The My Practice My Business Dental Podcast

Third-Party Payers Use "Bundling" in the CDT Code Book Against Us

Robert Thorup, DDS Season 4 Episode 9

There are times where I wonder if the ADA really knows what is going on with dentists on the front lines. It’s apparent their actions often times do not reflect it. 

Many years ago, Tracy and I began research on bundling of procedures by dental insurance companies. We began to build the case against third-party payers with their constant tactics of preventing us from being paid fairly for the services we provide as dentists and hygienists.  

Again, years ago, Tracy came across a statement from the ADA Center for Professional Success which reads, “Claims bundling is the systematic combining of distinct dental procedures by third-party payers that results in a reduced benefit for the patient/beneficiary. The ADA considers bundling of procedures to be potentially fraudulent.”

If that is the case, then why is bundling verbiage found in the CDT Code Book?

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