Rise Resolute Podcast

Hadlee: Tap inward.

June 03, 2020 Gina Meyer, DPT Season 2 Episode 21

Though we do not talk about the need for justice and anti-racism in this episode, it is on our minds and discussed briefly at the beginning of this episode. More conversations on what we can do are planned. We are all a part of the change. 

In this episode, Connect and Rise with Hadlee, a health and wellness coach who believes in the power of creating healthy habits. Hadlee takes us through her personal struggles and her journey towards a happier and healthier version of herself. She offers powerful insight on how to BE MORE instead of DOING MORE and why what we do shouldn’t define us or dictate our happiness, rather who we are. She also discusses what life in quarantine has been like for her. She suggests that we look at this time as the invitation that it is. It’s a different invitation for all of us, but try to think of the one opportunity you are given at this time. Focus on it. What are your blessings? How can you tap inward? And when you do, our hope it that you take a moment to thoughtfully consider how you can be a part of the change. Vote. Pursue Justice. Be kind to all.