Turned On Podcast

Ep: 034 - What Does Your Gut Say? - A simpler, holistic approach to health with Briana Owen

Angelike and David Norrie Season 1 Episode 34
  • Briana's health journey - when she realized inflammation and toxicity affect our internal health more than ANYTHING
  • Her search for answers that lead her to find the root cause of her mysterious symptoms: skin rashes, acne, weight gain digestive upset, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue
  • Prior to her journey she was a nutrition specialist but found herself on this journey with minimal answers. 
  • Two and half years of experimenting herself to heal and teach others they can heal as well when conventional medicine continues to overmedicate and treat symptoms instead of cause
  • Why anxiety doesn't always equal mental health - everything in out body effects the other 
  • Why now its so culturally common to see infertility
  • How the Divine Order relates to the body and internal health
  • The gut is the epicenter where health or illness is born
  • The foundation of everything we do should always reside in our nutritional practices
  • What does a healthy gut look like? Feel like? How do we achieve it?
  • What does inflammation look and feel like that you may be experiencing and think its "normal"
  • Hormones, happiness and immune system and how they are related to the gut
  • Good bacteria and bad bacteria 
  • Why our body is smarter than we are
  • The Precautionary Principle and how it doesn't apply to our society in terms of health
  • How GMOs, pesticides, etc are destroying our internal health
  • Government and pharmaceutical funding that is hiding critical information from us
  • Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen
  • The truth isn't sexy but it will change your life when you are awakened to it
  • How to simplify what seems to be an overwhelming change to better your health
  • Genetics load the gun and the environment pulls the trigger 
  • Start paying attention to what your body is telling you and make these small changes which will change your life


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