Voice Lessons: Uncovering and Claiming Your Unique, Creative Voice
You're a writer, artist, singer, choreographer. Think Lady Gaga, Judy Garland, Prince. Hemingway, JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien. Picasso, Van Gogh. You're tired of trying to uncover your voice by imitating other artists. If you've peeled back the layers of your voice and think you finally recognize it as yours, do you have the courage to claim it? These are the questions we aim to answer during my biweekly podcast, Voice Lessons: Covering and Claiming Your Unique, Creative Voice.
9 episodes
Marcia Menter’s Journey From Music to Magazines, and Finally, to Memoir
This week, I had the pleasure of talking with Marcia Menter, a seasoned writer and editor who has held senior positions at renowned magazines such as Glamour, Self, and Redbook. Marcia opened up about her multifaceted career and her book, “That...
Episode 8

Jeffry Denman's Journey from Broadway to Storytelling Through Dance
In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Jeffry Denman, an award-winning theater, TV, and film professional currently serving as the creative production manager at Imprint Events Group. Jeffry shares about his experience growing up a...
Episode 7

The Fascinating Story of Tommy Nichols and How He Found His Voice
I'm thrilled to have Tommy Nichols as our guest in this episode. Tommy's journey is nothing short of fascinating — from obtaining his BFA in acting and directing, to working as a children's TV scriptwriter for Disney, presenting cabaret shows i...
Episode 6

Behind the Unique Voice of Megan Baxter’s Essay Collection, Twenty Square Feet of Skin
I'm excited to welcome one of my favorite people, Megan Baxter to the podcast this week. Megan has had an impressive journey, from working on a farm while earning her BFA in poetry, to winning national awards including a Pushcart Prize, and lan...
Episode 5

How We Navigate the World Through Stories with Anne Beall, Chicago Story Press
In this episode, I'm thrilled to introduce you to my friend, student, and fellow author, Anne Beall. Anne's impressive career includes being featured in major publications like People Magazine and the Chicago Tribune and founding the Chicago St...
Episode 4

The Voice Behind the Jack Tyrrell Thriller Series with Author Geoff Loftus
This week, I'm excited to introduce you to my old friend and acclaimed thriller author, Geoff Loftus. Geoff’s impressive works, such as the Jack Tyrrell series and history-meets-business novel, ‘Lead Like Ike,’ have captivated many readers. In ...
Episode 3

Say Yes to the Muse and Surrender to the Page with Judy Reeves
Welcome back to Voice Lessons. I’m thrilled to introduce you all to my friend and award-winning writer, Judy Reeves. Judy and I first met nearly 30 years ago in London, and from that very first conversation, it was an instant connection. Judy w...
Episode 2

Becoming Friends with Our Voice to Heal Ourselves and Others with Kathleen Hooper
Welcome to the first-ever episode of Voice Lessons! I’m thrilled to introduce my friend, the multi-talented Kathleen Hooper, who hails from Colorado and has made a significant impact as a voice artist and musician. Kathle...
Episode 1

Welcome to the Voice Lessons Podcast!
Welcome to Voice Lessons, the podcast that helps you uncover your unique, creative voice, reclaim the artist within, and confidently transition to your next chapter in life — the creative chapter.Launching in October 2024, join me every...
Season 1
Episode 1