Talking With _____.
This is the intro video where I explain the focus, intent and goal of this podcast. Thank you for watching and I hope you will follow me on this journey.
Talking With _____.
Episode 4 Pt. 1 with Collin Auten
Welcome and thank you for joining me. Today, I am talking with Collin Auten. Collin is a baseball trainer in the Denton area. He works on hitting, pitching, fielding and agility with his clients at DBat Denton. He is from the Ft. Worth area and has played at the college level. He has also held coaching positions at some of the best college programs in the state of Texas. The results he produces in young and older players is remarkably noticeable in the immediate and future performance. He has personally trained two of my boys with results that I could see on a weekly basis.
Today, will be part one of the interview and part 2 will be coming a little later this week.
I would also like for you to take me up on my challenge to stump Branden from Clutch_Designs and let me know what you think of his work.
Clutch_Designs on Instagram:
Thank you for watching and come back again soon for fresh and relevant content. Please leave a comment if you would like to appear on the show or if you know of an athlete that would like to appear on the show.