Muscles and Management

Episode #42 Studies vs. Coaching Experience, VBT, Hypertrophy and Key Training Principles for Athletes with Alan Bishop

October 16, 2019 Gerry DeFilippo Season 1 Episode 42

In this episode Gerry welcomes on Alan Bishop, Director of Sports Performance for Houston University's Men's Basketball Team.

To begin, Alan and Gerry discuss the topic of minimum effective dose, and what it means for programming and training athletes. Alan voices his concern that too many view this as a way to do less in training, even when that may not be the right choice or necessary for the circumstances. The two talk about the importance of finding what is effective for programming (what works), what is efficient (the best/least taxing way to achieve effect) and how they come together to make training optimal. THAT, is the minimal effective dose.

From there, Gerry leads Alan to a discussion on Velocity Based Training (VBT) and Alan discusses how he uses modalities to train for power as a coach who (as he describes) isn't ideal to talk to in terms of speaking on bar speed, measurements etc. This makes for a very refreshing perspective from a coach who utilizes such training but isn't as technical with the measurements/data of it. Alan explains how he uses it and why it has been so effective with the incredible results his athletes have achieved.

To finish, the episode covers a wide array of important topics from Charles Poliquin and the Poliquin Principles, balancing research/studies and anecdotal experience/discoveries and then hits on some important points of education and career when it comes to being a strength coach.

All that and more on this episode of Muscles and Management!

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