Gallus Alice and the Universe
Your BS free podcast to all things Spiritual
Podcasting since 2024 • 9 episodes
Gallus Alice and the Universe
Latest Episodes
Ep 9 - The Golden Thread
This episode we talk about intention, The Golden Thread, signs and more. Join the conversation on our socials.Hosted by Jacqueline Adams and Jacq Munro Insta - @gallusalice.andtheuniverseFacebook - @gallusaliceuniverse<...
Season 1
Episode 9
Ep 8 The Chakras
This episode we talk about the chakra system and how it helps us to understand the existence, movement and balance of energy in and around us. Hosted by Jacqueline Adams and Jacq Munro Insta - @gallusalice.andtheuniver...
Season 1
Episode 8
Ep 7 The Clairs
This episode we are talking about Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance and how each of us might experience them. Hosted by Jacqueline Adams and Jacq Munro Insta - @gallusalice.andtheuniverseFacebook - @ga...
Season 1
Episode 7
Ep 6 Tackling your BS
This episode we are talking about our BS - that's right BELIEF SYSTEMS We discuss how they shape us, how they block us and what we might do about them. Please do join in the conversation at our socials below Hosted by ...
Season 1
Episode 6
Ep 5 Religion v's Spirituality
Do Religion and Spirituality have some crossover? Are there things that you get from one but not the other? Why is Spirituality growing and Religion not?Come and hear our thoughts on it and please comment on our socials your own tuppenc...
Season 1
Episode 5