The My Practice My Business Dental Podcast

Our Thoughts and Prayers are with All of You

March 23, 2020 Robert Thorup, DDS Season 2 Episode 11

This is without a doubt one of the toughest times I've seen in our Nation. Lots of shaming and bullying going on with dental networking groups within our state, dentists just trying to hold on as they are still seeing patients that are willing to come in. Misinformation, conflicting information, and decisions trying to be made as to how best to handle what is going on in the world at this time. Our Nation reeling from the economic effects that one little bug has caused. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you're attempting to do your best to provide for your families. God bless our healthcare workers battling this bug, and those who suffer from it. We love all of you, and want you to have faith that this too shall pass. It will make us stronger, and hopefully wiser too.

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