Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

🌙 Are You Dreaming About Your Manifestation?🌙 How Bad Dreams Affect Your Manifestations

Roxy Talks Episode 288

Did you have a bad dream that has you spiraling? Are you worried that a nightmare may be masquerading as a premonition? In this episode, I'm going to be talking about dreams, what they mean, and how they relate to manifesting.

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

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So no matter what it is that you've experienced before, what's in your past? What's in your programming? What's in your story? If you allow yourself to have, if you don't, if you're abundant, if you're not, if you're loved, if you're not, all of that stuff can be shifted and worked on. Of course, we can change it so that you do not continue to manifest it in your future.

And if you wanna have a peaceful night's sleep and you wanna clear your subconscious, it's gonna take a little bit of shifting your.

What is up? My fellow dreamers and Soul searchers? Welcome to the Roxy Talks manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee, and for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction.

To help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams, visit roxy for more info. Now, let's get into it.

What is up? My fellow dreamers and Soul Searchers? Welcome to another episode of Roxy Talks, where we make manifesting make sense. And today we have a very special guest here. I don't know how long she'll stay. Hi. Hi baby. She doesn't like to be on camera very much, so she might pop up outta here. But for now, we have a nice little guest that's Mango,  mango, the manifesting min pin

Any who. I'm Roxy. I'm a mindset coach, and I'm here to help you with your confidence, your mindset, and your manifestation practice, so you can create whatever life you desire. If you would like me to help you personally figure out your manifestation situation, you can head to roxy and check out my amazing programs, courses, and mentorship opportunities.

So I've been asked to talk about dreams. Okay, So dreams are obviously very. Sting, we all have them. I guess not everybody remembers them and they can be quite influential. They can be scary, they can be funny, they can be exciting. I took a dream analysis class in college and we studied pretty much, it was like 90% Carl Young theory about dreams.

So that's generally where I kind of base my perspective from dreams on is the ying and approach and the way that he interpreted through his studies. And by no means a. Spur, but this is something that came through from our community on Mindset Monday. That's our live stream chat that we have every single Monday.

I'd love to see you there. We discuss all kinds of fun things and get our minds right for the week ahead, and I take questions that could potentially later end up being videos right here on the channel like this one. Talking about dreams, I often have people ask. About dreams because they have maybe negative dreams.

Dreams where there's a lot of doubt, where there's fear, the insecurity, or, um, in the case of this specific person was asking about, you know, loved ones that have passed or things that they've lost, things that they no longer have, and just kind of an overall negative or worrisome vibe in their dreams overall.

And what I'm gonna say is, As far as dreams go, you know, I believe that it's a reflection of where your thoughts are at according to young. The symbolism in dreams is, you know, nothing really means what it looks like in dreams. Everything is like a symbol for something else. So if you can kind of break down what the symbols are, it's really easy to see what your dreams are telling you is your dream.

You acting out something in another dimension. I don't. Seems plausible, it could happen. I'm not sure what's going on on planet Earth. I don't really know , so I think anything's possible cuz I don't think anyone really knows what this place is or what the intricacies of it really entail. But as far as like the most obvious way that I would perceive a dream, it's like you kind of working out the days junk in.

Fantasy land, right? Where you can kind of control everything or you can't control anything or whatever the thing that happens to you is. But it's kind of like this like hyper funky version of reality that you're living, but you know, with weird rules and stuff. So if you're having funky dreams, if you're having dreams that are scaring you, making you worried about your situation, about your love life, your money situation, your confidence, your career, whatever it is, I have a few suggestions for you cuz that's where I really wanna go with this.

Like, what I think about dreams, what I think they are, eh, doesn't really matter. I mean, you can research that shit all day. But what I would say to help you clear this out and not have this experience so much is where I wanna focus this video. Right. So first things first is like, what are you doing during the day?

Like honestly, I mean that with level. Why are you so stressed out? Why do you have so much. Stress on you. And I don't mean that to trivialize. I don't mean it to say like, Why aren't you so stressed out? I mean it like literally why? Like, what is going on? Figure out what's going on. Pinpoint like, why am I so stressed?

Oh, I don't know. I'm working fucking 18 hour days and I got to take care of this thing and this thing, and then this thing over here happened, blah, blah, blah. But kind of having an idea of like, what is the landscape of my day that I'm looking at? Operating within on a daily basis. What are you doing to your body and your subconscious on a daily basis that you don't realize because you're just going through the motions of your day?

Kind of like really look back and start reflecting. And I would say that also just taking time to reflect in general is where we wanna head with what we're talking about here. So having. Space at the end of your day for some peace, for some quiet time to slow things down, to do some stretches, to do some yoga, to drink some tea, to do some scripting, to do a meditation, to do some intention setting, to do some revision of the day to watch some positive content.

Rob Deard deck man, who's got lots and lots of money, he does all kinds of things. He watches the Secret like literally every night before. That shit works okay? So whatever it is that you're doing, the content that you put into your mind before you go to sleep is really crucial to how you're gonna perform throughout that time that you're sleeping.

So another really important thing is that you wanna turn off as early as possible. Like for me as an entrepreneur, as a business owner, I can work all night long and I'll wake up and I'll work just all day. I work like 24 7, and I literally mean that. I literally dream, I work in my dreams and my husband was like, How you, how'd you sleep last night?

And I'm like, Ah, shitty. Cuz I was working all night long. I was building my website on all night long. I'm doing XYZ all night long. And there are definitely times where I worked so late in the night and I don't give myself enough time to decompress and let go and turn all that stuff off, turn the noise off and fill my head with content that is soothing and peaceful and uplifting and, you know, sets the intention for the dreams that I wanna create.

If I don't do that, then I. My thoughts are still going a mile a minute, and I carry that into my sleep. And I don't have a very restful sleep cause I'm working while I sleep. So I understand the frustration of having your mind and your dreams and your sleep not being a peaceful place, but habits. That's, that's about, That's about our habits.

That's the habits you do. It's the stuff that you're doing during the day. Like I said, what the fuck are you doing during the day? What are you doing before bed? And of course we need to be meditating every day. One of the things about your subconscious. Scary if when you go there all this like negative stuff is happening in there.

I'm willing to bet that you're probably not facing much of that stuff in meditation. Right. So for me personally, I go into meditation every day and I see dead loved ones immediately. Like that's like, that's like the first thing I see and I just go hang out with them and I share that love and I just tell them how much I love them.

And I kind of revel in that for a minute. And then I kind of go in and start talking to my. For me, obviously I have my own losses, I have all that stuff too, but I'm going in there into my subconscious every day and like celebrating the the people and the stuff that I've lost. Obviously, I have a different relationship with those that have passed than when they were here, but I have a different relationship with them now that I see them in meditation versus when I was grieving or when I didn't do that right.

So I find that it's easier to make peace with stuff when. Greeting it every single day to meditation. It's making it not so big, bad, and scary. It just is what it is, right? And I can find a place to feel the love in those moments and not feel the pain or the loss. And sometimes I do, sometimes I cry. But most of the time it's just joyful and gratitude and like thinking that energy for being in my life.

So having a more mindful practice, having awareness about what you're doing with your Day 360 method, I'll link my video above. Awareness and discipline is key. Manifesting your desires and also to keeping the environment in your mind a pleasant place. If you were going unconscious a bunch of times throughout the day and you don't know where you go when you're in unconscious land, you could be thinking all kinds of thoughts about what was me and this and that, and Oh gosh, no, no.

And you're just practicing and letting all those thoughts kind of cycle in your mind. Stay there. They're gonna show back up in your dreams cuz your subconscious is running the show right there while you're awake. That's giving you a clear example right now. What's going on in your dreams? Cause that's going on when you check out, right?

So if you stay aware, you stay disciplined, you do something like the 360 method, which keeps your thoughts focused and your positive goals on the forefront of your awareness. Then you can stop yourself from going into these long spirals that end up causing you harm on the back end. Now, just a side note, I'm hosting a super fun money manifestation master training on October 19th.

I give a master training every month. It's a one time, get in, get out transmission. I'm gonna give you all the info you need. I want you to go then put it into your life, implement it, and practice the notion so that you can see change. And this month we're talking about money, we're talking about success, we're talking about worth, We're talking about the ideas.

What you allow yourself to have and experience in this world. My master trainings are super fun. I love them cuz it's just a fun chance to get together and talk about high concepts around things that everybody goes through and gets super deep on the way we perceive things like money. It affects our world so much.

So if you're interested in that, head to roxy to grab your ticket for my rolling in Dough. Money Manifestation Master training. So no matter what it is that you've experienced before, what's in your past? What's in your programming? What's in your story? If you allow yourself to have, if you don't, if you're abundant, if you're not, if you're loved, if you're not, all of that stuff, whatever you've experienced before, can be shifted and worked on.

Of course, we can change it so that you do not continue to manifest it in your future. And if you wanna. Peaceful night's sleep and you wanna clear your subconscious. It's gonna take a little bit of shifting your habits. Okay? So again, I want you to be clear about what you're doing during the day, and I want you to make some tweaks if you can.

Are there areas in ways that you can lower stress and worried out whatever during the day so that you're not subconsciously recreating the pattern over and over and over, which is just gonna pop up while you're sleeping? Okay? I also wanna make sure that you're meditating every day. The earlier the better.

I try to. First thing in the morning before I touch my phone. If I can do that, then I have the best day possible. Also, you need a night routine that's gonna support you winding down, slowing down the thoughts, clearing out the day stuff, and filling in stuff that supports you for where you want to go, not where you've been or what you're worried about in the future.

And then the most important thing is that whatever the hell you dream, eh, whatever it was a. That's why I should have said at the beginning, honestly, that's how I really feel about it. And it was a dream, whatever, But it does give you insight. It does give you some clarity on what's going on, but it doesn't mean shit about shit.

It doesn't mean anything unless you let it. Okay? So if you have a dream that you don't like, actively work on changing those thoughts and changing the way you feel about it during the day so that you can shift the energy for what's gonna happen when you go unconscious. Okay? So again, all of what happens when.

Subconscious when you're unconscious is a reflection of the shit going on When you're conscious, okay, to work on that stuff, be really diligent about how you conceptualize yourself and your world, and if you do get to a dark place or have a negative moment, be there for yourself. Apply love. Don't chase.

Don't run. Don't freak out. Don't be angry. Don't lash out. Just allow and apply love there, okay? That's what it's looking for. Just wants to be loved and allowed to be so that it can be transmuted. Something else. If you'd like me to personally help guide you through this kind of stuff, go to roxy and check out my amazing courses, programs, and mentorship opportunities.

I love to connect with my fellow community members. I've got so many ways that you can reach out and find more people just like you. Community dot roxy is our free community where our family joins together and meets up and talks manifestation and cheers each other on. Plus someone all socials, iTunes, Spotify, podcasts, all that good.

Please don't forget to like and subscribe. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power. I believe in you. I will see you soon.