Muscles and Management

Episode #33 Foundations of Blazing Speed with Joseph Potts (Top Speed LLC.)

Gerry DeFilippo Season 1 Episode 33

In this episode Gerry welcomes Joseph Potts of Top Speed LLC. to talk all things speed, agility and building blazing fast athletes.

Right off the bat the discussion talks about speed ladders and Joseph and Gerry discuss the many misconceptions some have in terms of how useful speed ladders are. From ground impulse and force displacement, rehearsing patterns and cuing short and choppy strides, the ladder does not provide much when it comes to linear speed AND agility.

From there, the two discuss EVERYTHING related to speed, starting with force development and strength training all the way to rate of force development, velocity based training, elasticity and reactivity and how it all plays in to build speed. Joseph gives his take on his favorite ways to utilize all of those modalities to make his athletes faster and Gerry gives some tips to how you can utilize sleds in your strength and speed training.

To finish up, the conversation discusses the finer points of acceleration and top speed mechanics of the sprint, giving the listener a comprehensive view of what goes into building and maintaining speed as an athlete and coach.

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