Muscles and Management

Episode #41 Creating Synergy Between Quality Movement, Strength and Speed with Zach Dechant

October 09, 2019 Gerry DeFilippo Season 1 Episode 41

In this episode Gerry welcomes on TCU Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning, Zach Dechant to talk all things movement, strength and speed.

To start, Gerry and Zach talk about Zach's series, Movement Over Maxes, and what inspired Zach to begin the series. Zach discusses the importance of building quality movement with the main movement patterns (push, pull, squat, hinge, split squat variations) as well as key sprinting and jumping mechanics. Zach felt that there was a huge area of improvement needed in the foundations of many athletes and that started with addressing the main pillars of human and athletic movement.

From there, Gerry walks Zach through a breakdown of how he builds the main movement patterns and why they are so pivotal in not only general movement, but key to athlete's in building increased strength, speed and athletic ability in their respective sports.

The conversation then turns to arm care and the need to look at taking care of throwing athlete's and their arms from more than just the perspective of isolating the arm and shoulder. Arm care is addressed with a proper and comprehensive program focused on building clean movement patterns and overall strength, and the two also discuss the role of anterior core strength and anti-rotational core work in building resilient rotational athletes.

To finish, Zach and Gerry discuss strength and force in the contact of sport, and how Velocity Based Training can be used as a tool to help athlete's improve the amount of overall force they can produce that is conducive to their sport.

All that and more on this episode!

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