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Hope, Surviving the Loss of Suicide

When someone you love dies from suicide it can be a very lonely and isolating experience. It can feel like you are all alone in this big world without anyone to talk to who can truly understand the immense loss you are grieving. John and myself, both volunteer as peer support survivors in a group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. We have both experienced a loss to suicide and want to help others who are dealing with a similar loss to ourselves. Many people feel a sense of community in our support groups knowing they are not the only one going through this tragedy. We realize that so may people are unable to attend these groups for various reasons, work, family commitments, lack of resources in your area, or the inability to walk through the door of a survivor group because your loss is just too painful. Our goal with our podcast HOPE, is to reach as many people as possible who are grieving the lost of a loved one to suicide. As much and we wish there was no taboo around mental health and suicide, it still exist, thus those left behind to grieve feel that stigma in our grieving as well. We want everyone to know, YOU are not alone. Join as as we go through the process of loss and grief while we openly discuss our journeys and experiences. We will also bring in guests who have different opinions and knowledge to help enlighten our listeners understanding of loss and grief.

Hope, Surviving the Loss of Suicide