Dr. Ginger Bowler
Ginger Bowler, ThD, PhD, CBI is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana who now lives and works in Boulder, Colorado at her company Energy Events & Products and InfraSCULPT Boulder.
Dr. Bowler is also a co-founder and owner of Energy Events Global, LLC, which created and runs the LETS (Light and Energy Training seminars) the educational arm of her work.
She is the protégé of the renowned healer and Master Herbalist, Hanna Kroeger, ND. Ginger earned her ThD in Energy Medicine & Spiritual Healing from Holos University Graduate Seminary in Missouri and was awarded a PhD in Energy Medicine from Greenwich University for the same work.
In addition to teaching Hanna Kroeger’s work, she teaches BioGenesis, Quantum Biofeedback Certification, Understanding Energy, and is co-founder and co-author of the LETS Light Therapy Curriculum.