Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Manifesting Your Dreams - Harnessing The Power of Now

Roxy Talks Episode 220

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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In this episode of Roxy Talks, we will be interpreting passages from the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. As well as enjoying tarot readings related to the specific passages from the book!

This episode will help you uncover your true power in the present moment.

Books: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle -

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Manifesting Your Dreams - How To Harness The Power of Now

If you could just be a chill source Rex and just chill out and just calm down and just enjoy the moment. Clear out thoughts, clear on the thinking. You'll realize that there's so much around you to be thankful for, to appreciate to enjoy the beauty of, to express your love, to and about, to feel loved from and about to feel abundant.

There's so much around you and it. Sometimes takes us, shutting it all down in there. Quieting all of it. To look around and see

is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature three 60 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of the Roxy talks manifestation podcast, where we discuss manifesting on the podcast. Well, I hope you're doing well happy and, um, no, it's April now. Happy April. This year is going by so fast. Hopefully things will be getting back to normal for the world.

And everybody is going to be living the beautiful lives that they are manifesting and working on enjoying what they have right now, being present in the moment and allowing yourself to not need or want anything, because there is the underlying. Knowing and assurance and self-assurance that you already have everything and you actually don't need anything.

You're not lacking anything. You couldn't be separate from it if you tried, it's already here. So that's kind of the theme of like, what's been going on in my life personally, what is wanting to be talked about by the community. And also if you don't know, we have recently started a Roxy talks. Book club, which, uh, we are picking the books and discussing it on my mindset.

Monday chat says that is my, a live chat, weekly manifestation, Q and a that I host on YouTube and Facebook. So if you haven't joined, please do we hold those at noon-ish PST? And we just talk about manifesting and what we can do to create the best lives for ourselves. So, uh, and just in the last couple of weeks, we decided to start doing a book club, right?

And we chose the power of now by Eckhart. Totally. So this is the book that we're currently reading as a group. So if you want to join in, I literally just started chapter two today. The chapters are they're kind of long, or maybe they're not long. They're just. They want you to think about it? Right? So anyways, my point is like, it's definitely soon enough in that you can join and not really feel like you're missing anything or have to do too much catching up.

But of course join at any time. Um, obviously if you're listening to this any other time, besides April 20, 21, it might be past this particular book, but we might have something else going on. You can always check it. Roxy backslash forum to find the book club that we're discussing or the book that we're discussing for the book club.

You can also find one-on-one coaching with me as well as awesome courses and workshops, plus a bunch of free content and cool stuff. That's all at my website. Roxy So today it's a Monday I've mentioned before I get a lot of my, um, topics for the podcast from mindset Monday from asking you, uh, the audience, what you want to see.

And so the suggestion today was staying present in the now. And it's perfect because. We are reading the power of now anyways. And I'm just, you know, working to understand the perspectives of, of this book and incorporate it into my own life as well. And obviously share it with you my interpretation, so that you can continue, you know, in harnessing the power of the current moment.

Like this book is kind of talking about. Um, so what I thought I would do was. Bring back the kind of like the book review thing. Cause I really liked doing that. Um, talking about reading a passage from the book and then kind of explaining how that fits into our world here on the Roxy talks and the Roxy dice community as three 60 manifestors if you aren't aware, that's my signature method.

Super awesome program coming very soon. Um, so stay tuned about that, but if you are here in the Roxy talks community, you know, about three 60, that's my signature method. What that means is we take a 360 degree approach. That means top to bottom inside it out left and right front and back past present future all moments now, right?

All thoughts, no thoughts off, no days off. It means that we are always covering our bases regardless of what it is, whatever we're talking about, period, whether we're thinking about it, speaking about it, reacting about it. We are choosing the language, the words, the verbiage that we use to describe our situations and to react so that we can manifest whatever we want because we're manifesting in every single moment.

So when you can take a hold of what you think and say, you become completely in control of your entire world. So. That's the three 60 method go to Roxanne talks for more, but any huddles. I wanted to kind of talk about how that applies like this, this book power of now, this is really about, and I say this as I've just Crested.

The second chapter of this book is about. The connection to your higher self or your true being your true essence, that peace, that abundance, that, that joy, that love that unconditional space that exists in every single now moment. But the problem is, is that most of the time, us as human beings, we are conditioned to be listening to our thoughts and our thoughts for the most part usually are not describing the present moment or reveling in it.

Usually we find our thoughts. Worrying about a future or thinking about a past something that happened before or something that's going to happen. Um, commonly, you know, when you, when you go too far down the road of these things, you, it becomes depression and anxiety. It becomes worrying too much about period is worrying too much.

It's just too much. It, it doesn't do us any good. And so what we want to do is learn how to be okay in the now be okay in the stillness. And be okay with the present status quo, because when you're okay with the now, then you manifest a future that is okay or better or feels good because every single moment is now there is nothing, but now even your future is just going to be a now.

You know, down the timeline. So learning how to be in the now and be okay with the present moment is really beneficial because not only does it allow you to free yourself from worries, doubts, fears, insecurity, anxiety, things like that, but it also helps you create the future that you actually want by being.

Okay, when you're okay. Or when you're all good or when you don't need anything, you're not lacking. You're communicating to the universe that you have everything you need, which then becomes its own self fulfilling prophecy, bringing it has to bring you everything you could want or need, because you don't have anything that you lack.

So the universe can't show you lack. It's a mirror. If there's nothing a lack full in front of the mirror, then there's nothing going to be lack full in the reflection. Right. It just makes sense. So. Maybe not the way I say it, you know, I talk fast and sometimes I make up words and I just choose not to correct them.

And I'm just like, whatever mans I talk kind of talk. And if you like it cool. If you don't, you know, cool bye. Anyways, let's talk about this little. The other thing I want to mention real fast too, is that when I was, um, bookmarking, the little spots, the excerpts that I wanted to read today, first off, just if you don't know anything about me, like I am of like matching and color coordination is.

An obsession for mine, if you can tell by everything pink in my room. Um, but so when I went to grab, I was like, what can I use for bookmarks for this book? I was like, okay. A tarot deck. I had to pick a tarot deck with the same color, new color scheme. Right. So I picked something with nice, soft blues and pastels.

I'm going to show you the card in case you're looking because it is a very gorgeous, um, taro card. And. I do have this deck. It's called the Ethereum visions deck available at my website, my store. I have a store, the Blackman If you didn't know any huddles, the reason I'm telling you this is because I just grabbed cards to use as bookmarks and the cards of course, cause the taro just the taro never lies the cards themselves.

Represent the excerpts that I'm going to read. So I'm going to include the taro, excuse me. I'm going to include the taro because why not? Like it's spoke through it. It also wanted to be, to be seen and it raised his hand. So I'm going to give it it's opportunity. So first off, let's hear it. Mr. Eckhart totally has to say this is on page 14.

What is the greatest obstacle to experiencing this reality identification with your mind? Which causes thought to become compulsive? Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everybody is suffering it. So it is considered normal. These, uh, excuse me, this incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from being, it also creates a false mind, made self that cast a shadow of fear.

So what he's saying here is that. We think we are the thoughts, right? We identify with the thoughts going through our mind. Like I'm going to just use a really basic one that just popped into my head, but like I'm fat, right? Like I'm fat is troublesome because one you're identifying as your body, which you're not.

And two, you're identifying with your thoughts. You are agreeing that you are fat and you are thinking that thought for, you know, forgive me for saying it. And so you are listening to a critique of your physical self and accepting it as truth at the same time as identifying yourself as that notion and that voice, that calls you fat or says these things about you.

Is that compulsive negative mind? The mind is the programming. The mind is the learned things that we have picked up the doubts and the insecurities, the worries, all that stuff, that negativity that we don't want to be listening to. That's what's going on. And that's, what's preventing us from really hearing and feeling the infinite beauty and joy and love.

That is emanating from us. That's around us all the time, because we're filled with this chatter of negativity and negative energy. That's not serving us. And we think that that's us, we're under this impression that that's us. And what's really cool is I laughed when I pulled the card for this. Like I said, because it's the strength card and the strength card is about balancing.

The animalistic nature and the human side. And that's exactly what we're talking about. That's exactly what this passage is about, is like, don't think that just because you have those thoughts in your head that that's you and that's your life and you're stuck like that because that's not it at all.

It's just something it's like, it's a radio going on in the background that sometimes you tune into and sometimes you don't, but you don't have to tune into it. And in fact, you shouldn't tune into this radio because it's playing. A really shitty song or it's playing something you can't stand. And instead of being like, Ugh, I don't want to listen to this and turning away from it.

You're turning up the volume on it and saying, give me some more of the shit that I can't stand. Right. So, so we want to take like that strength card says, okay. And go towards that. Right. And animalistic that intuition side, the not needing words or confirmation to know. That I am connected to something beyond me.

Just like animals are animals operate with instinct. The reason why animals are so good and consents things is because they don't have the mental chatter that tells them to ignore the instinct. And we've grown so accustomed to listening to that voice. That again, we think it's us. So the next passage, this is page 19.

So when you listen to a thought, you are aware not only of the thought, but also of yourself as the witness of the thought a new dimension of consciousness has come in. As you listen to the thought, you feel a conscious presence, your deeper self behind or underneath, underneath the thought as it works.

The thought then loses its power over you and quickly subsides because you are no longer energizing the mind through identification with it. This is the beginning of the end of involuntary and compulsive thinking. Now

we want to, to be very aware of what we're doing with our thinking and. I've said this many times, going back to my three 60 method, it's my signature method. It's not only what I teach. It's what I do. This is how I am successful in my life and how I live every day. And don't like, lose my mind with all the shit going on and all the shit I have to deal with it, all, everything just like any human being.

This is how I keep it together. And how I keep moving forward is with my own PR program. I do it every single day, myself and. Part of it that the cornerstones I always say is awareness and discipline. You have to know what's going on in your mind in order to do something about it. And those are the two things you got to know what's going on and you gotta do something about it.

If you are diligent with those two things, you will be successful at anything you do. So the card that popped up for this is the emperor and the emperor is the master of. His life, basically, this is the person that has it all together. He's in complete control. He has, this is like that, just like masculine ruler of the world energy.

And so you need to understand, you need to understand who you truly are. You are power, you are not some measly little thought, nor are you a string and incessant. Unending string of terrible thoughts. You're not that either you are the observer or the listener of it, you're the listener to it. But if you were to listen to those thoughts and then identify with them, Oh yeah, I am a loser.

Oh yeah. I am fat. Cause that's what my thoughts said. My thoughts that I'm fat, my thoughts and I'm a loser without that. I'm never going to make it in life. So I must be that because that's what my thoughts are saying. You're tuning into a station you don't like and identifying with it, turning up the volume and saying, can I have some more, this would be like watching a TV show.

You don't like and saying, Oh, this is my life. That's who I am. I'm that guy? Or are you going to be the song you do? Like, you're identifying with it. You're saying it's you, even though it's not, no one said it was well, maybe they did, but you don't have to believe that anymore. Right. Because we're going to.

Allow ourselves to be period to just be, to be still, to be calm, to be gracious, to be appreciative,

to be peace, to be at peace. Because when you stop listening to those thoughts or when you stop believing them, when you realize they're just chatter and it is just that radio playing a song that you don't really like, you can switch the station, you can turn the volume down, you can ignore it. And you start to understand that you are something different than that transmission.

Just as you are different from the transmission of a song on the radio that you don't like, you are different than the transmission of the thoughts going through your mind. So the more you are aware of them and recognize them as just transmission and noise and not the definition of who you are, you start to detach from that definition and no longer.

Become or, you know, live so married to this idea, by the way, you can always grab one-on-one coaching from me. If you would like to discuss this together and, you know, privately and figure out how you can quiet the chatter and harness your inner knowing and your inner being my one-on-one coaching is available at my website.

Roxy I've also got really awesome courses and workshops that will. Also help you get there as well. And definitely the free content community connect with people that understand you. That's all it. Roxy Okay. So this final passage.

And again, the cards it's, I'm just like laughing at the, the cards that came up because, um, right after emperor came the emphasis and I've shuffled these cards many times. And the emphasis is not only about harnessing your power, like external power and like a mental power. It's also about harnessing your divine connection.

The inner stuff and these three cards together, the strength, the balancing, the culmination of the emperor and the emphasis of having everything in line emotionally, physically, mentally, it all just makes sense. So I just love that. Me reading this book created a reading, a terror reading of its own within it.

So I just had to share that. So there's like an extra with the cards. Um, again, you can grab this Ethereum vision Okay. Back to the book. Eckhart totally is the power of now this is page 21. So the single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this learn to disidentify with your mind.

Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day. You may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head. As you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind. All that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it.

Again, harnessing your inner power understanding. That you are something so much bigger and greater, and you're definitely way bigger and better than a measly little thought or even a measly million thoughts. I don't care how many of them you are not a thought. You are so much more than that. And the most important thing you can do for yourself is understand that concept.

That just because you hear something in your mind does not mean that it's true or that it has to stay for you. It does not have to become you. And conversely, if it's something you've been playing over in your mind for years and years, you don't have to believe it anymore. From this day forward, you can start saying, no, I don't believe that anymore.

Or no, I don't subscribe to that anymore. Every time it pops up. That's how I'd get rid of it. If I had a belief that I was trying to erase that in my mind, every single time it popped up, I say something to myself like, Nope, I don't believe that anymore. Nope. That's not my reality. Nope. That's not how it is anymore.

Nope. That's not how it was or I replace it with something else, but it's just a defiance. You're not going to get me to accept that. Sorry. Keep, keep moving. And I've kind of discussed this notion before in a video talking about. Treating your negativity, like a drunk friend that you're just like, yeah, you're right.

Yeah. You're just like, I'm like, this is my emotion of petting their hair. You're like petting their back and petting their hair and you're just like, yeah, you're right. You want to get taco bell? Like let's, everything's all good. You know, you're so right. That's exactly how it is. Let's get some, talk about, get you to sleep and you're not really taking anything they say seriously, you're just helping and placating them and keeping them safe.

Cause you know that maybe they're not really in control right now. Okay. So. Treat your negative thoughts, like a drunk your drunk friend, or like a child. And you're just like, okay. Yeah, you're right. You're right. Yep. That is Batman. You are you're right. That is Superman. You are Batman. Yes. This is the Batmobile.

Oh yes. This tea is delicious. This mud cake is just divine. Right? We're not yelling at the child. Like I'm not going to eat mad. You crazy. You're like, Oh, Oh, Oh, this is so good. This is such delicious mud. But you know, you're not. Going to turn your life into a nightmare because you just ate some mud and now freak out because you don't know what the hell man, is there a tree growing inside of me?

I don't know. Okay. We're taking it to crazy places. Cause it sounds, it sounds kind of, you know, ridiculous when you think of it in that way. So don't listen to your thoughts. This is the moral of the story. You don't listen to your thoughts or do only listen to the ones that are good. Only listen to and believe the thoughts that say something you actually like.

And if your thoughts say something you don't like change them, change the station. Say something different because you have that power and beyond that, learn to revel in and accept the stillness of the moment because the empty space that exists between your thoughts is where your trueness lives. And that's kind of like what they're discussing in this book is that yeah, you already are that peace and love and joy that you're looking for.

And when you can quiet your mind and tell it to shut the fuck up and stop saying a bunch of stuff that we don't need to listen to or believe anymore, you can actually hear and feel and connect to viscerally experience that love and joy and infinite, boundless abundance that you are connected to. But it's only in those still moments that you really truly get to occupy it, but still moments that's all the time.

Right. Oh, you have our moments. All you have are chances to be peace and abundance and calm and gratitude and love and joy. That's all you are. So if you can just chill out, be a chill of source Rex. Get a chill source vaccines for, If you can just be a chill source Rex and just chill out and just calm down and just who enjoy the moment.

Clear out with thoughts clear on the thinking. You'll realize that there's so much around you to be thankful for, to appreciate to enjoy the beauty of, to express your love, to and about, to feel loved from and about to feel abundant. There's so much around you and it sometimes takes us shutting it all down in there, quieting all of it to look around and see.

But it's always there. It's always within you. It always is you and you don't have to push it away, but it's okay if you have, because it really never goes away. There is no away. It's always here with you. So learn to enjoy that stillness practice meditation, do it every single day. So you start to understand the value of it and the peace that comes from clearing out the thoughts and just existing, just being, as I say, as Eckert totally says in this book, the power of now.

Because you already have everything. You already are. Everything. There's nothing more that you need. There's nothing more that you need to know. There's nothing more that you need to do, except just settle and chill and enjoy every once in a while. And then when you're out of those moments where you, you know, are going out into your life and doing things you're appreciating, you're enjoying the people around you.

You're connecting and. You're not listening to the negative thoughts. So if they come up, we can observe them and send them on their way, but we're not identifying them as ourselves anymore. We're not identifying ourselves as them anymore. And we're just enjoying the fact that we get to be on the planet right now.

Cause that's pretty cool. So, if you want to discuss the power of now with your peers who are enjoying the book, head to my website, Roxie backslash forum. You can grab this book, the power of now on Amazon. That's where I got it. It came to me the next day came really fast. And, uh, let me know how you are interpreting this interpretation, interpreting this information, how you are living as a now creature.

If you remember my famous phrase, I am the what and the, now not the one in the house. That means I am it. I am the joy and I am it right now. I'm not worried about when it's coming, because it's already here and I'm not worried about how it's coming, cause it's already here. And it's me. I am the what, and I am the, now I am what I seek and I have it already.

That's exactly what that means. So please let me know how you feel about this book. How's it working for you? How do you live as a conscious creator in the now. Leaving the comments or leave us a review, come to YouTube and leave some comments with your peers. We have a wonderful community, as well as the forum on my website.

If you want one-on-one coaching from me to discuss exactly what's going on in your life. I can help you. Roxy We've got one-on-one coaching courses, workshops. My new three 60 stuff is coming soon. So stay, uh, stay tuned and I have a new free masterclass coming soon. All about figuring out your limiting beliefs.

So I love you. I appreciate you do not forget to be in the now and tell your thoughts to shut the F up. Nobody asked you, you dumb thought what you thought. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power I believe in you. . .