Turned On Podcast

Ep: 024 - Five Questions to Ask Yourself Each Day To Pick Yourself Up and Move Forward with Ashley Lemieux

September 10, 2019 Ashley Lemieux with Angelike and David Norrie Season 1 Episode 24
  • Finding the light and learning to shine when you feel like the life has been sucked out of you
  • Ashley talks about losing the children she and her husband were guardian of for four years
  • Trying to outrun or avoid your pain. How can we bare a heartache we think no human can live through? 
  • It is OK to not be Ok. Allowing the emotion to just be and then deciding what to put back in to the emptiness
  • The FIVE questions to ask yourself every morning when you get out of bed.
  • What is your intention for the day?
  • Letting go. Sometimes you have to let go of the past before you can pick up and move forward.
  • Healing yourself by blessing others. How doing something for somebody else is a great way breathe again. 
  • Why am I worthy? Shedding the layers and labels we identify ourselves by. Taking those off.
  • We're all perfectly imperfect and capable of making an impact on the world if we address our humanness.  
  • How are you showing up? Making a commitment to do the things that need to be done on a day to day basis.
  • Creating good habits to thrive in your life and make the good habits a natural part of your everyday focus.
  • Healing ins't one moment, its movement. Just keep moving.
  • We all need a shot of courage. Your story is not yet over. You are born to shine. 


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