Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

How To Stop Sabotaging Your Manifestations!

November 22, 2022 Roxy Talks Episode 293

In this episode, I am discussing self-sabotage - what it looks like, how it affects your career & relationships, and what happens when you're feeling overwhelmed by the flood of opportunities that suddenly show up for you as a result of your persistent practice. Most of my content is focused on HOW to get what you want and in this episode, we're going to talk about what to do AFTER you get it!

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast


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 More good. Brings more good good times, bring more good times, good begets more good. That's the energy that we wanna be living with. That's the ideal that we are operating with, not the other way around. Not good times. Oh God, what happens when we lose it? Not good times more. Bring it on. What's next? Cuz something even better's gonna happen.

What is up? My fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Of the Roxy Talks manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee, and for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction.

To help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams, visit roxy for more. Now let's get into it.

Today we're talking about the ever popular, always favorite topic, self-sabotage, and what it does to us when we're trying to manifest careers and success and what happens when we do manifest amazing opportunities for ourselves, and then we begin to feel overwhelmed. I know the story. I've been there myself actually.

How about I feel so great. Just have all the time in the world to experience all of the things that I want to, and everything is completely easy and stress free at all moments. That's great, right? There's our affirmation and a video done , but in actuality, this question comes from you, the viewer. Thank you so much for asking your questions in the comments so that I know exactly what kind of videos to bring you, but the topic is coming.

About what to do when we have allowed in opportunity, we've allowed in success, we've allowed in abundance, and now all of a sudden it feels like too much. We don't know if we can handle it. We don't know if we've enough, more than we can chew. What stands out most to me in this is that this sounds like classic self-sabotage.

This sounds like, okay, I've gotten everything I wanted. Now what can I handle it? Can I keep it? How do I maintain it? I don't know what to do. This is too much. Do I have what it takes? Am I good enough? Can I do it again? All of that stuff goes through our mind and then some when we achieve. It's not uncommon to feel like we're not able to maintain or that we're not good enough to keep what it is that we manifest or to handle all of the open doors or walk through all of the open doors that are presented to us at the time.

It's kind of funny cuz it's like the scarcity mentality, this all or nothing idea. So now that all these doors are open, if I don't walk. All. If I don't hurry up and walk through them all, they might close before I get to them. That's lack. That's this or that. That's Scar City. It's Scar City. That shit is scary, right?

This or that. I can only have this or that. Some, and not all. Some people get, not all get. Fragments, but not the whole, the idea that what you get that's good might go away is a fear, worry, doubt, insecurity that a lot of people operate with and is exactly what pushes the things away that we're afraid of losing.

So it's like a paradox. The fear of losing the thing, the fear of not being able to handle it, the fear of not being good enough, the fear of not being able to maintain it is the actual thing that makes you not able to maintain it. It's the fear itself that manifests in the thing going away. The fear becomes the manifestation after we entertain it so much that we believe it more likely than any other reality, and then it shows up in our.

And then we're scared, worried, victimized, how this happened again. Now what? Oh my God, what am I gonna do? How am I gonna do this? The cycle repeats, and now you've just created the next wave of insecurity, doubt, fear, whatever to come through when the going gets tough, or sometimes when the going gets good.

That's the fucked up thing, is that this thing can be triggered when things are good and when they're bad. So you gotta be careful all the. 360 method, top to bottom, inside out. No thoughts off, no days off, no matter what. We're always on top of our thoughts. Roxy Check it out. Hey friend, did you know about my new monthly subscription Synergy?

This is your all access pass to everything Roxy talks. The answer to every manifestation question you might have is in synergy. We're talking every course that I've ever recorded, every program I. 360 in our upcoming eight week transformation we're doing on September 26th. This also includes every monthly master training, like the one called Move the Fuck On, hosted at the end of September.

You get everything. When you're a part of Synergy, it's the most no-brainer way to be a part of my world. You simply get it all, all courses. Programs. All meditations. All affirmations. A content library and a private group of peers just like you who are committed to long-term success because that's what Synergy is all about.

It's long-term commitment for long-term success. This isn't some one and done manifestation. You're just trying to pop off and move on. You understand that manifesting happens every single moment for the rest of your life, and therefore you're never done. The work never stops. And if this resonates with you, then you are who I am looking for to join me in my monthly subscription membership, synergy Head roxy, or click the link in the description here on the podcast to join this amazing opportu.

And when you do join, I guarantee I'll see you soon. Because we have so many events and so many exciting things, there's no chance to escape getting a little FaceTime with me. So if you are ready for something long term, you're not going anywhere and you want it all. Synergy is the answer for you every course, every program, every time.

So really look at this idea and ask yourself, do I feel like I have to go through all of these doors at once? Do I feel like I'm not able to take all of these opportunities? Because all 20 things that just came through are happening at Tuesday at 2:30 PM and I can literally only be at one place at one time.

So I can only have one opportu. Or is there some sort of sequential logical order that these opportunities might fall into along your path that you could feasibly handle? All of them. Really look at that because if the cases that you got too many opportunities at one time. Fuck. Yeah, that's abundance.

Congratulate yourself. And also in 10, you know what? I'm gonna be intuitively guided and I'm gonna lean towards the ones that are the best possible option for me, the best outcome for the highest good, whatever. I'm gonna naturally gravitate towards those. So I'm not really worried about choosing. I already know what to pick.

I already know what I'm doing. All the opportunities are amazing. I could pick any of these and I'm gonna flourish. I'm just gonna pick. Favorite, my tippy top, the cream of the crop to experience, since I only have so much finite time in the day to do all these things that I'm gonna experience, but I'm gonna love every moment of it.

And you know what? I might get another round of that on the back end. I might be able to get this opportunity again. Maybe they can reschedule. Maybe they'll see that they wanna get me a couple months down the line. If the issue is that you literally cannot feasibly handle, timewise all of the opportunities, then say something like this, change the way we're looking at it.

Change the perspective. And if it's the opposite where. Hey, you don't have to walk through every fucking door at the same time. You can walk through one than the other, than the other, than the other than the other than the other. And they're not gonna close. And in fact, the more you walk through these doors, more doors are gonna open.

If that's the case, then let that be the story. You know what? I got plenty of time to do all, do you see all these opportunities I've made for myself? And I have the perfect schedule to accommodate all of this. It's exactly the right. Right time, right place, right person. Everything's working out for me.

Everything's lining up perfectly. Oh my gosh, look at all this. It's exactly what I want. It's exactly what I needed. I have the perfect amount of my schedule to handle this. I have the perfect amount of bandwidth to be able to deal with this. Whatever you're affirming it, no matter what. The way you're reacting, what you're saying about it is creating the mold for your future.

So change how you're looking at these opportunities and the abundance that you're manifest. And embrace it more. Success brings more success. More good, brings more good good times bring more good times, good begets more good. That's the energy that we wanna be living with. That's the ideal that we are operating with, not the other way around.

Not good times. Oh God, what happens when we lose it? Not good times more. Bring it on. What's next? Cuz something even better is gonna happen. It's 11:59 PM Ooh, there's still time to get something else better in this day. It's already been an amazing day. What else can. It's a different energy, a different perspective, and it's gonna allow you to not only enjoy what you have already, but continue to welcome in more opportunity as you go along, and not shy away from that when it comes through too.

I'm gonna take this pony. I'm gonna write it. I'm gonna love the shit out of this life. I'm gonna write it. I'm gonna live it. I'm gonna love it. Thank you, universe. It keeps on getting better. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow's gonna. Now if you are ready to dive into your own situation and get some help on what's going on in your world, manifest your ideal reality.

Head to roxy I have amazing programs and workshops you can get started on right away that will help you manifest anything in your ideal reality. We've also got an amazing supportive place for all of our manifestors To gather community dot roxy and check me out on Social Media Podcast.

iTunes, Spotify, and more. I'm kind of all over the place. I'm here for you. I love you. I appreciate you. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power. I believe in you.