Muscles and Management

Episode #93 Meathead Monday: How to Effectively Train Speed AND Strength Together

Gerry DeFilippo Season 2 Episode 93

In this episode of Muscles and Management, Gerry dives into a very important topic when it comes to training athletes, blending speed and strength training together EFFECTIVELY.

To start, Gerry explains the things you should look towards for guidance when it comes to making decisions on what to prioritize for an athlete. Everything from training age, training needs (discerned from testing), goals, time of year and more.

From there, Gerry explains things to look for with structure and effective implementation of speed AND strength training for both novice and advanced athletes. He also talks about general structural guidance and how to put training together in a training week, as well as days where you need to do both speed and strength work.

To finish, the conversation turns to the hierarchy of training adaptations in terms of what should come first and what should follow.

All that and more on this episode of Muscles and Management!

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