Coffee with Joffy

Episode #43 Living on the veg

May 20, 2020 Joff Bunt Season 1 Episode 43

My wife Grace and I have been vegetarian for just over a year now. Considering meat was such a big part of our lives for over 29 years we honestly don't miss it. 

I get asked a lot of questions when I tell someone I am vegetarian because of my job as a health and fitness coach, and when discussing this the other day, we realised Grace too, was getting similar reactions, so we wanted to put our thoughts and answers to these questions into a podcast so we could give some more context around our decisions and day to day life. 

This is not a propaganda podcast to try and convince you to go vegetarian or tell you how great we feel for giving up meat, it is more to share practical examples and our experience over the last year that might help you if you are considering making the switch.

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