a more time manageable episode for you, but we did run past that, and unfortunately could not cover everything needed to really wrap this one with a bow.

Have a listen, this is Round 1. We will be back for a follow up Round 2 for sure because there are still a bunch of unanswered questions that will help make sense of this all for you. Take notes and enjoy!

The MindShare PodCast is sponsored by KiTS Keep-in-Touch Systems, and is a founding Member of the Industry Syndicate Media Network.

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