Turned On Podcast

Ep: 026 - Being Memorable in the Marketplace with David and Angelike Norrie

Angelike and David Norrie Season 1 Episode 26

What happens when we exhaust a medium to contact our prospects?

Being personal and being authentic is the name of the game.

We’re all trying to move “at scale” but at “what cost”?  Are we making our customers feel like numbers?

The best “word of mouth” messenger of all time

How can we talk about this without being hypocritical while promoting in the same space? 

How to cater to our customers

Keeping your customers means catering to their needs

Four categories or problems we see when getting our message out.

Why and How overthinking sucks

When social media intrudes into your thought process

What happens when we have access to too many choices

A jack of all trades, a master of none isn’t the best way to grow your business.

Seeking confirmation vs inspiration when on the journey to succeeding

Has playing it safe really prevented us from saying what we are passionate about?

Two words that sum up how to stand out in your brand 

Stop focusing on the one negative person who doesn’t agree with you and instead focus on the hundreds who do 

Success comes when you narrow your focus.

Be relentless in pursuit of what makes you happy

The best and most successful way of getting business

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