Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Use Scripting ✍️ to POWERFULLY Manifest Your Specific Person 💗

Roxy Talks Episode 292

Do you want a different relationship with someone in your life? Are you ready to create a new story, but aren't exactly sure how to do it? In this episode, I'm going to dive deeper into the practice of scripting AND rewriting a specific person so you can harness the power of these two compatible concepts.

If you're ready to revise, rewrite, and recreate ANY person to think, behave, and feel however You say... register now for my Rewrite Your Specific Person Master Training!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast


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As I've gone over the years of scripting and I've, you know, I've fallen off here and there where I wasn't doing it as much or I wouldn't do it for a few days, and it made. A difference and I could feel it noticeably. It happens, you know, a couple times, several times to now, like, I don't mess with it anymore.

I don't question it. I'm not, I'm gonna sleep without my scripting. Even if I fall asleep and I can only get like two words on my page. I at least am doing something. I'm doing something to get the ball rolling. I'm doing something to put myself in the energy I need to be in to maintain. The ideal reality,

What is up? My fellow dreamers and Soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy Talks manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee, and for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction.

To help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams, visit roxy for more info. Now, let's get into it.

Let's talk about scripting. Scripting is probably my favorite, if not one of my top two favorite techniques or exercises to manifest that I still do every single day, Every single night before I fall asleep. I script. Generally a page. Sometimes I fall asleep before I can get a whole page, but no matter what, I'm always scripting before bed, before I fall asleep, and I'm writing about the world that I intend to create and the world that I am cultivating in my mind so that my.

Thoughts stem from a place that matches the story that I wrote in my scripting when I'm in my waking life. And then I can therefore manifest from that version of reality while I'm awake, while I'm interacting with my current 3D reality, and keep my mind frame in a place that reminds me like, Hey, this world set up emotion.

This is how things work out for me. This is how people treat me. This is what X, Y, Z is like, this is what, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I can navigate through the potential ups and downs of my 3D world with ease, without fear, without worry, without doubt, because I'm anchored to a different reality than what my eyes are seeing.

And I'm smart enough and strong enough, and I know better than to believe what my eyes. See, I've said before in my videos in the past, my eyes see, but my brain says, My brain has the ultimate verdict over what I think reality is doing. And that assumption creates. My 3D world scripting is super powerful because it's a way to rewrite your subconscious story, to rewrite the narrative of who you are and what life gets to be like for you.

And when you're putting pen to paper, you're getting your body involved. You are allowing your mind to go to a place where you are aph from, are written on the page, you're interacting with them physically, mentally, emotion. Visually, if you're using visualization at the time as well, and you are encompassing all of your senses as you're writing essentially, maybe not all of 'em, but you're encompassing a lot of, you're encompassing several of your senses, You're immersing yourself into the world of your ideal while you're scripting.

And I've made several videos about scripting before, so I'll link some of these up. But the question came through from the audience is, I'm feeling stale with my scripting. How do I spice it up? So here's some tips that you can use to make your scripting more exciting so you don't feel stale, so it doesn't feel dull, because I know how that can feel.

I've been scripting every night for over three years, so I definitely get it when sometimes it's. Like a chore. So there's a few things that I have done to help. I created a fail safe essentially, so that I don't feel that way about scripting because it is such a powerful tool and I actually notice and I can feel it when I stop scripting.

Like my life starts to feel like it's unraveling. It's kind of weird and I, I'm. I'm not trying to affirm that. It's not something I like, actively talk about or, um, you know, really try to focus on. But as I've gone over the years of scripting and I've, you know, I've fallen off here and there where I wasn't doing it as much or I wouldn't do it for a few days and it made such.

A difference, and I could feel it noticeably. It happens, you know, a couple times, several times to now, like, I don't mess with it anymore. I don't question it. I'm not, I wanna sleep without my scripting. Even if I fall asleep and I can only get like two words on my page, I at least am doing something. I'm doing something to get the ball rolling.

I'm doing something to put myself in the energy I need to be in to maintain the ideal reality so that I can manifest it. The thought process, maintain the perspective, maintain the expectations of somebody who's living the life like I just said on my page. So one thing that I do is I always say, now I've trained myself.

I say, Ooh, I get to script now. That's what I say. Instead of, Oh, I got a script, or I gotta do my scripting. I have just trained myself 360 math. We'll talk about flipping and replacing sentences. I've just trained. Say, Ooh, I get to scripts now. I make it like a tree instead of a chore. Because there was a time where I'm like, Oh, I get into a whole, I gotta write a whole page before I can fall asleep.

I'm so tired. But now it's like, Mm, I ain't, mm-hmm. I get to script now. This is my scripting time. Like, yay, I get to do my scripting because my scripting comes true. Everything I write on that damn page comes true. So why wouldn't I wanna do it? Right? I mean, just like, as I was saying, Fuck. Yeah, I wanna, I'm getting excited to script cuz I'm like, everything I write on that page comes true.

Fuck yeah. I wanna do my scripting. Fuck yes. I get to do my scripting. So I'm treating it in a different way because it is a privilege. I mean, I, I have thankful for my eyes, thankful for the paper, the pen, my hands, my, my mind, my. Cognitive abilities to be able to actually form the sentences and write them on paper.

Hold the pen in my hand, steady to write. Fuck. Yeah. That's amazing. And I get to immerse myself in my ideal reality. And doing that will make my ideal reality become my current reality. Fuck yeah. Better not try to stop me and my script. And so we're treating it in a different way. We're treating it like the privilege it is because it is one, and allowing there to be excitement around it instead of treating it like a chore.

So that would be one thing I would say start right away is just flip it on its head the way you treat it. The next would be like, what I'm hearing when I hear that question is like, I am not thinking big enough for myself. Like if your scripting is getting dull, that means to me that you are either thinking too small or you don't have enough to script about.

You're not being as descriptive or as abundant as you could be. You're not thinking. Enough for yourself, you're not giving yourself enough, right? So if you really knew that everything that you wrote down on that piece of paper was gonna come true, you okay? A pony, a million dollars. I have five from a stranger.

I wanna go on a yacht with this person, this person, the celebrity I wanna have like, and I'm not saying that it's like ordering a catalog. I'm saying once you accept the fact that it could be anything and that there is no limit, you might. Expanding. So my next tip would be to look at what it is that you're scripting for right now.

Are you scripting for a good relationship? You know, happy, healthy, home, happy healthy friends, money, blah, blah blah. That's great. But are you scripting for exciting adventure? Are you scripting for travel? Are you. Um, scripting for mystery. Scripting for new experiences. New opportunity. Are you scripting for more?

What else are you scripting for? What else do you wanna experience? Are you scripting for more love for yourself, a deeper bond in your relationship, more connection with the people that you have, more connection with, people you don't know, discovering things you've never heard, learning more, whatever it is, having big conversations.

Expand what you want for your life. Make that list bigger. Make the pile bigger. And when you're doing your scripting, make it more explanatory. Flourish it, flower it up a little bit. Let's say you're manifesting a relationship. You could do a whole page about how great your communication is, how deep your bond is, how passionate you are with each other, how great it feels to be with each other, how electric your touch is from, I'm just going on and on, right?

Because the amount of stuff you could write about is. So work on opening up your mind and what you think is possible and what you're allowing yourself to have and want. Because I guarantee you, if you are getting bored with it and it's stale, you're probably writing like the same five things over and over, right?

So do more or do deeper. Do bigger, do better, do more abundant. Just dive into it more and really flesh out what your ideal is, and then immerse yourself in it. Immerse yourself in the thoughts, the feelings, the. The ideals become that now energetically and use your scripting to keep your eye on the prize.

It's almost like the carrot dingling in front of your eyes. This is the reality I'm going to, This is the reality I'm going to, This is the reality I'm going to, And you're reiterating it every single day. So you're knowing exactly what it is, where you're going, what's your goals are what it is that we wanna experience, what it's like along the.

And what's coming next, right? Because this is not only gonna allow you to open the door for new things to come through, unexpected things to come through, and it invites in the enthusiasm for what you are doing and creating and building in your world. Apply it to your scripting. Apply it to everything you're doing.

Put joy into all your practices because the more joy you put into the manifestation practice while you're actually thinking about manifesting it, that will be imprint. On the back end when it comes back out to you. So joy in equals joy out. So be joyful and excited and enthusiastic and abundant and robust.

And, Yes, with your scripting so that you can experience that same type of reaction when that shit comes back in the 3D world, because it definitely will. Hey, spooky Roxy, coming through here to let you know that this month's master training is going to be all about rewriting your specific person. I know that is a huge.

Topic in the manifesting world. I hear it all the time. People are operating in relationships with versions of their specific person that does not align with the manifestation you're trying to achieve. So we're getting together on November 30th as a group, and we're gonna work on rewriting our specific people so that all of us.

Can manifest and live in the relationship that we desire and the relationship that fills us up in the best possible way. Head to roxy programs to reserve your spot or to rewrite your specific person master training on November 30th. And if you wanna work on your specific person and get started right away, you're not trying to wait until November 30th.

I understand. I got you. Head to roxy right now and check out by manifest a specific. Workshop. It's my best selling course. You can get started on it right now and you don't have to wait until November 30th, which I understand. So I've got you either way. If you wanna do something, live with me.

November 30th, grab your ticket to the master training. If you wanna get started right away. You're not trying to BS the Manifest A specific person. Workshop is for you and it will help change your love life from here and beyond. Okay, Today we are talking about rewriting a person, but we're talking about it in a way that we've never really discussed before because I've actually made a couple videos about rewriting your specific person before.

But in this instance, this question comes from Mindset. Monday, you probably heard me talk about it. That's our live stream chat. We do every Monday right here on the channel. Where I discuss with our lovely community members, all things manifestation, we get into the right energy and mind frame for the week, and we support each other.

We have a great time. And this question came directly from the community asking about how to change our perception of someone. Because it's one thing to manifest change in a person when you just want them to be different. I just want them to be different. Cool. But what happens if you are holding onto ideas, fears, worries, doubt, guilt, whatever, about this person that's like making it impossible for you to change this.

Story. You're trying to change the story about them. This is what I want them to be. This is the manifestation, yada, yada odds. But I have an internal battle going on because I can't seem to let go of X, Y, Z behavior that this person exhibited, or the label that this person has or this thing that happened in the past, whatever it is.

So who does the revision need to apply? In this case, and the answer is obviously gonna have to be both of you, right? There's gonna be a portion of rewriting your person that is just about them. They are respectful, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're peaceful. They have a kind nature or kind soul.

They are gentle, they're considerate. All of these ideas about somebody that pays attention to others and cares about their wellbeing and puts others first, not to the point of like martyrdom. If we're trying to kind of outdo past experiences or actions by this person, then we wanna make sure that we're describing them as somebody who is capable of providing that level of care to you.

Right. Okay. So again, Videos before about changing your specific person or rewriting them that are very valid. So go check those out as well. But what again happens when you don't have the best perception of them and you're trying to rewrite it and you're like, Yeah, but, but they did this. But what about this?

If there's still a wound, a res. Sentiment, a fear, a doubt, an insecurity, whatever. If it's still there, it's going to provide a block of some sort in this manifestation, the pure that your manifestations are, the more pure that your sentences are, the more precise you are about what it is that you want, the easier the opportunity is for the universe to deliver it exactly the way you want it.

But when you have murky feelings about something, I want this change, but, ugh, I don't know. Cuz they. Thing, and I can't get over this, and every time I see them, I think about this. If that's the case, then you are not providing a clear channel for this manifestation to come through, right? It's murky. It's not gonna be clear and sunshine happy the way you want it to be, if that's not the way that you're looking at it.

As I'm saying that, I don't wanna discount what you've been through. I'm not saying forget everything. That's not what it is. But if you want to truly have a clean revision process, then you have to find a way to make the story. For you in a way that makes the manifestation come about the way you want it.

Maybe it's not about forgetting what they did, but maybe it's about a few layers of forgiveness or forgiveness in certain places, or a letting go process and revision and a constant dedication to, you know what? I choose to see them in a new light. I choose to see them in a new light. I choose to see them as an evolved version of themselves.

Can move past and perform differently and make different decisions and have different motives than what I've seen from them in the past. I believe that's possible, and I'm going to trust that it's possible. I'm gonna leave space for the universe to show me that it's possible by not fearing, doubting, worrying that it's not gonna work.

Or affirming that. I don't know if it will or I don't know if I still can, but what if they, any of that stuff, you're gonna stop that story because that story keeps the old problem in place. And again, this is not to invalidate what you've experienced, but if you want something different, you've gotta say something different about the situation.

So where can you apply some love? Where can you apply some compassion? Where can you apply some understanding? Where can you apply some empathy? Where can you apply some sympathy? Where can you put yourself in their shoes? Where can you let go? Where can you forgive? That's where I want you to look at it.

And if you hit this thing at all of those angles, if you literally answer all of those questions for yourself. You're gonna find that you feel or at least approach the situation differently, you'll have a new perspective and that's all that's required to manifest something different. Your perspective is your manifestation.

I'm laughing cuz my dad's a singer songwriter and he wrote a song when I was a kid and I remember this lyric so strong and I just, he, I just heard him singing it in my head, but he said, Perspective makes reality. And as a kid I didn't really. , you don't really understand it, but it's just funny, you know, to hear that.

And that's what I heard in my head. That's what was divinely just given to me. If you know me, you know that I'm an open channel and I'm always having stuff come through. So perspective makes reality. What you believe about your situation is your situation. You're always creating the next moment with your thoughts.

So no matter what you think about what you've already experienced, you're creating the next thing. So you have to be really on top of how you perceive yourself and your. So all of this is to say really that you have a choice. You have a choice in how you perceive them. You have a choice in whether or not what they've done is unforgivable.

And if that's the case, that's okay too. And if you decide that what they've done is unforgivable and you still wanna manifest them, that's okay too. And I need you to hear that, okay? Because maybe part of the problem is that you feel so bad about still wanting this person in your life that you're sabotaging bringing them through.

Maybe that's what the problem. All along that you have your own guilt about allowing this person back in that's protecting you from what you think they'll do again, because the story still remains. You have to change everything on every level so that all this stuff isn't working against you in any way.

And all of your affirmations work in harmony together. All of your stories come together to form the most cohesive. Outline for the universe to work from to give you exactly what you want. But what I want you to do is just start working the idea in for yourself that forgiving feels good and you want to forgive, and it's actually a positive thing, and you feel better from it.

And it's a release and it's a joyful experience and it makes you lighter, and it makes the platform from which you're manifesting from even stronger. So you can do it. You have the power. Forgive yourself. And if you are ready to forgive this person, start chipping away at those blocks with all the junk I said earlier.

I can't remember any of it. I, I channel a lot when I'm talking about this stuff, and sometimes I'm not there. Okay. , I'm actually hosting a channeling session where I'm gonna be doing just love, just with aspecific person, answering your questions and channeling information from the guides, using divination tools like taro, numerology, and astrology, plus my expertise as a manifestation coach to give you the most custom, tailored, perfect divine messages that your guides want you to hear right now.

That is my love and specific person. Channeling q and a session, Roxy You can sign up for that right now. And of course, if you want me to help you in any way with your manifestations, roxy will get you all the good stuff. We've got free content, amazing courses, programs, mentorship opportunities, podcasts.

I'm on social media. We're on iTunes, Spotify, we're everywhere. Anywhere you need content, I got it for you. I love you. I appreciate you so much. Hit the like and subscribe button. Come back and live. Chat with us during video premieres and join a mindset Monday Chat one day. I just threw a million things at you, but you know what?

After a while, they're gonna start to sink in. Okay? I love you. I appreciate you. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power. I believe in you.