Turned On Podcast

Ep. 79: The Pursuit of Excellence - How to show up extraordinarily even when you're feeling ordinary

October 20, 2020 Angelike and David Norrie Season 2 Episode 79
  • Intention of what we are to steward in our everyday life
  • How distractions keep us from being excellent
  • How are we slipping individually and globally into the trap of "good enough"
  • Are you pursuing the quantity or the quality of your standards ?
  • Excellence has nothing to do with what impression we want to leave on other, yet the world teaches us that validation equals excellence
  • The fine line between vanity and excellence
  • How you can be excellent in your body, marriage/family, business and faith walk
  • When the pursuit of excellence is stalled or destroyed in its confused with perfection 
  • Taking an audit of your life each day and using grace and strategy to course correct
  • The slippery slope of "being a good person" vs the "pursuit of (biblical) excellence"

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