Muscles and Management

Episode #88 Meathead Monday: Velocity Based Training- Let's Not Freak out Over a Bar Speed Sensor. Look Beyond the Surface

Gerry DeFilippo Season 2 Episode 88

In this episode Gerry rants about a comment made about velocity based training and it being a "gimmick."

To start, Gerry takes the listener through the meaning of a gimmick and the very essence of velocity based training when it comes to dynamic-effort lifting for power. He explains that bar speed sensors simply exist to objectively quantify things we have been doing for years with the barbell!

From there, the conversation turns to effective use of velocity based training and the technology that comes with it and how we can use it to accentuate the work we do with our athletes.

To finish up, Gerry discusses why we should be careful on judging the effectiveness of things for athletes based on the needs of power lifters and the major differences between the two in terms of the goals of training and the need to prepare an athlete for sport demands.

All that and more on this episode of Muscles and Management!

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