Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Circumstances Don't Matter | Manifest What You Want!

Roxy Talks Episode 221

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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While your circumstances may be uncomfortable or worse, the fact remains that they are completely irrelevant to where you are going next unless you make them a part of the story. Learn how to be unconditional with your thinking in regards to your current circumstances. Circumstances Don't Matter!

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Circumstances Don't Matter | Manifest What You Want!

It's the conditions that we put on ourselves. Those expectations that create the very circumstances that we don't want.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic sources. For all things manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature three 60 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it

what is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks today. I wanted to take the opportunity to remind you exactly why your circumstances don't matter. And this is not to diminish what you're going through. This is not to say that. You don't have the right to feel how you feel your feelings are valid.

Your feelings are incredibly valid because they add to the experience of your life as a human being on planet earth. The problem is that we tend to believe the implications of our feelings. We tend to fear and worry what our lives mean now because of the way that we feel. If we're working on changing things, sometimes our feelings and reactions to the circumstances in our world can make us feel like we're not making any progress.

It can snap us right back into our old way of thinking and our old patterns. It can make us feel like we have completely erased any progress. We thought that we had. And it can make us feel discouraged. It can give us the notion that maybe things don't actually work for us. Maybe they work for other people, but we're different.

We're special. Somehow we are somehow not entitled to everything that we want. Like everybody else seems to be, but that's not the case. The problem is that we live in this realm, this world. That perpetuates and copies itself off of our current thinking and progress does get made in every single moment if we are working towards it.

But we're talking about slowing down a speeding train and redirecting it. There's still momentum going in the direction of the current reality that we're in, even while we're working very diligently to change the story and head somewhere else. So, so we have to push through the circumstance and continue to affirm and know that our chosen reality is coming.

Even if we're still moving through the current reality. That momentum has been building and we can't necessarily stop a speeding train on a dime and send it in a new direction. We can however, begin steering towards a new horizon, but it's going to take a little bit of focus and dedicated, consistent thinking, affirming, reacting, believing.

To steer the train and to create momentum going in the new direction. So just like it would, you know, with inertia on something physical on the planet, it, I don't want to use the word time. It doesn't necessarily that it takes a minute, but it kind of takes a minute to turn the energy and focus the, the force.

In a new way. We can, we can turn the tension, but the actual physical, moving of all this momentum, this energy that's going in one direction, it might take a minute. So that's why it's really important that we continue to use our affirmations and manifestations and focus and belief while changing direction.

But still appearing to be in the current reality. It's like the, the train is still heading in that direction. So much energy is headed that way that, you know, I think about it in my mind. I just saw a vision of a person standing in front of a train, one person trying to stop it. That's not going to do much.

You're you're going to be going wherever the front of that train is going with it. Right. So. It's going to take a little bit more than just like one thought or one affirmation. We've got to build up this momentum to help guide it in the new direction. But during that process, you're still going to see the outcome of this inertia and this, this momentum that's been built up previously.

It's not that your manifestation doesn't begin to change immediately. It does, but we still have so much. Going in the original direction that it might take a minute, you know, again, it's the one, one person trying to stop the train. Isn't enough. We're going to need a whole gang of it. We need it. A bunch of Thor's and Superman's, and I know I'm mixing, I'm totally mixing a universe, literally what the universe is, that's what they're called.

I'm mixing the universities, but who cares? You get it? It's like, it's going to take a little bit of work before we can. Get it really going and, and, you know, firing like a bullet in the right direction, but that's okay. Cause we just need to keep at it, but this is why the circumstances don't matter because when you're talking about the circumstances of your current reality, you're talking about the stuff that's on the journey that the old trains go in the old destination, you know, like if I'm on a train, That's headed somewhere.

I don't like, but I know that if I just stay on the train and make it through the stops, I don't want to get to that. I'll get to the one I want to get to. Cause the train is still going in that direction. I just have a couple stops in front of me that I got to sit through. So the stops on, on the journey to your destination are your circumstances.

Don't get off on that station, right? It's like, it's almost like you come, let's say we're on this train, right? The train is headed to ideal land, but it's going to have to go through bad land on its way. Don't get off the train in bad land, just because the train may have, you know, stopped for a moment just because you see the exit doesn't mean you have to take it.

And so all of this, what I'm trying to say is that your current reality is going to contain circumstances that. Match it and validate it and sustain it because those truths exist within this reality, just like the truths of your chosen reality exists in that reality. So when you can ignore the circumstances of your current reality, and as I've said before, react to, or react as if you're experiencing a circumstance of your chosen reality, you are in essence working to redirect the train.

But you still might see a couple exits that you don't want to get off on. Right? We're not disembarking on the exits. We don't like, we're not reacting to the circumstances of our 3d world as if they have to be in our lives. Now we're stuck with them because it's in the assuming that you're stuck with the circumstances that creates the stuck, the stickiness of the circumstances.

It's that very assumption that keeps it there. So sort of assuming that, because something negative happens in your world, that it's going to have a negative outcome, or it's going to further prevent you from reaching your ideal outcome. You're going to decide that any circumstance in your world, we're not labeling, labeling it good or bad or negative or positive or anything.

It's just a circumstance. It doesn't really matter because either way, I'm still going to my chosen reality. I don't care. I don't care if there are stops along the route that I don't want to get off on. Who cares? What does that have to do with the stop? I do want to get off on nothing. They're completely separate.

They're completely. They're unrelated. So I'm not going to make a big deal about having to sit through a couple of stops. I don't want to get off on, I don't want to disembark from my train at preposition at the end of a sentence, who cares? What I am going to do is ignore it, enjoy the ride while I'm on it, because I'm on a fucking train.

Cool. And then when I do get to the stop I want to be at, then I'm going to get off. Then I'm going to say, yes, this is exactly what it is. I've been working towards. Great. But until that moment, I'm not going to be angry at the journey. I'm going to enjoy the journey. Cause I'm on my way to what I want. And that's great.

And eventually I'm going to see it. And I know I will. And I'm going to keep that faith, the circumstances of the 3d don't matter because they have nothing to do with where you're going. So why make a big deal out of them when you make a deal out of them, they become a deal. So the less of a deal you make out of them, the less of a deal they are.

And if you can watch and observe things, come into your existence without reacting to them without claiming them without raising your hand and saying, Oh, I'll take that even though I hate it and don't want it. No, here's the stop. Two, two, two, two, two. This is a Dingle Dingle dangle. This is my stop at, you know, misery Island.

And you're like, Oh, I guess I'll get off. Even though my ticket is for, you know, fantasy Island, for some reason, I'm just going to get off here and then complain about it. No, get your ass back on the train. Go to fantasy Island. Let's make this happen. We can do this. We can do this. You got to keep working through it.

Your circumstances, the 3d current is just, it's just where you've been going. It's not where you're continuing to go, unless you continue to go there by thinking that you're stuck in it, by thinking that it's hard by thinking it's taking long, by thinking that you're not seeing evidence by thinking that it doesn't work for you, by wondering when and how and wondering why not you, and when is it going to finally be you and how come this and never that and all, but this and everything, but this thing and how come?

No, it's just, there's so many conditions we put on ourselves. And it's the conditions that we put on ourselves that create the circumstances. I'm going to say that again, cause I've never said it like that before that came out, that was special for this podcast. It's the conditions that we put on ourselves.

Those expectations that create the very circumstances that we don't like. So there's another reason to ignore them. It's because you, in your. Not finest moments created that reality. And if you don't want it any more than shut the hell up about it, don't react to it. Let it pass. Observe it. Appreciate the fact that you saw it.

Thank you. I'm glad I witnessed that. Now. I know that it's there. I'm going to do my work double time to make sure that I don't continue to affirm that. And actually it's the opposite and everything's working out great. You are in control. Your circumstances are just reflections of what you've done with your mind.

Your fears, your worries, your beliefs, your expectations, your insecurities, that's all they are. It's those things manifested in the 3d world. So why don't your circumstances matter? Because your insecurities are bullshit. That's why, because your worries and fears, don't equate to a life you actually want to live.

When you look at them as a roadmap, that's why they don't matter because you don't want to live there with them. If you wanted your circumstances, you wouldn't be complaining about him. You wouldn't be upset about them and being pained by them. And you know, this is not to judge you. I have my own, you know, I'm a human being too.

I have my own things I work on, but I work on them every single day. And that's really what it's about. There's nothing more important than your mindset. There couldn't be. There couldn't be anything more important because. Your mindset determines your entire world. Everything, everything stems from it. So nothing could be more important aside from, you know, cultivating relationships in your world, but that all stems from your mindset as well.

There's nothing above it. Your health mindset, wealth mindset, self-esteem mindset, power mindset, relationships, mindset. It all comes from your mindset. So it's crucial to get ahold of it. Actually last year, I did a live workshop talking about mental diet, how it's, you know, it's just like eating. It's like a food diet.

You know, what you feed your mind is what you get out in your world. And so it's incredibly important to be very aware of every thought that you put in your head, just like when you're on a diet, you have to be very aware of every piece of food that you put in your mouth. So. Mental diet, very important, keeping your, your mind where it needs to be to get the train to go where you want it to go.

That's how you get the train to head to the correct direction is through your mental diet. So that workshop I have, the replay is available for a short period of time right now at my website, Roxy It's only going to be available for the month of April. So grab that. If you are interested, you can also check out one-on-one coaching with.

Me. If you want me to help you figure out what you need to do in your mental diet, how you need to adjust your language, your affirmation, so that your circumstances aren't playing out the way that you know, you're not enjoying in the current moment. All that's at Roxy as well as a bunch of free content and workshops, courses, everything designed to help you get where you need to go.

I love you. I appreciate you. Your circumstances are irrelevant because you don't have to listen to anything or believe anything. Period. You don't have to listen to any, like, you don't have to believe negative things about yourself. You really don't, your world's going to continue to operate whether you're aware of this process or not.

But if you get a hold of it, then you start to really control what comes next for you. And. I can say from personal experience as somebody who has taken control of my life, I much prefer it this way than being at the mercy of my thoughts. So, you know, in my opinion, there's nothing more important. There couldn't be anything more important.

I just don't see how anything could Trump, the way you think about stuff because that manifests and your entire world stems from it. And I have really worked to find the language and express how plainly, I mean, to say, It is what you say it is. Everything is what you say it is. So just be very careful about what you say blank is.

Doesn't matter what we're talking about. It's all going to do what you say it's doing all the time. No matter what. So just be on top of it. It's kind of easy if you think about it, but Hey, you know, we're all working on our mental diet. We're working on our focus. We're working on our practice and if you want to.

Get deeper into it and figure out what's going on in your mind and in your world, head to Roxy and I will help you get more clear and laser target your focus to get exactly what you want. Get your life on track, get everything in line the way you want it to be because you can and you deserve it.

I love you. I appreciate you. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power I believe in you.