Rise Resolute Podcast

A little love for you this December: Advice and stories from women on finding your joy during this busy time of year.

December 12, 2019 Gina Meyer, DPT Season 1 Episode 32

This episode we are changing it up a bit to bring you encouragement and love during this busy (and sometimes overwhelming) time of year. Connect and Rise with Sara Kornokovich, Cindi Havert, Autumn Schubmehl, Lisa Kovacevic, and Kristen Lang. Each brings a different perspective, but the same message this holiday season: you’ve got this! You will be inspired to embrace the joy of the season by holding close those who really matter, letting go of perfection, and caring for yourself and others. Our wish for you is peace amidst the crazy and a moment of pause to be present in your day; it will only come once. Happy Holidays with love.