Turned On Podcast

Ep: 030 - A Divine Directive; When the World Says "No", But God Says "Yes" with Natasha Nascimento

Natasha Nascimento interviewed by Angelike and David Norrie Season 1 Episode 30
  • How she went from #1 in the finance industry and had the life that looked amazing but didn't feel amazing lead her to volunteering 
  • Her gross realization of the profound issue of child prostitution in the US was defined as illegal yet in the foreign country it was human trafficking. 
  • Her fire was lit knowing that just because a child is born and raised in the US they had a "choice" and it wasn't trafficking it was prostitution 
  • You don’t need to be an expert, you just have to be persistent and passionate
  • When you’re dealing with very serious subjects like sex trafficking, sometimes you need to package it in a way the public can digest it in order to get things accomplished.
  • History is full of incredible accomplishments that came from the will of just one person.
  • When you are a believer, you work with the power of the entire universe inside of you.
  • Forget what people say about you or tell you what you can or can’t do. What does God say?
  • Sometimes a setback isn’t a setback at all, but its closing one door to open a bigger one you just can’t see yet.
  • Listen to your heart. Be obedient because you must trust the Kingdom of heaven within you, not outside of you. 

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