Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Manifest Using Inspired Action | What Exactly IS Inspiration?

Roxy Talks Episode 231

We're constantly manifesting whether we are consciously aware of it or not. 

Our thoughts motivate us to do certain things. But what exactly IS-inspired action?

In this episode, I'm discussing how aligning your thoughts with your desires can result in ideas that will enable you to crush your goals. 


Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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Following impulses in that state is always going to lead you somewhere. Great. I love what I accidentally read.

Um, my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation really. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks, where we discuss a manifestation. And of course, beyond that, how to live as a conscious manifester, because it's one thing to manifest things that we want and to bring, you know, good instances and positive experiences to ourselves.

But it's another thing too. Live every day, knowing and staying aware of and staying on top of and staying ahead of our thinking, thoughts, behaviors, actions, and the like, because we know that our mind is always manifesting forward and what's coming next for us. And today I wanted to talk about. The idea of staying motivated and staying focused and staying inspired to do the work and to think positively or to manifest or focus on what you want instead of focusing on what you don't.

And in today's mindset, Monday chat, which is our live YouTube chat. We do every Monday. Somebody asks about what to do when you feel unmotivated, or if you feel like giving up on your manifestation, or if it feels too hard, if you feel like taking a break. So it kind of wanted to intermingle that with the idea of.

Being inspired and what that actually means and what it looks like when you're living that conscious creator world. Or that God is greater life and what to do if you find yourself feeling that, like, I don't know if I want to call it like apathy, but it's just that, you know, like, God, do I need to take a break?

Like sometimes it's overwhelming, sometimes it's too much. And so that. Place where we have the inspiration to, and the drive to, and the desire to go after what we want and stay on top of our thoughts and where it meets the place of overwhelm and pushing through the negativity and pushing through the ups and downs and what to do and how to stay focused.

So that's what today's episode is about. Um, thank you for. Tuning in, if it's your first time welcome. And if it's not welcome back, I appreciate you listening and being a part of the community because we really do have the best community here. I say that all the time. So of course it can continues to manifest that way.

And I'm just very appreciative of each and every single person that is a part of our community here and part of our family. And we're just all being. Manifestation masters together. And, uh, again, I just appreciate you being here on the journey with me as, um, I am undoubtedly a part of the journey with you if you're listening.

So, um, that's cool. We're filling each other's, um, manifestations here as we speak. And that's what life's about. Right? So first things first, let's talk about this idea of feeling motivated or inspired. And in what you should do with that, what does that look like for me? I see the inspiration or the, you know, the divine intervention or what is it called?

The inspired action. So looking at my notes, I'm all selling them all via, you know, the, uh, what do you call it? When the action goes through the inspired action? Let's talk about that inspired action to me is like, We're always taking inspired action. Right? If you think about it, like we're always following some sort of impulse coming from the trajectory that we're on and that we've planted ourselves upon and thrust ourselves into.

So we're always taking cues, whether we follow them or not. I just saw like a white rabbit in my head, like. Uh, we know whether we follow the cues or not is one thing, but we're always given the impulses to do all kinds of stuff really. And it's about the ones you follow, you know, and it's about how you respond to ideas.

And whether you move forward with them and whether you start to bring them to fruition and bring them to the 3d world, whether you listen to the idea, whether you take it in and think it's a great idea, or, you know, doubt yourself and, you know, start to like it and then say, oh, but I can never do that. Or, yeah, but I shouldn't do that now because of X, Y, Z reason or whatever, you know, the inspiration is kind of always there.

So. What, what mood are you in really is like, kind of what I'm hearing in my head is like, what mood are you in? Because that kind of determines like what actions you take, you know, like what, what, what bait, there's so much bait dangled in front of us, for us to react to. And every piece of bait that you, that is dangled in front of you, everyone that you bite onto is a reality that you're choosing.

So. When you are navigating your everyday life, you have to remember that you are taking the bait here and there and reacting to things. And when you react to something, you affirm that that is a part of your world and a part of your reality. So if you're reacting to things in your, your world that you don't like, you are perpetuating it by continuously taking the blame.

From that one particular line. So that's, what's going to be filling your, your, your fish belly and your 3d reality. So when we're talking about inspired action, you're feeling, you know, motivated to create your reality. You're in the right head space. You're open to what the universe is telling you. You're open to reacting to the things that are, you know, good, or at least reacting to things in a way that validates.

The chosen reality, the positive stuff in your life versus reacting to the 3d stuff that would normally get you. Um, you know, when you're in that inspired place or you're feeling motivated or you're, you're on top of it, you're wanting to help yourself. You're willing to do the work. You're feeling high vibe.

There's so many different ways of describing it is like when you're on it, when you feel good, when you feel like manifesting or when you feel like focusing, when you feel like helping yourself, You respond to the things in your world differently, you could get the same, you know, um, thing that would trigger you.

It could be the same thing, but you react differently to it when you're in a higher vibe or better mood, you know? So part of inspired action is like staying in. The receptive mode of the good stuff that you want, because we're always receiving something like we're, you know, we're transmitting, we're always receiving and we're always, um, broadcasting.

So. You know what those two channels I hit my elbow. That's okay. Didn't even hurt that's best case scenario. So we're always broadcasting and transmitting, but those two channels are even, so the transmission in the broadcast, what goes out is the same as what comes in. We can change the station and then we transmit something else.

We broadcast something else, equal sides of the same coin, but different frequencies. So my point is, If you're wondering whether something is inspired action. If you're wondering whether you should do something or even how to stay on top of being motivated, remember that being in a good feeling place of feeling content, feeling open, feeling excited, feeling enthusiasm for your world, feeling gratitude, feeling excited for what's about to come.

Following impulses in that state is always going to lead you somewhere. Great. I love when I accidentally run. Um, and, and that's something to remember. And when you're in a space of negativity or apathy or dread or boredom or overwhelm or stress or fear or worry, or doubt or anxiety, your best bet is to try to react to as little as possible.

And just do the do self-soothing and caring and gentle, gentle speaking, gentle self-talk, um, allowing yourself space to be human, allowing yourself space, to feel allowing yourself space, to purge, allowing yourself space to rest. And that kind of brings me to what we talked about on mindset Monday when we're, um, Asked that's our live weekly chat.

We do every Monday on YouTube. Um, noon-ish PST, if you want to come join next time I answer questions and somebody was asking about feeling like they wanted to take a break with our manifestation, which obviously is like not feeling motivated to manifest, which has an underlying current to it. Right.

Cause if we're not feeling motivated to manifest and maybe it's because we haven't really seen. The results we're looking for and it feels overwhelming. It feels like maybe we're doing an uphill battle or, um, you know what we're doing, he's not working for us, so it can become frustrating. It could make us feel like what we're doing is not working.

And we feel like we're spinning our tires. We're maybe focusing too hard in areas that aren't working for us and letting other things go by the wayside. And it feels like we need to take a break. Maybe I'm doing too much. Maybe this isn't working, maybe this is too much. These are the kinds of thoughts that might come up for you.

And to that, I want to say you're never not manifesting. So you can't take a break from manifesting. Like that's not really possible. That's just not how earth works. Earth is constant manifestation. Like that's what life is, is one manifestation after another times, infinity. Um, and, and that's us moving through into different pieces.

Slices of time, uh, what we would call time. Let me say that slices of reality, that feel like moments in time, moments of reality that have already been created pieces of realities that have already been created long before we've visited them with our energy. And so life itself is manifestation and that is an escapable that is unavoidable.

If you want more information on that, look into quantum physics, check out the PBS based on channel. I just filmed a reaction video talking about time's slices and that's actually why I referenced that. So keep your eye out for that on YouTube com and soon I assume, we'll see, we'll put it out when it's ready.

Any huddles, understand that the manifestation has to occur? That's that's inescapable, but. What you manifest, how you manifest, what comes next down the road for you? That is 100% within your capabilities to control, but it takes what I always say, awareness and discipline. These are the cornerstones of the practice.

You've got to know when you're off the path that you need to be on. And then you've got to make yourself get back on the road. There's no other way to do it. No one else can do it for you. No one else can be there for you 24 7 pointing out to you when you're going back to manifesting your old reality or the reality you want to move on from.

And conversely, nobody can make you say the sentence that you should be saying or thinking. Except you, you're the only one that can make yourself do that. And so you have to do it for yourself. You've got to show up for yourself every single day. You've got to keep the awareness going that you are choosing no matter how you're feeling.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling stress, if you're feeling apathetic, the best thing to do is just give yourself some peace and some freedom and some space and some allowance and some grace. Again, being gentle with yourself. Remembering life is life and life gets crazy sometimes. And sometimes we just need a little time out to ourselves and that's okay, but we never want to lose the notion or the expectancy that our manifestations are going to unfold, because that has nothing to do with how we're feeling.

The way we feel is an experience that the body goes through. Part of it has to do with what we do to it, with our thoughts. And the other part of it is what, it's the visceral response I should say to living as human being in the now moment. So you've got this kind of, these two things kind of, uh, contributing to what the body goes through and what, what ultimately results in feelings.

Okay. Your feelings are the mixture of. The manifestation of what your thoughts have been doing to yourself, what it does to the body to think the way that we think about ourselves and our world and what it's like to actually physically experience the 3d world as we're navigating through it. That's what your body is doing and responding and reacting to.

Okay. That's its own separate mechanism. Now, conversely, our thoughts are. Five steps ahead. Living in the future, the thoughts are creating the next moment and the next moment, and the next moment constantly, it is completely different than the mechanism of feeling, but we tend to lump these things in together and think that they're the same thing, or think that one equates the other and want this because.

Felt this way about this thing. That means this thing about my life, or because I thought this thought that means I have to feel this way or yada, yada, yada, we connect these things that are not necessarily connected. And so we need to be aware that the feelings are what the body deals with and how it navigates through life and how it managed.

And it needs to be treated kindly and with care because like thank you for dealing with all this shit that I'm going through for me. Thank you body. Thanks for taking me through my whole life and being strong and powerful and amazing and feeling good and capable and all other things and powerful and yada, yada, yada, thank you body.

But on the other hand, My mind, the thing I just said, that was me manifesting my body to continue to be strong and capable and powerful and yada yada, yada, it wasn't me just saying some beautiful words. That was me describing my future. And so your words and your thoughts are always describing your face.

Hey dreamer, you deserve to experience the most love that life has to offer you. And that starts with loving yourself. It always starts at home. So I'm offering you an amazing opportunity to join me on a live workshop, July 15th, where we will be diving into the depths of self. Swimming in the infinite pool of love that exists within all of us.

For ourselves. We'll be connecting with each other here in the community and we'll be figuring out what self love looks like on a day-to-day basis. So we can practice it as much as possible. And I want to see you there. The other cool thing is, listen, if you can't make it, or let's say you're interested in the other workshops that we've already done, you can grab a bundle pass and that'll get you tickets to all of the events plus recordings of the workshops that we've already had so that you don't miss out on any of the amazing action and impact.

get and use code podcast 10 for 10% off your book. And I'll see you on the workshop. I gave an analogy on mindset Monday, today, about little sister and big sister, no matter if little sister and big sister are living life together and they're exists. On the same plane, big sister will always be four years older.

Big sister will always be four years. Wiser. Big sister will always have four years more of life experience ahead of her. And that cannot change in this physical incarnation. Big sister will always, always, always be a little bit more ahead of little stuff. Just chronologically because of when they came to the earth.

Right. So if you want to think about your thoughts as big sister, always in the future, always ahead. Even if we're experiencing life with little sister, I can't be three years old with you while I'm seven, it's just not possible. I've been three. And so I understand, and I can relate. To what you're feeling.

And that's why I'm treating you with grace and kindness, but I don't feel what you're feeling. I'm not in that space anymore. I am ahead. I'm somewhere else. I'm in a different place. I'm farther ahead on the timeline. And so thinking of your thoughts and your feelings, that way is a good way to remember that you may be feeling something right now in the now, but the now.

Is the now, and it's also the past because now, now, now it keeps happening, keeps happening. It keeps happening. We're always moving forward. But the big sister, the mind is always a few steps ahead. It's always a bit in advance and a farther along the timeline. And there's no way that there's no, it's an escapable.

Big sister is big. Sister will always be big sister. So. Remember that you can feel the way you feel it's valid. It's valid to feel that way you're experiencing life. And it is a, it's a big undertaking, but your thoughts while you're feeling that are creating the next moment. And so if you use your big sister to commiserate with your little sister, big sister, doesn't grow the way she's supposed to.

Big sister doesn't advance a mature the way she's supposed to because she's stuck in little sister mentality. So bringing that back to the body and the thoughts, if the thoughts remain with the body and the body is constantly experiencing what's going on around it, reacting to it. And the thoughts are describing that the thoughts never move out of a place.

That isn't what the body is currently experiencing. That isn't technically the past already. So we don't move forward. We're using our forward momentum to discover. The past, which keeps us in a cycle and keeps us spinning our tires and keeps us going around in circles. So you've got to use big sister, your forward-thinking mind to describe what you want next, no matter what little sister's feeling, no matter what is feeling in the body, you have to say it's okay.

It's going to be okay. We're going to get through this because. That's where we're going next. And that's where we want to go next. We don't want to say to little sister, this sucks you, right? This is horrible. Life sucks. So battle my God. This is so terrible. Look how bad life is right now because that's where we end up going.

That's where the next moment takes us is back in the same place. Again, pain, apathy, boredom, overwhelm stress. It doesn't really matter. Lack even. So the point is, yeah. Stay on top of big sister, stay on top of the thoughts because it's always creating the future no matter what, you'll never be able to escape that, not in this body.

Okay. So let the body let the feelings experience what they are and allow them to be and, and, and be kind acknowledge them and let them pass. I'm actually working on workshops this summer, specifically designed for this. So coming up July 15th is our self-love and deep connection workshop. This is where we're going to really get to the bottom of what's going on within us and why we're manifesting what we've got so far.

Kind of undo that stuff and get ourselves on the path that we want to be on. Self-love getting to the point where you do live yourself, you see your value, see your worth, and you want to manifest better for yourself so that you are that's happening July 15th and then July 30th, we're doing an F the BS, letting it all go dropping the burdens, getting rid of all the BS that's happening.

July 30th. You can sign up for both of those at my website, Roxy But. Let the emotions go allow them to be because they are valid. And again, they are they're behind the curve. So little sister is reacting to. Let's back up. Think about this, you know, if you're a big sister, you know, this, seeing your little sister go through something that you've went through, you're like, this is, this is how you get through it.

Here's here's the advice. Here's what you do. But little sisters got, got to experience it to understand and learn the lesson from it. Right. So. Even when big sister wants to help little sister, she still can't necessarily go through the lesson for her. She can only guide her through it. Okay. So same thing goes with your feelings.

If your body's feeling something, your thoughts aren't supposed to join it. Your thoughts are supposed to be there for the feelings for the body as it's going through it by suiting, by caring, by witnessing, by experiencing, by holding their hand just by being there, stroking their hair, being their friend, but we don't join them.

We're not commiserating. Soothing and guiding towards the better tomorrow. Okay. So if you feel like giving up, if you feel overwhelmed, let yourself have a break. Your body has been doing a lot. Your body's been working so hard to manifest this reality for you and, and, and also navigating the, the physical realities of your world.

Give it a rest, give it some time to chill. Give your thoughts. But they don't go to a place that says that it's not possible for us. And it's hard that it's not coming, that we're giving up that we're not going to get it. That if we take a break, it's not working out for us. Any of that. I'm taking a break and my stuff is still coming to me.

I'm taking a break and it's coming even faster. I should take more breaks off it. And that's the truth. We really should be breaking way more often chilling way more often, knowing loving, trusting, accepting way more often, allowing more often. Restricting way less and, and judging way less and hurting way less and, and stressing way less and holding ourselves to these super high standards, weightless less and just enjoying life and letting ourselves know and accept that things are coming to us.

And we just need to chill, not the body chill so that it can enjoy the ride and let the thoughts push us and drive us to where we want to. Keep the mental space, pure and clear and clean by keeping the thoughts where we want them to be. And then the body has less shit to deal with little sisters, happy, big sisters, happy we get what we want.

Life feels good and everything continues to work out. So that is my wish for you. That is my desire. That is my manifestation for you. That is my intention for you. If you want me to guide you on your own journey and getting to that place, one-on-one coaching is available at my website. Roxy

I've also got amazing co courses, workshops, free content, all kinds of stuff. Book, club blogs, and we've got a great community at Facebook, a Facebook group, black women's society. That's the name of it. Roxy is where you can find more information and. Manifest everything you want. It's all here for you.

Free content on YouTube, social media. Follow me there, Instagram, all the fun stuff. I love you. I appreciate you. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power, I believe. Yeah.