Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Forget About Your Specific Person To Manifest Your Specific Person

Roxy Talks Episode 228

The best thing you can do to manifest a specific person is to forget about them altogether!... and I'm explaining  exactly WHY and HOW to do that in today's episode.

You truly must be fully at ease and content within yourself to manifest the best, easiest and most harmonious relationship.

Learn how to ease yourself into your ideal relationship, because you deserve it!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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The best advice I could give you about manifesting a specific person is to forget about your specific person. Like, if you want to manifest a relationship, forget about the whole thing.

What is up my fellow dreamers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade, I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science.

Quantum. Yeah. And the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams. Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks and she's talking manifestation and she's talking podcast and we're talking about manifesting relationships because most of us are either in one have had one have had seven. Are enjoying one, not enjoying one.

Want to get in one, want to get out of one

or none of the above, and this doesn't apply to you. And that's cool. Maybe you're just listening for the good vibes and if that's the case welcome, and thank you for tuning in this week. If you are somebody that is wanting something different out of your relationship. Uh, whatever, you know, relationship status you may identify with at the current moment, which by the way, however, you identify whatever you, whatever relationship status you identify as is manifesting in your world.

Right? So if you think you're super, super single, you are, you should quit saying that unless you. Let's see, I mean, if you want to continue being single, of course not that there's anything I'm, I'm not saying yay or nay on either side. I loved being single when I was single. I love being married either.

One's fine. And part of that has to do with the fact that like, I'm fine either way and that's, you know, that's, what's at the heart of manifesting anything and especially. A relationship because it's that contentedness. I don't need anything. I have everything that I want or could possibly need everything comes to me easily.

It's that like, I don't need, there's no lack that makes relationships come through. So when you're manifesting a relationship, it's really important that you're trying, you know, you're trying to cultivate the opposite of lack within your mind. Because if you are operating from a place of lack, then you're fighting an uphill battle just to begin with like, you're, you know, you're in, you're digging yourself in a hole when you could just be standing outside of the hole and kind of start at neutral or start at the top also.

But when you define yourself or take ownership of the lack of relationship in your life, Whether you're trying to manifest one or not. The fact of the matter is that you don't have a relationship in your life and you're affirming that over and over for yourself. So, you know, you always want to be aware of what you're saying, what you're talking about and how you're discussing things, what you're saying about them, because all your thoughts are affirmations.

All of the sentences you think in other are affirmations, and they're either affirming your ideal reality or they're not, you know, and that's okay. Just if you want to get some. Different than what you got. You got to do the thing that gets you there. And that's why thinking thoughts that match up to where you want to go or what exists within.

So being content with yourself is ultimately the answer to how to manifest a specific person, how to manifest a person out of manifested better relationship is to not need it to be better. And I'm not saying that like, In your 3d, it doesn't need to be better. I'm saying that like the story you're telling in your mind or the narration, that's going on, the thought constant, the constant stream of thoughts that you're thinking is not describing what you don't want.

Right? Like you gotta make your thoughts match up to what you want or you mean you might get to your destination eventually. I'm not saying you won't, it's just that like, there's a more direct route, but it comes with. As I always say, oh, awareness and discipline. That's that's part of the deal. You got to know what you're saying, and you've got to make yourself change it.

If it's not the right thing, it doesn't line up. It's just a waste of a thought. It's a waste of an affirmation you get like approximately 65,000 a day to spend or use on whatever reality you want. And if you don't spend every 65,000 of them on your chosen reality, that's fine. It's just, you know, Missed opportunity.

It's, it's missed steps in the right direction that you, you know, you could've put your foot one way, but you put it the other way. And so you went a little bit out of your way on your destination. So you're not going to get there maybe as quick as you could have, but that's okay. You'll again. No, one's saying you're not going to get there.

I'm just saying like, if you want the most direct and easy path and.

This is okay. This is like the sentence I've been using to describe this, this whole podcast. So I guess I'm just going to drop it here. Like, if I could tell you anything, the best advice I could give you about manifesting a specific person is to forget about your specific person. Like if you want to manifest a relationship, forget about the whole thing.

Focus on happiness contentment yourself, fulfilling the desires and the needs, the actual lack that you're experiencing, which has nothing to do with a human body next to you for the most part. Right? So when you can put away. The notion that you need something that you need someone to come back, that they're not here, that you wish they were here, that you need to manifest them, or that you are manifesting them or that they're acting this way or they're acting that way, or they tell you this, or they said that are there with this other person, or they're over here doing this, or I don't know what the hell they're doing.

Cause I haven't spoken to them and God knows how long or just spoke to them the other day. And now they're ghosting me again. There's so many options. There's so many different ways you could describe your relationship. I just named a few, but none of those I can tell you, just from speaking to clients on one-on-one sessions, none of those really benefit you.

If those are the affirmations you're using to describe your relationship. So the best thing you could do for yourself is to use those 65,000 thoughts a day, the 65,000 chances to manifest your chosen reality. On manifesting happiness, contentment being full of love, feeling loved, being trusting and trusted with the people in your life, feeling connected to the people around you, loving what you've been given and what you experienced, loving who you are, yada yada, yada, because again, the people that are in your life.

I talked about, you know, the warm body next to you is. It's just energy, you know, it's just the meaning that you give it. What you're really looking for in a relationship is the, the output that you get from it, the emotional validation insecurity and, um, like excitement and fulfillment that you get from having that connection with somebody.

That's what we're really looking for. You don't want just a warm body, if you did, than anybody would do go down the street and find someone and just say, Hey. You know, like it matters because, you know, put like your least favorite X in that spot. You don't want them back. Right? Like it matters who it is or excuse me, it's not a, what I'm trying to say is it's not a warm body that you're looking for.

It's the connection and the feelings and all the other stuff that they elicit within you, or that you feel within your body when you're around them or when you're experienced, then when you're talking to them and then. It's more than just their physical presence in your space. So understand that it's all of those feelings of fulfillment and not needing anything and being completely content like the idea of waking up on a Sunday morning, lying in your person's arms and just feeling like the world could stop or end and you don't care.

You don't even have to leave your bed. You could just lay there all day and nothing else matters that. That is where your mind should be at. And not because you're in someone's arms, but just because, because when you put your thoughts there, your body eventually finds itself there as well. And if you're completely content and you don't need anything, then having a connection with somebody is inevitable.

One of the human basic needs is connection. So if all your needs are met, that includes that one. And so this is why forgetting about manifesting and SP is the best thing you can do to manifest an SP because. I'm just going to say some things here, please. Don't take this on as your own limiting belief.

I'm just going to say some things. Okay. I've maybe seen some people get triggered in the process of manifesting. Um, you know, if maybe they don't see the results they want or it's hard, they stumble it's whatever, blah, blah, blah. We don't need to go on down the road, but like, You know, manifesting a person when, when there's that weight behind it and that need, and that desperation and they're not here and there's history and there's time and there's past and all the Yogi yeah.

Reasons why maybe you're listening right now. It's just like mucky muck that adds to the, to the situation. That's like, it's something that's very easy and effortless and just happens. Naturally. We make it way too hard for ourselves by putting all these limitations on ourselves and these rules and these reasons why we can't have it.

So it's like that just like mucks up the whole system. So when you take all that shit off the table, we clean up the story. Hey, you know what SP. Love them to death. They're doing great. I'm doing great. Life's going amazing. Whatever they're doing when they're not with me is only benefiting us as a unit and as a successfully functioning pair of people who love to interact with each other and just bring each other, such happiness and joy, we're committed.

We're happy. We're healthy. We're whole, everything's great. Send it on its way, clean up the story, send it away, and then focus on how to make yourself feel fulfilled. Or at least, and also all of the above, tell yourself that you're fulfilled, even when you may not feel like you are, because if you're thinking I am not fulfilled right now, that's going to manifest.

You may feel like you're just observing your 3d feelings or you're just maybe validating how you're feeling. But if you're thinking it, it's part of your story, it's going to be part of the deal, your physical reality. So you want to change those thoughts to just, Hey, I am completely fulfilled right now.

I do have everything. Yeah. And honestly, if you're sitting in your house or your car or at your job, and your biggest concern is whether or not your partner is loving you. And I don't mean this to take away from what you're going through, but like, if that's your biggest concern and it sounds like you really are okay.

You do have everything you need, you are healthy and whole and alive and safe. And you know what I mean? It's like, it's not a survival thought, so I'm pretty sure. It sounds like you're doing really fucking great. Actually, if you look around and see how much is around you and see how much you do have. So part of getting all this in order and getting your person, getting this stuff together is too.

Denounce lack, stop affirming it. Let go of the association of not having what you want. Let go of the, of telling the story that it's anything, but exactly how you want it to go check out my 360 method or get one-on-one coaching with me. If you want me to help guide you through this, I'm actually hosting a really cool live event series with three chances to see me live this summer and on June 30th.

That's our next one. It is. All about taking the person off a pedestal and getting that person. So there's chances for you. If you want to dive deeper, um, I've got free content on YouTube and my website for you to really grasp and understand how to be a master at choosing your reality and choosing your relationship and not just reacting to what you get., YouTube, all kinds of places, do the 360 method. That's my signature method. It's what I use is what I teach my clients to manifest what I want, how to keep my thoughts on what I want and keep them away from what I don't want. So when you're manifesting your person, you're keeping your thoughts on thoughts that are describing the relationship you actually want to experience and not the one you maybe currently have, or don't have, but more importantly, you're focusing less on.

Trying to force this relationship into submission and more on basking in and soaking up and rewriting. Your programming to reflect abundance and satisfaction and fulfillment. By saying that you're satisfied by saying that you're fulfilled by saying that you have everything you could possibly need in the universe.

So amazing and things are just coming to you so easily and everything you want is yours and everything you want comes too easily and everything you want just falls into your lap and you don't have to do anything except enjoy your life even more. That's where your thoughts should be at and would be at, if you were in your ideal relationship, you would just be lying there in your person's arm on Sunday morning thinking I don't need a goddamn thing besides what I have right now. This is amazing. 

So match up to that mentally, do your best to match up to it emotionally. And make yourself feel those feelings, bring them up, conjure them up from a different memory and then drop the image of the old memory. Keep the feeling in your body and then insert the new memory that you're trying to make on top of it.

But either way, we're trying to communicate the idea of complete fulfillment, having everything we need, not needing anything, because we already have everything which in turn allows everything to come to us easily, focus on, you know, that the relationship is working out. And if you think about. Make sure that you're thinking about it in a way that works for you.

And if you're not switched to that frequency, switch to that thought immediately in that moment, check the 360 method for more. Grab me for one-on-one coaching. If you want me to help guide you in your specific situation, and you can also come share live with your fellow community members at our live workshop, take them off the pedestal.

Roxy That's happening July 30th. Nope, back that up. June 30th. I do have one on July 30th that one's about letting go. Okay. We've got one on July 15th. It's also about self-love. So all of these things are part of the story of manifested. Anything really, but especially a specific person. So if that resonates with you, join me on the live session, there will be chances to speak with me live.

They're not guaranteed, but some people will be able to grab live coaching with me in the group. It's going to be a great time again. Lots of great info courses, workshops, coaching free content book club also got a Facebook group, black moon society, many ways to connect with me and your fellow community members.

I love you. Be good to yourself. Keep your thoughts on track. Do the 360 method you have the power I believe in you.