Voice Lessons: Uncovering and Claiming Your Unique, Creative Voice

The Voice Behind the Jack Tyrrell Thriller Series with Author Geoff Loftus

Jill Quist Episode 3

This week, I'm excited to introduce you to my old friend and acclaimed thriller author, Geoff Loftus. Geoff’s impressive works, such as the Jack Tyrrell series and history-meets-business novel, ‘Lead Like Ike,’ have captivated many readers. In this episode, we dive into Geoff's transition from standalone novels to the Jack Tyrrell series, inspired in part by ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.

We explore the depth of writing thrillers, where themes of love, courage, and justice seamlessly blend with action narratives. Geoff also shares his ideas on personal growth in storytelling and the impact of his own life experiences on his characters. 

Furthermore, we delve into the craft of maintaining a unique narrative voice, using humor and character differentiation, and the importance of choosing the right format for your story. 

Tune in for a rich conversation on creativity, narrative technique, and the quest to find and hone your unique voice in writing. This episode is filled with practical tips and heartfelt anecdotes to inspire your journey as a creative writer.

Key Topics:

  1. Geoff’s initiation into thriller writing
  2. How he moved from writing standalone novels to a 10-book thriller series
  3. The challenges of coming up with a full series vs. a standalone novel
  4. How ‘A Christmas Carol’ inspired his Jack Tyrrell series
  5. Differentiating your writing voice between different genres
  6. Using voice in screenplays
  7. Distinguishing voice between characters in novels and screenplays
  8. Every page of a book is dozens of choices coming together
  9. How Geoff uses a distinct and unique writing voice
  10. Using your voice to achieve different outcomes
  11. Picking a format that suits your message and tailoring your writing voice to it

Connect with Geoff online:

Website: https://geoffloftus.com/

The Jack Tyrrell series

Other books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B003AR7NH8/allbooks?ingress=0&visitId=1112e52f-33c8-406d-abde-276c864670b1&ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_byln

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/geoffloftussaugatuck

Find more from Jill:

Email: jill@thewritersrefuge.com


Writing Coaching Programs: https://www.thewritersrefuge.com/coaching

Sign up for my free 3x weekly writing session: Write to  jill@thewritersrefuge.com for ZOOM info

Special thanks to LVDY for allowing us to use their song, Saltwater, in the intro and outro of the podcast!

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