Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Manifest Physical Health With 4 Steps ~ Mindset Monday BACK2SCHOOL Series

Roxy Talks Episode 281

Shut down your thoughts in real-time when they start to derail you. Sometimes we have to ignore the 3D and use the cornerstones of my 360 method - awareness and discipline - to get back on track. Tune in as we talk about why when something goes wrong, you should look at it as the exception and not the rule. I also share a story about healing your physical body and the 4-step process that worked for me when I was dealing with a health issue last year.

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

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You wanna make sure that when you see the, the actions that you don't like, it's the exception, not the rule, right? Because we've been flip flopping it, we see things that we don't like, and we're like, see, that's how it always is. And we're expecting the exception to come through and fix everything. But our language isn't set up to do that.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome. Of the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method. Which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

Um, okay. Opinions on manifesting perfect health. So first off I have a, I actually have a couple videos. Um, there is a mindset Monday episode from it's almost exactly a year. It would probably be the beginning of June 20th, 2020. Excuse me, 2021. And I'm wearing a white. Um, there's the mindset Monday. And then there is a podcast episode from around the same time.

End of end of may, early June, 2021, where I discuss manifesting physical healing in your body. And, um, in the mindset Monday video, actually in both videos, I. Suffering from Bell's palsy at the time. So, you know, it was, it was a really difficult time for me, but I, but, um, you know, I I'm showing in real time how to deal with an illness or something.

That's like really hard. Like, you know, I'm sitting there with half my face, not working and I'm affirming through it on that video call on the mindset Monday. Um, so. I would direct you there to show you like how, um, and then in the podcast episode, I have like a four step process for healing and I break it down in the podcast episode.

Um, I would say definitely dive into that and then Joda spenda also does a lot on healing and healing with the mind, like how to do that, I guess. But so I'll say this, my four step process is number one. Is disidentifying disassociating with the illness. So, so first off I would never call incurable again.

I would erase lifelong as well. So I, and so let's, let me talk about mine. I'm more comfortable saying Bell's palsy now, but at the time I wouldn't say it. I wouldn't even use the word. I changed the word. So if I heard it or I had to say it, I would change it in my mind to Bell's perfection, cuz I was like, okay, Bell's a Disney princess.

She has a perfectly symmetrical face. I have a perfectly symmetrical. Whatever. So I changed it in my mind to Bell's perfection. That's what I called it. And so that was step one and I don't have the other thing I have Bell's perfection, cuz I look like a fucking Disney princess. And do you see how symmetrical and perfect my face is?

Like that's, that's where my mind would go. This is how I describe it when it would come with my mind. And if somebody would say it or if you know, I have to talk to the doctor or if I'm talking to people, whatever it is, anytime I would think about it, look in the mirror. Obviously I would have to change the name of it.

And then I did not associate the fact that I had it. So it's like two things. Change the name and. And you don't have it. Right. So both of those things, I would say here, take, Incurables gone forever to ever fucking hurt of her lifelong. Mm. I don't fucking think so because it's about time that shit's leaving.

So I don't know what you mean by lifelong. Have I, you know, been working towards enjoying my ideal body for a while. Yeah, I have. And I'm really excited for this new chapter where I'm gonna enjoy the fruits of my labor or something like that. We just, we cannot assume that it's like, Don't assume that it's incurable or that it's lifelong.

I don't care. Who's told you that. Like who the fuck them? Why are you listening to them? It's this is your life, your body. You make the decisions. Okay. So that step one, step two is doing the, um, hold on. Sorry. I don't remember. I don't know. I might say, I might say it out of order, to be honest with you. I don't remember what order I put it in the episode, but it's um, actually now I do remember maybe it's visualizations, the.

Visualization affirmations and then doing the work. Yeah. Okay. So, so it's changing the association and then the next thing would be using visualization to. For me, like when I was doing my face, I was every single day. I was visualizing all of my nerve endings, reconnecting and firing up and just over and over, I was like, like a switchboard.

I was flipping it on and everything lights up, flipping on everything, lights up. I like looked at the, um, the actual nerve patterns of the face. So I could see exactly where my nerves were so that I, when I visualize them, I was visualizing the right fucking shit, you know, and like visualizing this like little lightning bolts and zing on just make, turning it on, turning it on, turning it on all day long.

Cause I had nothing. I couldn't watch TV. I couldn't read, I couldn't do anything I could barely see. So I just had to sit around and I was just turning my face on all day long, turning my face on turning my face on turning my face on visualizing. The other part of it was is the affirmations. You know, my face is perfectly symmetrical.

It works perfectly fine. It worked both sides work evenly. When I smile on both sides, you know, all those things, describing what I wanted it to be like. I had to use affirmations, not only the visualization, but the affirmation to describe what I wanted my, my body to.  and then the fourth step is to actually do the physical 3d world healing, whatever it is that, you know, don't stop taking your medication, don't stop doing your 3d or physical therapy or whatever it is.

We still do the 3d reality stuff because that stuff is manifestation as well. Those things are manifestations as well. So, you know, I, I, I would never, uh, suggest people don't listen to their doctors as far as like treatment goes. When I say don't listen to them. I mean, like when they tell you it's incur.

Don't adopt that lifestyle. When they tell you this is forever, don't adopt that lifestyle. Like whether or not it's existing in your body, that's a different fucking story. I'm not gonna tell myself and, and live the life of, and put the identity. I dag on myself that says, I'm gonna have this for life. I don't fucking think so.

Let them carry that fucking burden. That's not you, but. Still obviously take your medication, do your treatment like that part. I'm not, I'm not, please don't think that I'm telling you not to do your regular treatments in any way. I'm saying do your regular treatments. That's literally part of it. Step four, continue doing the 3d.

I had to take steroids and they literally told me they gave me meditation as a. What I had, uh, as a, they prescribe meditation in the hospital. They're like, you meditate. I'm like, oh, all right.  I will, um, I had to take my steroids and the, the meditation. I had things that I had to do in the physical world that my doctors told me to do.

Obviously I would've meditated anyways. Um, but you do all of it. And I, I call it throwing the book at it. So when you have an illness or whatever, throw the book at it, your visualizations, your affirmations, your confirmations, your, your physical. Um, actions are all in the story, working to validate and continue the perfect functioning of your body.

So if you're looking at, let's say something let's say, and, and forgive me, I'm gonna say some things right now. And I forgive me if I sound ableist. Okay. I'm I'm gonna be real Frank with you if I do. I don't know. I really don't know because. I I'm fortunate enough to not have had that situation. So I can't say whether or not I'm, I hope I don't offend anybody with what I'm not saying.

I was gonna say something like, if it's something very obvious, like if you can't walk, right, like if you can't walk and you're looking, you know, and again, I don't know you're in physical therapy or you're you're inner chair or whatever, and you're seeing physically like these, I can't do these. It's it's, it's those thoughts that kind of like keep you there.

And I'm not saying it'll cure paralysis or whatever. I'm just saying those thoughts in the moment that validate that this issue is is, is yours. That's how you stay, man. Stay in manifesting in a reality where that's the case. Right? So if you look at Dr. Joe Doza, he had, according to him, he has a lot of, uh, records of people healing.

From their mind of all kinds of diseases and curable paralysis, blindness, deafness, all kinds of stuff, cancer. So,

so what I wanna say to this is. When it's in the body and you're feeling it, or you're looking at it, that's where your affirmations need to be really on top. Like my body's so strong, my legs work so well, I feel so healthy. Uh, thank you for my body. Like, whatever it is, we wanna be using the affirmation in the positive when it gets hard, because if you're, if it's getting hard in the body and you're agreeing you're not making any change.

You know what I'm saying? So it's like you, when it gets hard is when it's most important to affirm through it. And that's why I suggested to watch my, the mindset Monday, even though the four steps are the four steps are clearly laid out on the podcast. So if you go to my podcast a year ago, manifest physical healing in your body, four step process clearly laid out.

If you go to mindset Monday from a year ago, where I come on and talk about it when I'm wearing like the white sweatshirt that you can see me in real time doing what I'm talking. So that, and again, I'm not a doctor, please don't take this as medical advice. Please don't stop the treatments that your doctors are giving you, but you can conceptualize this differently.

Casey says. I get paranoid that men could be talking to me for just sex. So I curse them out if I sense even a little, that that's their intention because I'm tired and I know I deserve better. Can I just focus on self concept and not revising how I see men? First of all. You don't have to talk to anybody you don't want to.

And if they start giving you some shit, I would do the same thing, right? Like, like if it's, it's very off putting to like, be looking to just get to know somebody and it immediately goes with sex I'm with you there, uh, personally, such as my personal opinion. Um, and so personally I would do the same fucking thing.

Anytime. Sometimes the slight of IDMs I'm I never acknowledge it. Like it's just I'm I'm married. Get the fuck outta here. No, no interest. So, so I, I feel you on that. I agree there 100%. I don't think that that is a problem. I mean, like, it's your choice if you don't, if somebody gives you vibes that you don't like.

Fucking who cares. Don't talk to 'em, you know, you don't know them. It's a stranger on the internet. They could be as fucking creepy as you want. They could be great, but if they're gonna drop some sex stuff right away, then maybe I have some questions about their intentions to be real Frank with you. I don't think that your, your, uh, approach to that is needs any work.

That's my opinion. As a person, that's not my business as a coach. That's my opinion. As a woman, I don't see anything wrong with what you said there. That part, however, Can I just focus on self concept and not revising how I see men and I'll get to the next one. Next that part. No, I don't believe so because you see.

How do I say this from what I've gathered from what you've sent in, um, to the chat, not just from today, but in, you know, previous weeks, I don't think that your concept of men fits into the story that you want it to be. And that's why I think that you sh should do both. Definitely focus on the self-concept and not necessarily focusing on manifesting them.

And I don't know if you were here at the beginning, but we have, um, a testimonial from Philip who did the work last, the homework last week of just working on excitement and it made their SP come through. So just working on yourself 100%. Great. However, I do think it's important that you revise the way you think about men, because from what I've seen so far, it doesn't match up to what you want, right?

Like what you're reacting to.  and how you react to it continues the story that, that they're being this way. Right? So that's one thing. The other thing is when you said. Life is short. So if I sense that childish crap, I tell 'em off and move on. I'm so open to love and ready for relationship. Okay. Oh, also about the telling them off part, the cursing them out.

I don't wanna say I that's how I feel about that. I mean, like I would just go, like I said, I would just not answer. I would just go, cuz I just don't put up with that shit. But if you curse 'em out, I mean that's whatever your business I'm talking about, the way that you approach it. Like if you bring up sex to me, we're not gonna fucking talk.

Like if we, if I just met you, I haven't even, we haven't even had a conversation you're already talking about sex goodbye. Right? Like I, again, that part I agree with. Cursing amount. That's on you. That's your decision that I have this, none of my business. Um, if you sense, the child is crap. Tell 'em off fine.

That's on you. This is the part that's raising red flags to me. Uh, and tell, move on because I am so open to love and ready for a relationship. I question that because I don't think that you believe fully 100%, that that kind of love is being sent to you. Right? You're working on it. It sounds like, but, uh, this is, this is where the problem is, right?

Because you asked about, can I not do self concept and just let this through? That's where I, or excuse me, can I not revise how I see men and just let the relationship come through? I think that there is contradiction there there's, it feels frictiony to me. So I would say work on that. The men that do contact you are open, kind, honest, um, respectful.

Uh, gentlemanly. I don't know what, like look up words that mean, you know, not that that would what they're not doing. How do I say this? Look up words that mean respectful, like go to the, the and look up other words for respectful and start describing men that way that they always, um, you know, respect your boundaries.

Um, they understand you, they say the right things. You feel very comfortable when you're talking to new people, things like that. That that's where I would say your work needs to be. So that you can be open and ready for the relationship because it's like, you're open and then you close yourself off immediately because they're not giving you what you wanna see.

So it's like the, what you want is not what's actually going on and not that it's wrong, but that's just like what I see going on. Right. So

does that make sense? Okay. Yeah. Cause she goes, men that contact me are open kind of honest, respectful, love that men answer my affirmations. Yes. Okay. So it's not just about affirmations. This is how men are, period. This is how you see men period. There, there is no other option, right? Like this can't just be, these are the affirmations that I'm using.

This is how men are, you know? And, and if you see contradiction of that, it's like, wow, that's crazy. Cuz. Luckily the men in my life or the men that, that come to me or the men that I talk to are so, blah, blah. Right? Like you wanna make sure that when you see the, the actions that you don't like, it's, it's the exception, not the rule, right.

Because we've been flip flopping it, we see things that we don't like, and we're like, see, that's how it always is. And we're expecting the exception to come through and fix everything, but that's, it's just, we're not our language isn't set up to do.

Aaliyah says, been rewriting people. How do I try to my best to ignore the 3d and see them being the version I want. It's difficult in the moment to see the version I want sometimes. Um, yeah, I, it is difficult in the moment. Um, it takes practice. It takes discipline. I would say awareness and discipline.

Those are the cornerstones of 360 method. That's my signature program. 360 Do you wanna sign up or get info? Um, But you've got to be aware. You have to stay super present in the moment when you're interacting with like, uh, your S like, think about it, like this way, the P a specific person, whatever the manifestation is, the thing that you don't have that you want, if you're interacting with it in your regular life, it's probably the it's most likely triggering you, right?

Like, it's most likely gonna trigger you into thinking. Your current version thoughts, right? Like you see it, there it is. I know I'm trying to manifest it, but they're the fucking right, right there. Fucking looking like it always has, but not changing. So it's in those moments that you keep it there. Right?

You, you prevent it from shifting. So. I would say that like, you know, just kinda like what we were talking about, like you've done the, the rewrite and the conceptualizing part. Now you have to do the actual physical, um, uh, validation of it in the 3d reality. Meaning that if you are, if your rewrite is true, then, then you gotta be super careful of how you think about it in real time while it's happening.

So, so awareness and discipline, you have to, you gotta pay attention. You need to know what you're saying. You need to be able. You know, uh, shut down a thought or sentence in the moment when it's describing or reaction, I'll say a reaction as well when it's describing or, uh, reiterating the three, the current 3d, and you need to shift your focus and you need to just like hunker down and shift and, and make yourself look at it differently.

Respond differently, think a different thought, think a more expansive thought, think a thought that's more, um, Like, if you, you catch yourself saying, um, this fucking shit's not working, you know what, actually it is working, it is unfolding or it's, it's always been working or you something just literally something that can redirect you back to the, um, the correct direction.

Right? Um, the way that I look at manifesting my approach, the way I teach 360, all that stuff, I look at it like this. Y like every second of every, every thought you think let's look it like this, every thought you think is like a footstep and you're always taking footsteps. Like a, if you're alive on planet earth, you're taking footstep after footstep, after footstep, after footstep from the moment you're born to the moment you die.

So if I can't stop taking footsteps, which I can't, you can't. I mean, like, think about thinking we can slow our thinking and we can like pause it. And that's what we do with meditation is trying to slow it and, and, uh, do it more deliberately so we can, uh, Point ourselves in the proper direction, thought by thought, but that's where awareness and discipline comes in.

That's exactly what I'm talking about is you gotta know that you're what thoughts you're saying. You need to know if your feet are leading you in the direction of a reality you wanna be, be in, or are your steps or feet, whatever thoughts leading you in a reality that you don't wanna be in. And, and you always.

Have to be aware of where you're stepping. Like, if, if you don't wanna step a shit, you better be watching where the fuck your feet are going basically is my point. Right? So if you don't wanna be stepping in shit in your 3d reality, watch where the fuck you're going. And it sounds like you're not, it sounds like you've, you know, you've accidentally gotten yourself to like a sh a shit field and you're just like looking all everywhere but down.

Why the fuck does this smell like shit everywhere. Sorry. This is a very language heavy house laughing in the other room. This is a very language heavy episode. I don't know. So awareness and discipline watch where you're stepping and then don't fucking step there

and feeling down sometimes ruin my manifestation. I wanna say no. Um, okay. No. Okay. No, lemme say can it obviously can do you have to let it? No, you don't. So this is where awareness and discipline comes in again. And I would invite you to read the. Um, asking it is given by Esther Hicks. We were talking about earlier ASIN.

It is GI given by Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks is a great book to help, you know, how to keep yourself going when you feel down. But that's like, how let's talk about why can it ruin your manifestation? Can it, of course it can. Does it have to? No. And here's why life is always full of upside downs, upside downs, ups and down.

No matter how rich you are, no matter how beautiful you are, no matter how much love you have, no matter how many followers you have, no matter how great your relationship is, no matter how amazing everything in your life is, there will always be ups and downs. There's no way to escape that and I'll prove it to you right now is like, Even the richest people in the world have, you know, people that die.

And I think personally grieving is like, the worst thing we have to experience is losing somebody is that we love is like the worst things, humans, as on a whole have to go through. Right. It's like a universal human experience. I think that's the worst one personally is my opinion. So knowing that I could have every manifestation I've ever wanted every I could, I could be Elon.

I could be Jeff Bezos and still lose, you know, somebody close to me. It's gonna make me feel something down. Like it's gonna make me feel down, right? Like there's just no way around it. So does that mean that Mr. Jeff Bezos, I'm just, just as a reference or Mr. Mr. Musk or whatever, with lots and lots and lots of money who appear to have it all?

Do they really like, do you think that they never have bad days? Do you think that they're never sad or upset or triggered or have, you know, stuff from their childhood come up? Absolutely not everybody deals with it, no matter what they've been able to accomplish. So, so you can see that you can still achieve the unthinkable and, and, and, you know, experience things that are like.

I don't wanna comment anyone's personal life. Like it's none of my, I don't know these people, it's none of my business, but like, you know, Jeff Bezo went through a divorce. He may, they may have parted on the best way as possible. Divorce is still a lot of fucking work and it's still really hard and stressful, no matter what.

So again, there's no guarantee that that, that. Nothing bad will ever happen to just cuz you get your manifestations. And if you think that that's what the deal is and you're gonna be really fucking disappointed when shit happens and you're not gonna know how to handle it. So yes, it will affect your manifestations because you won't know how to handle that.

And you're gonna be like, why is this happening? Win blah . So when something happened, when you're down. I'm down right now. I'm feeling down. And so what am I gonna do? I'm gonna do extra self care. I'm gonna call my therapist. I'm gonna take a walk. I'm gonna call my best friend. I'm gonna eat some ice cream.

I'm gonna watch some cat videos. I'm gonna lay on the couch. I'm gonna do the shit that brings me joy. I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm gonna, whatever it is that your is your thing, I'm gonna do the things that make me feel good on a normal day when I'm not feeling shitty so that I can maybe bring myself up to a normal level when I'm down.

But even so I'm just gonna treat myself with kindness and. I'm gonna continue watching my manifestations unfold. Even if I feel shitty or whatever, like it's, it's I feel shitty and stuff's working out. So does that make sense? Like, just because you feel down, it has nothing to do with your manifestations until you think it does until you associate that with it until you think, oh, I'm down now.

My manifestations are, oh, I'm sad now. They're not gonna me. Well, then it text me back now. It's not me. Like that's when it gets ruined is when you make assumptions about it. But if you can just be down and be like, yeah, I'm fucking down right now. And I'm a human being. I'm not supposed to be up all the time.

What's up all the time. Nothing's up all the time. So, you know, making peace with the fact that down is gonna happen. And if it, it, can't not it's part of life and the downs. Are what make the, the up so good. So we don't wanna like, not have them. We just wanna be able to get through them without thinking that everything in the fucking world is over because we don't feel good today with love.

This is what our homework is gonna be. I want you to pay, we're gonna do the hyper focus again. This is where we're gonna be paying attention to negative assumptions. What do we mean by negative assumptions? Meaning. Like for example, we had a, we had a, a super chat came through that was like, or a message came through.

That was like, I I'm doing the work internally and externally I'm blah, blah, blah. I might be mixing up messages here and let me know, I'm trying to paraphrase anyways, the message was, I'm doing the work 3d reality, blah, blah, blah happened. This and this and this. How come it's not working? Right. The how come it's not, or, oh, I didn't get the text.

So now this, or I said something and now they're trigger. Uh, or, um, they sent this and, or I didn't get the job. So this or my mom said this. So now this, that moment, the negative assumption, the assuming that, because X thing happened that now Y thing must follow. Even if X has happened a billion times and why has happened every time after we're gonna, we're gonna change directions between X and Y.

Okay. So if X thing occurs, give. Let it happen twice. How about three times? Because every time X happens, Z happens for me and Z is great. Does that make sense? Let's look at our negative assumptions and let's, and then so let's, and, and, and honestly, like, these are really good because this is stuff that's automatic.

This is stuff that's underlying. This is stuff that we probably aren't catching very often because it happened so fast. I expressed my feelings. They didn't write me back what the fuck's. You know, when in reality you express your feelings, that's amazing. You stood your ground, you expressed your boundaries.

That's incredible. That moment actually deserved a pat on the back for you. In a celebration and we turn it into what have I done wrong and that's where we wanna stop. So that's what our homework's gonna be. I hope that's clear. And I want us to start identifying your negative assumptions this week. Pay attention to your negative assumptions.

When do I assume things are going? Like, we're all doing great, right? We're all working on a manifestation at some point. Now it sucks. What is that point and why let's find that out. Let's dig into that. Okay. I love you all. I appreciate you. Everybody have a fantastic leak.