Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

F$@% Hustle Mentality! | Manifest Success NOW!

Roxy Talks Episode 230

Do you actually have to struggle for success? Is hustle mentality truly manifesting your best life? 

People wear stress, anxiety, and lack of time like a Badge of Honor. We praise and perpetuate the struggle, but is it necessary?

What if work is just another form of play? What if money and success come easily?

In this episode of Roxy Talks, I'm breaking down what it means to work like you already have the money, and share examples of how to write a new story that supports your dreams.

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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Do the work without adding the story of the struggle in with it, because it just makes everything so much harder when it doesn't have to be. You can just be successful at what you want. I promise

what is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks. Station podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade, I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get it.

Okay. What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks, where we discuss manifestation and we talk about what it means and what it's like and what it takes to live our lives as conscious manifestors and people who are actively creating their best lives, using their focus and attention.

And. Practices and self care and dedication. Uh, the 360 that all of the above, uh, to creating the world that they want to live in and not settling for what their 3d reality tells them they should get because of what they've already had or what people have told them that they are good enough for what's possible in life, yada, yada, yada.

So I wanted to talk about this concept of like,

Old notions and living your life, according to what other people have told you or what you. Experienced before, or what you think is, is the deal or believing the old limiting stories that we've all heard and listened to and how you can use that to overcome your current reality or overcome your current circumstances and manifest the life that you actually want to live.

So, um,

If you're watching, you're watching the podcast, then you'll probably see my lighting going crazy. I'm trying to make my little face light go in the right place. So we're just going to keep working through it because,

because this is our world and everything is working out perfectly for us and everything works out best case scenario and yeah, that's exactly what's happening. So let's talk about. Let's talk about notions that people try to put on us because other people are fucked up and we're walking around.

Believing and listening to these notions of life and definitions of the self that don't serve us in any way at all. That generally it probably have nothing to do with us at all and are just someone else's insecurities that were voiced to us. And maybe we called it to us. That doesn't really matter. It doesn't really matter how we came apart, came upon the information.

What matters is that we don't take stock in the stuff that people who don't have their shit together. So.

I heard this concept on a Jake doosey video. I wish I couldn't remember what it was called. It was a great video. Go watch all of his videos and find it. Um, but he was talking about how we're building our concepts of ourselves based on all these things that people have told us throughout. Life like what we're good enough for.

What's possible for us. What's possible for people, you know, what, what what's possible in relationships what's possible for success. What's possible for money. What's possible for you. You can do that. You can't do that, all that stuff. We're building our concept of life, which is then of course, manifesting according to tall tales and stories and insecurities and, and, and lessons.

Maybe like a clearly understood or not from other people who are just as jaded or misunderstood or misled or lost or depressed, or is that, or fucked up as us. And we don't need to be taking on these notions, um, from other people that. Have their shit together. Like, unless you're talking about a billionaire with a great life and an amazing self care and great relationships and donates lots of money and, you know, lives a happy, healthy whole life, unless you're doing that.

Like, I can't really be coming to you for Sage advice on how I should live. I need to figure that on my own. I have to find my own way through. These, these expectations on these stories that we find ourselves believing. I have to find my ability to. Discount and ignore if you will. The limiting beliefs of the other people that, that have, you know, given advice throughout life.

And that could be, you know, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a cousin, a friend, an enemy, a teacher, a coach, an instructor, a news anchor, a radio. Personality a celebrity, a Instagram person, you know, a tick talker, some guy walking down the street, uh, YouTube, where that left you a re you know, left a rude comment, replied to you.

Some sort of troll, some sort of, I don't know, it's like, it doesn't really matter again. If, if I'm not listening to a Zen master, who's living the life that I want to leave. It doesn't really matter what someone else's opinion of life or expectation is because I am in control of mine and in my world, my story, my expectations, my fears, worries, doubts, insecurities, hopes, dreams, all that shit.

That stuff manifests for me in my world. So. I have to be very careful not to taint it with other people's notions and fears and limitations that they've picked up through their own insecurities and doubts and failures and stumbles and wins and losses. And then the other people in their lives that have told them shit that they've carried along with them and insecurities that they've have had.

And it just goes on and on. And at the end of the day, you start to realize that like there's no real origin to any of these insecure. They started somewhere somehow. And they just been passed along and people believe in them and buy into them. And that's what keeps us, I don't want to use the word small, but away from what we want.

That's what keeps us apart from living. Our dreams are all these notions of why we can't have it and why we're not good enough for it or why it's not going to be ours or why it's hard to get or why we have to work really hard or why we have to struggle to get it. And that is kind of like. Where I wanted to take this episode is like, I know a lot of people out there are, are on that hustle train, right?

Like I was on the hustle train. I'm still trying to, excuse me. I have disembarked from the hustle train. I revoked my ticket. I don't want to get back on that train ever again because the hustle train is an illusion. The hustle train is a lie and it's meant to keep you hustling. Keep you looking for that next thing that you got to do that.

Task, you have to complete that next milestone that you have to surpass. And not that I, um, discouraging anyone to not chase their dreams. What I mean is that we need to go into it with a really abundant, peaceful and easel, um, mentality and approach. Because if you put struggle into your story, then it's a part of your story.

If you have to. Hit the streets and hustle and grind for every dollar that you make. You may make a lot of money, but it's going to be hard one. And that's kind of like where my mentality used to be was that like I knew I would be successful, but you gotta grind. You gotta work hard. You gotta do all yada, yada, yada, you got to get up and do this thing.

You got to do this. And it's this idea of like, never enoughness. And that's kind of where I've found myself now is like swimming against this current of never have no, I never have even, I don't even want to say it again. Never. Enoughness when I have everything I've wanted and I've manifested my dream reality.

So I've gotten to this point where the manifestation manifestations real, the 3d became, you know, the, the dreams became the 3d, but my. Hustle mentality. My grind, my like workaholic ism that never stopped. Hearing from the doggies today. I never put away the notion that I had to work really, really hard or that I had to struggle to succeed, or that as an artist, I had to be a starving artist in order to be a real artist.

So to really relate to people, I had to struggle. And I had to build myself out of that struggle. And I had to come from somewhere to get to where blah, blah, like all those stories about creating yourself. And like you started from the bottom now we're here. Even that, like, I don't, I want to throw that notion away, like no offense Drakes, but like that is perpetuating the idea that a we're at the bottom and B that it's, you know, gonna take a lot of work to get us to the top.

It doesn't take work at all. It takes a snap judgment. I've always, should I have a, I am at the top of the mountain. Why do I keep placing myself at the bottom of it? I'm at the top of the mountain already. The struggle is non-existent. There is no struggle. This is ease. I'm easing into my dream life. I am easing my dream life into existence.

I'm not even willing it or forcing it or manifesting it. I'm easing it into reality because it's easy to come by. Cause the ideal reality that I want to be in already exists. So I'm going to focus on knowing that I have all that it takes to attain what I want, that I have the credentials. I've got the skills, I've got the talents.

I've got the know-how. I got the ideas. I got the connections. I got the opportunities I'm affirming, that kind of stuff. I am working. I don't want to say that, Hey, don't do anything. I'm not saying you sit on your ass and do nothing. I'm saying work for the joy of it. Don't work to work because you think you need to hustle to make a buck don't work to work.

Cause you think that's how you're going to make it work because you love to do what you love to do. And when you get on the path of doing what you love to do, doing what your soul came here to do, doing fulfilling your soul's purpose. Then the resources that it takes to live and survive and thrive come to you naturally because you're no longer focused on creating money and generating wealth, which is already around.

You don't have to generate wealth. You're not making it, it already exists wealth as a concept. So we want to like disidentify and just associate these ideas about work equally. Hard work, equaling lots of money. You know, success is hard. One or success takes hard work. I'm not saying it. Doesn't, I'm saying do the work because he loved to do it.

And then don't talk about how hard it is while you're doing that. Use your manifestation powers, your affirmations, your thoughts, your thinking, your reactions, your behaviors, to describe a reality. Everything comes to you easy. You're already living as that version of yours that you want that ideal version, the wealthy, the successful, having the job, having the connections, having the, the cloud, whatever it is that people are going after having the followers, I don't know, live in the.

No wing and bask in the feelings of it's already done. And I don't have to do anything because if you already had it, then there wouldn't be tension trying to create it and trying to bring it to fruition. So the struggle mentality in itself contradicts what it's going for, which is success. So. Knowing that the success is already yours.

You already are. The entrepreneur, you already are wealthy. You already are the famous artists. You already are. The author. You already are. The doctor, you already are the pilot. You already are the influencer or the fucking Tik TOK or whatever it is that that people want these days. You already are that.

Okay. And you need to embody it and step into it mentally and emotionally. So that you can bring it to your physical reality and it'll be, you know, a reality around you, but don't, don't add in the unnecessary struggle and trauma of. Of having to hustle and work hard for it. The idea of it. Okay. Again, I'm not saying don't do shit, sit on your ass.

Like if you want to be a tick talker, you got to make tick talks. There's no way around it. Right. So you still have to do something, but again, you're doing it for the joy of doing it. Not for the paycheck, not for the status. It's going to bring, not for any of that, because that stuff comes along with a territory.

Naturally, you've got to become the ideal. Artists version of you, you got to become the athlete or the math lead or the author, you know, what authors do they write? Okay. That's what you do to become an author is to write, not to think of it. Not saying that's not important to think about how to market yourself, but my point is again, allow that stuff to come along with the process by intending that it does and using your thoughts and affirmations to describe a reality where you're able to do what you love.

Money comes in easily. You're completely satisfied and comfortable. Everyone. Taken care of, and then some, you have an over abundance of money and joy and love and clarity and happiness and enthusiasm and success and support and drive and all that shit that we want affirm that you have it affirm. You are that version now.

And then do the work of that version of you at their best. You at your artists is not concerned about money. You're concerned about creating you at your, um, I don't know. Entrepreneurial best. Shouldn't be focusing on the money. It should be about delivering to your community, what it is that you are here to deliver.

So following the passion. That's part one, step one, follow the passion, do the thing that you actually want to do. And then disassociate the idea that you have to do X, Y, and Z in order to be successful at it. I'm not saying you don't, I'm not saying you don't have to work hard. I'm not saying you don't have to go to med school.

I'm not saying you don't have to go to law school. I'm saying don't. Create a struggle around the story. Okay. Don't say that it's hard. Don't think that you got to wake up and hustle for every dollar that you have when the money is flowing to you now. So we're changing the mentality around the passion.

We're changing the way we think that money and, and, uh, what's the word, abundance and, and, um, What am I seeing? Well, I'm seeing like riches, but there's a word I'm that is escaping me, um, that the physical material, uh, fulfillment comes along only when you have struggled. So hard, worked so many hours done X, Y, and Z dropped that notion.

Because that is where the story of other people's expectations, bullshit history. You know, the idea for me, like I remember people saying, oh, businesses don't thrive in their first year. And you know, it's really hard. The first three years of business is really hard and it's really hard to get a business going.

I was telling myself all that stuff in the beginning of starting a business, which is so stupid and like anti. Uh, why am I not wording good today? Where are my words at and tie intuitive? Is that a word? And I'm going to listen back to this and be like, it's anti-bot. I have to have that.

My words are so good. Okay. Anyways, thinking that, you know, you have to do all this extra work or that it's hard. It's like adding it's it's it's counterintuitive. There we go. That's the word it's counter-intuitive okay. It's counterintuitive to the process. When really you just need to say, oh, this is easy.

This comes to me with ease. I'm a natural, I'm doing what I love. I get better and better every day. All these opportunities are coming to me. I'm amazing. The money is flowing. I can live my life. Everyone's taken care of. I'm taken care of. I'm completely satisfied. Everything's working out yada yada, yada, you do that.

You use those thoughts and mentality while you're creating, while you're being the, the best version of you at your desired level of success. We'll just call it that, whatever we're talking about here, again, the version of you that has it exactly the way you want. Is okay. Does know the money's coming through no matter what isn't worried about how they're going to survive or how they're going to pay their bills or thinking they have to do so many things in order to get the job done, or it's going to fall apart.

It's only going to fall apart. If you think thoughts like that. So we got to do our best, do the 360 method. Like I always say to keep your thoughts on. The notions that it's easy, it comes, comes to you. Easy. Everything happens in your life with ease and peace. And it's so great to be a creator of X, Y, and Z, because you just have to create, and the rest of it falls into place on its own.

And you're telling yourself this stuff while you're working potentially, or maybe while you're hustling, but you're not telling yourself that you have to. Get up and do this, or, you know, you can't put food on the table, you can't keep the lights on those notions. Those stories, those definitions are gone.

They're out the window. We don't talk like that. We don't think like that anymore. You can do the hustle without thinking about the hustle. You know what I'm saying? Like do the work without adding the story of the struggle in with it, because it just makes everything so much harder when it doesn't have to be.

You can just be successful at what you want. I promise. I, it made all the difference in my world when I stopped thinking, seeing that it was going to be hard to start my business. And I just was like, oh, my business is booming. I'm helping millions of people. I went from, I'm like, oh, I'm trying to start a business.

And it's getting there and blah, blah, blah, make a sale to straight up. Straight up in my, in my mind, straight to business has been me. I'm helping millions of people. I skipped all the bullshit in the middle and it became my reality because I made that my story about business period. And that was the only way I would talk about.

So pick the thing that you want, do the stuff that you love, and then don't use your thoughts to make it harder on yourself or to insert struggle, or to insert time or pain or anything. It's easy. It's falling into place it's happening now. It couldn't be easier for you. And thank you universe for allowing me to have such a great and simple approach to.

Living the life that I want to live. I don't care what people have said. I don't care how long it took you, Brenda. I'm doing it right now and it's happening and unfolding for me. And it's easy. Okay. We're not listening to what other people have experienced. That's great for them, or it sucks for them.

Sorry. You just sit there and say, you know, That's not part of my story. That's not my reality. I appreciate your vice, but not my reality. That's not how it is for me. And if you have to say that internally and just smile and nod and their face, then you just do that. Take the advice and say, oh, that's very kind of you to say it in your head.

You're like, wow, I'm really sorry that you have that notion about yourself, but that does not exist in my reality. That is not a part of my story. And, uh, just keep. No, thank you. Not my reality, being your 3d reality until you get to the reality that you want to be in. Okay. That's how we do it. And you can also join me on a super fun self-love and deep group connection live workshop that I'm hosting on July 15th.

It's going to be great and it's going to really help us embrace the notions that we want to have about ourselves in our lives and dismiss the ideas that we have adopted and come to believe and expect about ourselves based on the past and based on what other people have shown us or told us. Okay, so deep self-love live workshop happening July 15th.

It's going to be a great time. It's part of my life summer series workshop. Nope, it's called the summer. Live summer series workshop, live workshops, summer season.

I think my Bell's perfection has made my brain work even better than it, than it did before. And that's so great. I'm so happy for myself and so proud where it's come to me very easily. And I appreciate you for listening to this podcast. If you would like me to help you come up with your own affirmations and help you pinpoint what's going on in your manifestation and get you over the hump that you may be experiencing.

Get you back on track, whatever it is, you can sign up for one-on-one coaching with me at my website, Roxie You can also sign up for my live workshop series happening this summer, and I've also got other great courses, coaching and workshops as There's also fun free content forum book club.

And of course the Facebook group, black moon society. We are all raising our vibrations together. You have the power I believe in you.