The Print Cast

Part 2 | Prints and Their Makers with Master Printer Phil Sanders

Nicholas Naughton Season 2 Episode 12

This episode is Part 2 of my conversation with Phil Sanders, author of Prints and Their Makers, a new book out from Princeton Architectural Press about artists and master printers and the processes that bring them together. If you haven’t heard Part 1, it precedes this episode in your feed so I encourage you to catch up before listening to this installment of The Print Cast.

 If you are all caught up, then today is a treat for you because we’re about to embark on a lengthy Let’s Get Technical segment regarding relief printing, and other logistical things related to print publishing. Since it is rare that I have a guest like Phil, I wanted to indulge a bit over how to approach making a relief or block print, and he offers up some really helpful tips regarding printing, prepping, and even some creative ideas that might help you transcend your current working process. 

At the end Phil tells us about where you can find his new book, and I encourage you to go out and pick up a copy. Find your local art book dealer and see if they have it, or feel free to order direct from my guest Phil Sanders. He even offers some collector editions which include hand pulled prints to go with this hefty addition to your print book collection.