Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Signs That Your Manifestation Is Near! ⛵ Synchronicities | Affirmations | Clarity

Roxy Talks Episode 278

Pay attention to what the universe is showing you. In this episode, I share what I saw in the middle of the ocean that absolutely floored me. I also explain installing and repeating affirmations that you want to accept into your psyche, why jealousy is a killer of your manifestations, and why getting clear on what you want is the only way The Universe can respond.

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

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When the universe gives something you want to, someone else, that's a good thing. It's showing you that it's possible. You manifested it. It's showing you abundance. It's showing you your power and it's your cue to be like, ah, mine's coming. They got theirs. Ooh, mine's next.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

You know how, uh, synchronicities are like, they're, it's almost like you, you had to be there kind of moments. So there it's, it's hard to explain, you know, later, but I just wanna share, like, this one that I had, that was just so weird. Um, it was so random and there've just been like, Fast and happening really quickly.

So, um, we went to go take a walk on the, oh, okay. Actually first off, lemme back up. So I got some new cards that are, there are cards to increase your, um, your intuition and your, um, I can't remember exactly they're brand new, so I can't remember exactly what they're called. It's like, uh, cards to increase year intuition and like your connection.

To the other, your mediumship or whatever. And so I just like, I, I got 'em, we came home, I opened them up and I looked at a few of them and I just kind of like read 'em and tuned in a little bit. And one of 'em was about like colors, so helping you to see auras and stuff. So it was just about like, if you tune into colors and get really like, like deep into them and kind of like soak them.

When you see them then like, you'll see more of them and manifest more. Right. And obviously that, that reminds you like the RAs, which is the particular activating system, which is the thing in our brain that like, when you say like, I wanna Lamborghini or something, you start seeing Lamborghini all over the places.

There's, there's a scientific term for the particular activating system. So it's like your brain, uh, out of all the information that you're sifting constantly, it's showing you that thing because you've set out, um, uh, an intention to see more of it. So naturally me as I'm reading this, I'm holding the cards in my hand and I just look at my nails and I'm like, oh, pink.

Cuz I love pink obviously. So I'm like, yeah, let's see more pink. So, um, so we went for, we went for a couple walks. We went for like a walk with the dog and then we went for a walk without the dog or so I can't remember exactly how the, the order of things went, but like first I saw like a pink car driving down the street was this before or after, uh, I think this is after actually, so me back up, so we went on a walk and I was, I decided, I was like, oh yeah, pink.

I'm just gonna soak more pink up. So we go to the beach and out on the wa we go to the beach several times a week. We're always there. There's always sailboats out on the beach this day, minutes, minutes, minutes, minutes after I do this, set this intention to be in pink, to see pink and be just like, oh, pink.

I love pink. That's really all I did. I didn't even really.  do much, except soak up the color of my nails. And I get to the beach. We get to the beach. There was a fucking hot pink sailboat. I have never in my life. I took a picture of it. Never in my life. Obviously never seen a pink. I don't really sail. I've never seen a hot pink sailboat.

I've never seen a pink sailboat. I've never, I didn't even know you could have pink sales. So I'm having me. So I'm having this, that exact conversation with my husband. Cause I'm tripping out. I'm like, oh my God, I just set the intention to see pink and holy shit. Like it wa I told you I wanted to go to the beach.

It was calling me, there's a fucking pink sail out and I'm tripping out and filming this thing. I'm like, I could not believe it. And it's just like following us the whole way, the whole way we're walking. It's just following the, the direction we're going. I'm like, oh my God, this pink sailboat, I could not get over.

The fact there was a hot pink fucking sailboat, never in my life, 38 years old, never even knew you could have that. Right. And again, over and over. And I'm like, I turned in my house. I was like, did you know, they have hot pink sales? And he's like, he's like, I've seen like black sales and I've seen like white sales and that's pretty much it.

Okay. So that was that conversation. Right? So we kind of just go on about our day we're we're at the beach. We're just chilling, putting our feet in the water. We look up hot, pink boat is gone. Gone. Like, I don't know where it went because it had been following us. So like, it couldn't have gone that far out of the whole, you know, horizon of ocean hot pink boat is gone.

Okay. So we're like, that's weird. We start walking back home. There was a black sail sailboat in the fuck what a fucking day. And then we get home and there, I saw a pink car on the way home parked on the street, get home in here. Pink car drives past. House through past my front door. So that was a weird fucking day.

I was like, wow.  has anybody ever heard of a sale? Like a pink sailboat? I've now I'm like, well, now I know that's a thing. Cause now, now I have to have that. Um, And then here's another minor one. It's not even like that, that major, but I was scrolling down my feed and, um, I saw a video on my YouTube's home feed on my phone, and I saw a post from Andrea Shelman.

Who's another, um, manifestation channel and. I stopped to look at it because she was talking about, um, like the, you know, the scammers that send the DMS that try to, so there's YouTube scammers that will send you DMS with a fake profile that looks like a YouTuber, and they'll try to get you to send them money.

And it's happened to like all the YouTubers I follow, and I saw that it was happening to her. So I just happened to click on the post, cuz that caught my eye. So I click on this post. And then I realized she's wearing a Roxy hat. So I was like, oh, that's so interesting. She's wearing a Roxy hat. And then I start scrolling through the comments.

And for some reason I just see this one, I noticed that she had responded to it. And I just was curious. It's just like, is this like 10 seconds worth of time where I'm like, oh, I see the post click on it. Oh, she responded to this comment. Let's see what she said. And she goes something like. Thank you Roxanne or something like that.

Like the person who had commented his name was Roxanne, which is my name  and I just, it was just, I was like, babe, look at this, fuck it's synchron I'm shifting. And you guys know I'm changing stuff. That's going on with my stuff. Like I just shut down one-on-one coaching. Um, so obviously I'm on the right path.

Uh, no matter how scary and different it is for me, clearly I'm on the right path. I'm getting a lot of synchronicities, a lot of like crazy, just random confirmation in 3d, just all day, every day.

Georgina says, I don't know exactly what it is that I want. I'm confused. And because of that, I feel like I've become obsessive with manifesting. I'm trying to let go, but I'm having a hard time in the 3d. Okay. Dunno exactly what it is that I want confused, because I feel like I've become obsessive with manifesting and trying to let go, but we're having a hard time.

So. The first thing obviously is you really need to get clear on what it is that you want, because you're not gonna be able to let go. If you don't have clarity on what it is that you want, if you're constant, like, is it, this is it, that is it. Should I have this? Should I, that that's the opposite of letting go?

And it, even if it's like, like, not that, like, how do I say, it's almost like it's the letting go is meta because. It's not even necessarily that you can't let go. I don't know for sure. But it also might be that you can't let go of the idea of manifesting it when you're waffling back and forth between the things you're literally not letting go of the manifestation in order for it to like leave and come back.

Right. You're holding onto it. So. So either way you really wanna work on getting clarity, because the other part about it is that the universe cannot bring you what you want. If you don't know what it is. And if you're not clear about it, it can give you like, if you're giving mixed signals, it's gonna give you mixed reaction, mixed responses, mixed 3d BS.

So you have to offer a really clear signal in order to get a clear outcome. And if you want the outcome you want, then you need to first figure out what that is and then dedicate yourself to, um, adopting that awareness. So first things first, I would suggest maybe meditating on it. Maybe scripting, maybe doing like maybe you could do a pros and cons list.

Like, I don't know what your thing is. I don't know exact, I don't know what we're talking about when I'm feeling intuitively is like, what if it's like a, I don't know, is it like this person or that person? I don't know. I'm just gonna make this up this person or that person. Do with this person list or that person list pros and cons for each, get it out on paper, look at it, like, just look at it, black and white of where you're at with both of these issues, whatever they are, if it's people or situations, whatever, look at where you're at instinctively on both things.

And then you might, if you don't have a clear, um, a clearer picture, then, then I would say, go into a meditation and just kind of like go down the road. Okay. What would my life be like if I went with this thing, what would my life be like if I went with that thing and, um, Get comfortable with the idea of one being the best option, not which one, but just that one of them is clearly the best option for me.

And it's, I'm, I'm figuring it out and it's very clear to me and it's obvious, which is my best option, even that, oh, I know exactly which to pick or whatever the thing is like saying that, you know, what you want, instead of saying, you don't know is much more helpful because that will at least manifest a reality where the information can come to.

Saying that you don't know what it is, keeps the information out. So you're confused and, and feeling obsessed because, okay. Imagine how confused and obsessive it would, you would become if you were trying to get to a destination, but you didn't know where you were trying to go, but you were traveling like you couldn't stop traveling.

You didn't know where you were going. That'd be confusing. And, um, probably become obsessive of trying to figure out where the hell you're going. Instead of doing this ask backwards where you're, you're going and trying to figure out on the way, take a moment to kind of pause and reflect and figure out where you want to go and then let the traveling commence.

If that makes sense. And then once you're there, it'll be easier to let go, because you'll know exactly what you want. You'll have your affirmation set. You'll know what you, what not to do. You know what obviously, which is like waffling back and forth and, uh, stressing about the decision. Just pick one. And if you decide you don't like it, then just change it.

And there's no, there's no harm, no foul. You can just keep choosing.

Sonny says I'm feeling really insecure lately. Been with my partner almost two years and I feel it that his messages are just so boring and uninspired these days feeling like I might not be good enough. If you think you're not good enough, he's definitely gonna reflect that to you. So my advice to you is to start making yourself feel like the shit again.

Or if you haven't before, how can you do that? Like, I'm kind of going through that myself. Like I got like really lost in work and working from home, you know, there's no, like I never leave. I never go anywhere. So it's like, I'm trying to create a new. Life for myself and leave more and do things and dress differently and not differently, but just more of like myself and more of like, what makes me feel good to be me, I guess, you know what I mean?

Um, so, and then when you do that and, and it's not just dressing, but like it's, that's a place you can start is like, how can I, how can I. How can I make myself on the outside look like I wanna feel on the inside, right? Like starting with your outside and working on taking care of yourself in ways that.

Put you on the pedestals. What I'm trying to say, you wanna put yourself on the pedestal. So we wanna see ourselves as the prize, as the badass, as the one that's sought after not the other way around. And so in order to do that, it's like you wanna, like, how can you admire yourself? What can you do to make you admire yourself, taking the focus off of what they're not doing and putting it on what you could do to embrace and love yourself more.

So I think that repeating the same affirmation is better or rampaging. When do you think is better or to do either, or I think both, obviously you would, would wanna do both cause okay. Think about it like this. You're always manifesting. You're always affirming. Every thought you think is an affirmation.

Right. So think about what a real life rampage would be. And what a real life repeating the same affirmation would be. I'm gonna go with the negative because most of us are more familiar with the negative, right? A negative rampage is literally just a spiral. What are they doing? What are they thinking?

How would they they're I wish they, what then this, and this might happen this time. Then what if they do this? And that time, remember that time when I did this, that is a negative rampage, essentially. Versus like repeating the same affirmation. Like I'm, I don't know. I'm just gonna pick one. Like I fucking suck.

I fucking, oh my God. I'm so fucking stupid. I'm so fucking stupid. I fucking over fucking hate myself. I'm so fucking stupid. This fucking suck. God, I fucking, oh fucking every, I fuck everything up. I'm so fucking stupid. Undo, undo. Sorry story. It's not me. Right. But do you see how it's like, we already do both.

We do them for certain situations. And if you can switch that mechanism and do it in the positive, it will suit you much better sometimes. Like in this instance, when do I think it's a good instance to repeat your affirmation? One would be when you're trying to, what are the terms I use? Like, um, like hammer it in or drill in or you're trying to, um, install it.

That's why I usually call it install. That's why I call it 360 when you're installing an affirmation. I would say over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Forget for a while. Do your thing. Oh yeah. That affirmation over and over and over and over and over and over and over for like a couple.

That'll really like hammer it in, you're installing a new affirmation. So you can kind of, kind of, kind of accept it into your psyche. So that would be one instance where I would say one is better. Another one would be when, like, if you, one instance I like to say to people is like pick an affirmation that kind of encompasses your whole, like everything working out for you.

Like, like if you're. P stuff. I have the best partner in the world. I have the best husband in the world. I have the best wife in the world. I have the best blah, blah in the world, or whatever kind of covers all your bases and let it, lets it be the, like the best possible version of that person for you.

Right. Things like that, where it's like a blanket affirmation, I think is a good one to just go over and over and over on the same one. Or obviously if you have a specific, you know, thing you're talking about. And also I think it's good sometimes to just have one affirmation that, you know, you can go to because sometimes you forget your affirmations.

So. There's good reasons to do. You obviously want both, you don't wanna have either or you wanna cover all your bases. Sometimes we repeat the same thing over and over in our heads. Sometimes we drill down into a hole, so we wanna, and, and we go up too. So we wanna again, spiral up and then if you're gonna be hammering on something, hammer on something that's beneficial to you.

I'm jealous. She has my dream life and boyfriend. Dream life and boyfriend. Okay. This is one way that I would say everything on my dream board, even the S P originally wanted. Okay. All right. Here's the deal. Couple things. First off, stop going on social media. Then if it's triggering to go on it, quit putting yourself in that situation.

Second and quit looking at their shit. Take a break. You're not gonna lose everything if you stopped doing social media. So. Second, when the universe gives something you want to someone else, that's a good thing. It's showing you that it's possible. You manifested it. It's showing you abundance. It's showing you your power and it's your cue to be like, ah, mine's coming.

They got theirs. Ooh, mine's next. If you take what you want showing up in someone else's life as meaning you don't get it now. Guess what? You don't get it. Now, if you take what you want showing up is some in someone else's life, meaning yours is coming now. Guess what? Yours is coming now. It's everything that you say.

So instead of looking at what someone else has and being like, oh, they got what I want. You should be like, damn, look how good I am at manifesting. I even manifested this bitch a good life. My life's gonna be. We never take the power away from ourselves. And if you find yourself doing it snap back into it, jealousy.

Is unuseful for manifesting because it screams, I don't have what I want. Jealousy can be useful in manifesting. If you look at it and be like, Ooh, guess who's getting that now. You know what I mean? Like when I see something with something I want, I'm like, Ooh, guess who like earlier with the story about the pink sailboat, I didn't even know that existed, but guess what?

Instead of being jealous that there was a hot pink sailboat on the, that someone else had a boat and it was hot pink and they're out in the ocean. And I was just out there on the sand. I was like, guess who's getting a fucking hot pink sailboat. Me. So it's, I would much rather exist in the reality where like, I can't wait to find out how the fuck this sailboat comes into my life than like me.

I don't have a pizza. Me, I should have a boat. You know what I mean? It's like, it just doesn't. It doesn't work for manifesting. So it's not that it doesn't hurt. It's not that it doesn't suck. It's that if you want to change it, you need to change. You need to change the way you're looking at it. The way you're talking about it, the way you're acting about it, pretend it may still hurt, but you pretend like it's great because if you act like, yeah, fuck.

Yeah. I'm so happy for them cuz their relationship is incredible. If that's the SP she got, I cannot wait to see who mine. Because of course it's gonna be better if that's the attitude you take and not in a, in a malicious way, but just so that you're not like, I wish that was mine. It's just better energy to exist and, and that gets, it's gonna come back to you eventually.

Right? So, so stay that in that, um, energy and yeah. Stay away from your phone, stay away from the social media, because any manifestation you're working on, if you're letting yourself get triggered into thinking the opposite, like it, what are you doing? You know, like lessen that as much as possible. Lance says, that's why I thought when the guy in Illinois won mega millions this week, you know, what's funny is like, I knew I was gonna win that.

I, we did, we won 10 bucks. Um, but I was like, fuck you. Like when I saw the cuz the like, when I walked, you know, you walk by like a ommunity store, liquor store, they have those numbers outside, so you can tell. And so, like, it was like 6, 660. And so we got it. Or the next, I think didn't somebody win like 20 million or something off that when it was first at 600 and then, um, we bought it and then my husband was.

We get to be billionaires, wanna be billionaires. And I was like, yeah. And he's like, cause it's up to like almost a billionaire. I'm like, fuck. Yeah. Like, instead of being like, oh, when didn't win it, it was more just like, fuck. Now we get a chance to be billionaires. So we went and got the tickets. I felt really abundant.

I was really excited. We ended up winning 10 buck. I won the, I fucking won. We did win. And then when I, I was like, somebody became a fucking billion that's so like that's incredible. That's so amazing. That's so awesome. That's so fuck. Yeah. Like. How could I be anything but so excited that somebody just became a billionaire basically overnight.

That is amazing. So if you know, you wanna keep the energy of the excitement and the fun of it and the thrill and the, but also I don't need this, the, oh, oh, oh, oh. I wanna share something with you guys, because, because that happened when, when we got that ticket and I was like, you know what, we're gonna win.

We're gonna win. And I was like, I never have to worry again. And I'll never have to worry again. And I keep hearing. I think it's going to the chapel. And I think they say I will never be lonely anymore that lyric, but I keep hearing that, but it's like, it will never have to worry anymore, even though that's not what the lyric is, but it's like playing like that in my head.

And so ever since that day, that's when I've been having all these crazy, crazy synchronicities, like a bunch of 'em just like super lining up as I'm just been like, I don't ever have to worry again. I'll never have to worry again and I never have to worry again. And I felt that way after we bought that ticket.

And, and then what I also realized in that moment was like, I could feel this way without having, I don't even need to finish this sentence. I never have to worry again. I'll never have to worry again, and I never have to fucking worry again. We never have to worry again. And do you see me doing the one?

This is the, and I'm coming back to someone that's earlier question about one affirmation over and over. This is where I'll hammer it and never have to worry again, because I don't wanna forget this. And somebody might ask. Is it bad? Cuz you're saying never or no or whatever. I don't, in my opinion, I don't think so because we talk like that all the time and it's still, it's like the implication, we know the implication, right?

I never have to fucking worry again. I never have to fucking worry again. That feels fucking great. We'll never have to worry again that I don't need anything to adopt that mentality. And ever since I have that's when all these weird things have been happening, like the sailboat and like the Roxy thing, and those are just a couple of the ones I remember, but it's just been constant, even like synchronicities with people here in the.

Says, there are so many ways we can manifest money that we haven't even thought of. Path of least resistance. Actually, that's such a fucking astute. I don't know if you that's an astute, an astute observation of your own, or if you got that from somebody else, but how. How little resistance is there on the paths that we have not yet thought of.

Fuck Dina. Holy shit. This is so fucking important. Okay. I often tell my clients. The reason it's very important to not micromanage your manifestations is because like, if I were to ask you, like, what are some ways that you think you could get in? Like if you were in no contact with a, with a person, like, let's say you're in no contact, what are some ways that you think of that you could get in that you could get in contact or they could contact you?

I guarantee you, you could probably list like maybe 20 tops. We're just not that inventive, like reach out on Facebook, Instagram, maybe WhatsApp. They don't have my number. I don't know they could get my email from so, and so maybe I could run him into the, at this thing. Somebody I know, works with them here.

Maybe they could blow up like literally your list of ways that it could happen in your mind is fucking short. Okay. And not only that, but those six or seven paths of getting your manifestation are full of resistance because. Facebook I guess, but, and then maybe they can me. Okay. Whereas all of the other ways, like, remember the time when I was telling a really convoluted story about how one of my clients made something, ended up sending it to somebody else, just, just on a whim.

And then that's what inspired that person to like find them on social media. They never would've thought that like creating something randomly one day, just for the fun of doing crafts. Would it be the, the avenue through which the SP would come through. They would've never in their mind thought that that would happen, especially too, cuz they had this story that their SP would not make the first move or not reach out or not be like wouldn't, wouldn't be on social media with them.

So. Those the sixth paths that you can think of. Not only is there just a very few finite amount of them, they're full of resistance, whereas the near infinite, other fucking random ways things can come about, you have no clue about therefore they don't have any resistance. So to be real honest with you, your best bet is that it doesn't come about in a way that you think it might, right?

Because if it comes about in a way that you think it. There's this, and then it might come this, and I feel like I might have to do this in order to get this. If I do this first, then they can, I hear these stories all the time. I can't get this, tell I do this. I wanna do this, but I have to do this first.

If you do that, you are limiting yourself severely. Instead of just being like I have the thing or it is what it is, or blah, blah, blah, all of those options that you don't consider, if you allow them to, to be what comes through, you have a bunch. Paths of least resistance that you don't need to meddle in.

You don't need to conceive of you don't need to try to finagle. You don't have to do anything except sit back and let them unfold.

What I want everyone to do for your homework is seven days visualizing your ideal self, your ideal reality, your home, the money, that job, whatever it is that lo that you would be happy doing, or that signifies everything's working out for you. And go be in that, go live in it, go soak it up. Like literally go spend 15, 20, 30, 45 minutes, however many minutes.

Living in that house, working in that job, being with that person, but all of 'em, all the things, everything seven days of meditating on your ideal self, the point of this one is for you to get really comfortable seeing yourself. In your ideal reality and seeing that it's a possibility, knowing that it's real getting in the, the vibration of it, getting into the feelings of it and being able to hold that image, cuz that's what you were saying was the problem is being able to kind of see yourself there holding that image.

So I want you to practice holding that image, hold that image for 15 minutes, at least every single day for the next week and see what happens and come back next week. I appreciate you. I love you. And I will see you next week.