Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

How to Let Go of Your Emotional Baggage & Manifest A New You!

Roxy Talks Episode 232

Letting Go is one of the most talked-about yet misunderstood topics in manifesting, which is what inspired me to create an upcoming workshop centered around it!

Holding on too tightly can push our desires away from us, and clinging to the past prevents us from creating our future.

The inspiration to delve further into this concept is what attracted me to the book Letting Go by Dr. David Hawkins and why it is the second selection for our book club!

In this episode of Roxy Talks, I'll be reviewing this incredibly insightful book and adding my own interpretation of what it means to truly surrender...


Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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We've all had that, that moment of like, what am I doing? Like, I need, I need something. I need something. I need answers. I need help. I need guidance. I need something I've had that moment. And it's literally the reason I'm on this podcast right now, because it led me here.

What is. Fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifests unrelated. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade, I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks, where we discuss mindset, manifestation, confidence, all of the above, and more how to live as your best. Manifest and Nass, self, whatever that is, whatever that means. Uh, we're here for it. We are here to figure out how to do life the best way possible, how to make the most out of it, make it work for us and not succumb to the trickery that will cause us to.

Have like life work against us, which is, you know what, maybe some of us have experienced. Maybe that's what led you here. You're at the point now where you want to control what happens in your life and take over, become dominant of the situation. I know I did. I know I do. I still, I still do. I still want to take control.

I did two years ago. It's past the anniversary. So it's officially been two years since I've been doing the 360 method, essentially, really? And it's changed my life, got all kinds of new stuff coming down the line. I've been doing my business for nearly two years and we're just growing and it's really amazing.

So yeah. Thank you for being here. Appreciate you listening. And whether it's your first time or you've heard them a million times. I, I am very much appreciative of you being here and welcome. And thank you. So today let's talk about something ex I was gonna say exciting, but, uh, yeah, it is exciting. Okay.

Cause we're talking about letting go and we're also going to be. Referencing this fancy book. If you're watching the video, I'm holding it up now letting go the pathway of surrender by David R. Hawkins, MD and PhD. Okay. This guy knows physical science and he knows mental science. Okay. So this guy knows what's up and he talks about manifestation and how basically everything starts in the mind, including, you know, all forms of.

Disease and things, and also how to let go obviously, and surrender and change your story and get something new in life. So this book, um, letting go by Dr. David Hawkins, I got on Amazon for like 10 bucks, I think American, and it came really fast. So, uh, if you want to check the book out, this is our. Book club book of the current.

I'm not going to say month. We're going to say book of the now letting go by Dr. David Hawkins. If you want to read along with us, the Roxy talks book club, uh, grab your copy wherever you grab it, the library or. So on your shelf maybe, and head over to Roxy, go to the forum and click the book club tab.

And you can leave comments and chat with your fellow community members who are also reading this book along with you. So what I want to do, uh, oh, oh, I'll also else also salsa. I'm hosting a letting go live workshop next week. Okay. So of course it's very important. So another reason why I'm talking about letting go, cause it's really pertinent right now and we're all dealing with.

Purging and releasing old notions that don't serve us anymore, that get in the way of the things that we're trying to currently manifest. And that's exactly why I'm reading this book. It's exactly why I'm having a workshop on July 30th about letting go. And it's exactly why I'm talking to you about it now, because it is very relevant to so many of us here on planet earth doing this whole human life thing together.

And so let's try to make. You know, painless as possible as peaceful and easy as possible. So I'm going to read in true Roxy talks, fashion, cause I've done this one other time. So now we have a tradition. I'm going to read a few excerpts from this book and then kind of talk about how I relate them to manifestation and how you can use that concept in your own world to let go of what you're holding onto or surrender or whatever it is that's going on in your world.

Things that you're having trouble letting go of. You can do that. With what we're talking about here in this podcast episode. And if you want more than come to the live workshop and talk to me there, there I do live coaching on it. There you do have a chance. It's not guaranteed. I can't guarantee that I'll talk to everybody, but I do live coaching on these workshops.

So you do have a chance to speak to me and it's going to be a really great time. We're going to be letting go of all the bullshit F the BS. That's what I called it. You know what I really wanted to call it, but. I just, I was, I was, I was conscious of precious ears that might overhear me speaking about it.

So F the BS, letting go workshop happening July 30th. Join me there. If this podcast episode either sparks your interest or is not enough for you to, uh, get what you need done. Join me on the workshop. It's going to be a good time. There'll be a third of the free for the whole summer. If you buy the bundle, you get the recordings from the previous workshops, actually.

Definitely some good fun there to be had. You can buy So what does Mr. David R. Hawkins have to say about letting go? We're going to start with an excerpt from chapter two, page eight, letting go. What is it? The budget we ask, he says, letting go is like the sudden cessation of an inner pressure or the dropping of the word.

It is accompanied by a sudden feeling of relief and lightness with an increased happiness and freedom. It is an actual mechanism of the mind and everyone has experienced it on occasion. A good example is the following. You are in the midst of an intense argument. You are angry and upset when suddenly the whole thing strikes you as absurd and ridiculous.

You start to laugh. The pressure is relieved. You come up from anger, fear and feeling attacked to suddenly feeling free and happy. Think how great it would be. If you could do that all the time in any place and with any event, you could always feel free and happy and never be cornered by your feelings again, that's what this technique is all about.

Letting go consciously and frequently at will. So the reason I chose this is because of the last sentence I try to explain and try to be very explicit and clear about. This practice being something you have to do it, it's a practice. It's something you do. You consciously do it every day, all day, day in and out.

We're consciously doing this practice and whether we're talking about letting go or we're talking about my 360 method or any sort of manifestation, we're constantly being aware that we're creating and every moment with our thoughts and. Constantly reminding ourselves we're in control, constantly forgiving ourselves, constantly letting go of shit.

Constantly relieving the pressure constantly complimenting ourselves constantly reminding ourselves that Hey, oh, I moved on from that constantly rewriting our story. Using our forward-thinking mind to our advantage and we're doing it as many times a day as we can possibly remember. And the more times a day we do remember the more times we remember, we remember, and then, so for us or what we keep continuing to remember, the remembrance grows.

It gets bigger and bigger. You have a larger volume of the day that you remember that you are in control, which means that you stay at the helm essentially. So in this exercise, I like that. He's talking about, obviously the mechanism of letting go, I'm going to let him explain that he's a doctor, but relating it to what we do here.

You're like, that's like a pressure cooker, right? We're doing it all throughout the day. We're not letting ourselves build up. We're not letting anything build up before we release it. If we're feeling it, we're releasing it in that moment or at least processing it, allowing it, acknowledging it in that moment, because we don't want to let it build up.

When it builds up, we start manifesting a whole bunch of stuff for ourselves. That's kind of where we are generally when we find ourselves needing to go on a spiritual journey. Guessing since we're all here, that we've all had that, that moment of like, what am I doing? Like, I need, I need something, I need something.

I need answers. I need help. I need guidance. I need something I've had that moment. And it's literally the reason I'm on this podcast right now, because it led me here. So I've had several of those moments. I'll be honest. And you know, the awakening just gets, we just get more awakened. Right. And we get more understanding.

We gain more understanding of the situation in ourselves and our power. The more that we do it, the more we understand, the more we make it known to ourselves as often as possible. So if we're talking about letting go, we're talking about, again, not letting things build up in the first place, but also letting things that have emotional attachments to them.

Or like old wounds, kind of like the scab getting picked the deeper rooted stuff, the stuff that we do need to, you know, the stuff we actually do need to let go of that. I don't mean just, you know, oh, someone cut you off, let it go. Let it go. That yes, absolutely doing that throughout your day. 100%. Cause that's going to help you live a healthier and happier life too.

But when the, the deep trip wires get tripped, you know, like the, the deep triggers. Stuff that happened to you when you were six and it's just played out over and over and over throughout your timeline, those things, they have those, it's their feelings right there, old feelings, old wounds. We have accumulated all these thoughts attached to them over the years.

I've said this so many times, there's only so many emotions. We have like 20 emotions, but we've got like 65,000 thoughts per day. Okay. So. There are bound to be thousands. If not millions of separate random thoughts, attached to specific feelings, like fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, insecurity, sadness, depression, stuff.

We don't like to feel anger. Those emotions again, could have thousands or millions of thoughts that. Call the emotion up. If the thought is thought, or if the feeling of fear or anxiety comes up, which is normal in a human being's life, it could trigger any number of those associated thoughts in response and launch a spiral in a direction.

We don't want to go if we're not on top of paying attention to ourselves and letting these things go and pass through us. Yeah. It's okay. Everything's fine. So all working out, I'm going to allow my feelings. I'm going to be okay. This is okay. It's okay to feel like this. And then moving on, moving through it.

If we're letting them build up, then not only are they going to explode out in some way or form or another, hopefully not. Um, but they're also going to be manifesting more things to be, to validate those, those fears and those anxieties, those emotions. That are just regular human emotions, but have all these weird thoughts attached to them.

And again, the thoughts can trigger, trigger the emotion and the emotion can trigger the thoughts either way. So this book letting go by Dr. David Hawkins, um, talks specifically about letting emotions go thought by thought and having them and feeling them when they come and just sitting through them, acknowledging them, letting them pass.

And, and letting go little by little, every time it comes up. And again, I like this passage because it reminds me of Abraham Hicks talking about how change is made in the moment. Every time it comes up. And that notion really helped me establish my understanding of manifesting. That's like, You can decide to change, but, or you can decide to manifest something for yourself.

You can decide to be something for yourself, but you have to make that decision maybe a thousand times a day over and over and over and over again, every time you start to sway or every time you might get triggered by something from your past. So. Very great, great experience or explanation of how to do that is in this book again, he's the doctor.

I'm gonna let him explain that. Um, and that's that of the book, but we also have our workshop coming up where we're going to be doing the. Spiritual side of it, the internal, emotional kind of side, connected to all of this, the spirituality, the esoteric concepts, um, and some, some practical stuff. Of course, absolutely.

We're going to be like physically letting go of things in the workshop, but you can join me for that July 30th. Get and use code podcast 10 for 10% off your purchase. And I'll see you on the workshop. Okay. So the, the other section I wanted to share with you, this is audit page 22 resistance to letting go is the section title.

Okay. Letting go of negative feelings is the undoing of the ego, which will be resistant in every turn. This may result in skepticism about the technique for getting to surrender. A sudden upsurge of escapism or venting feelings by expressing and acting out the solution is simply to keep on letting go of the feelings you have about the whole process.

Let the resistance be there, but don't resist the resistance. You are free. You don't have to let go. Nobody is forcing you. Look at the fear behind the resistance. What are you afraid of regarding this process? Are you willing to let go of. Keep letting go of every fear as it arises. And the resistance will resolve the reason I chose this one is because he explains what it looks like when we avoid letting go so that we can pinpoint it so that we know when we're doing it.

Okay. So he describes how the ego is resistant at every turn and that can result in skepticism. Okay. So that's something that I'm sure a lot of us are familiar with. We're not believing it's working. That happens with manifestation too. And I like, again, This list of items, because it explains how we run away from our manifestations, how we run away from our new story, telling the new truth that we want.

These are the ways that we sabotage ourselves. Okay. So skepticism, not believing it's working. That in turn, not believing it's working and validating that affirming. It makes it not work even more because it's an affirmation and your thoughts are creating while you're doing this technique. So you're letting go and you're processing all these emotions.

You're feeling these things. You're living life. You're also manifesting in every single moment. That's why we gotta be very much aware this next one. I love forgetting. And he has an air quotes forgetting to surrender. Same thing happens with our manifestations. We forget that we're empowered. We forget that we're in control.

We let these things in life happen to us. I think that we're victims to it, but we're not, we're creating it all. The next one is a sudden upsurge of escapism, trying to run away from it, not facing it, looking at the 3d and saying, oh, it's too hard. I got to do this instead. I can't sit here and do this. I can't feel this right now.

I got to go, blah, blah, blah, blah. Getting, trying to run away from the problems that of dealing with it. And then finally, Venting feelings by expressing and acting out. So a lot of times, a lot of people think that by venting, they're letting things out there they're expressing they're letting go, but really you're just recreating more anger and of course manifesting more, whatever it is, you know, that we're talking about for yourself in the future.

So again, a solution. Here, his words are, uh, is simply to keep on letting go of the feelings you have about the whole process and letting the resistance be there, but don't resist the resistance. Same thing goes with your manifestations, whether we're talking about letting go of something specific or letting go of your old notions about what you're capable of and what life really is.

And what's possible for human beings. Sometimes you have to let go of a million times a day. Maybe I don't know, 65,000 maybe. Same thing with flipping your thoughts. Sometimes maybe you have to do it all day long, but as you build up in the right direction, you manifest less of these issues to have to let go of.

So if you're having trouble letting go look at the resistance, look at why you're having trouble letting go. Why is it that you're holding up? And again, keep letting go of it over and over. If you have to, if you let go of it and it comes back again, don't say, ah, let go of it. I guess I'm not over it. No, let go of it again right there in that moment, you might have to let go of something a bunch of times, but that's okay because who cares?

Right? Like the outcome is way more important than however many times you got to do the work to do it. The point is, did we get it done? And so sometimes you gotta let go of things. I don't know, lifetime. Maybe I haven't finished this book yet, but who knows, but if that's the case, it's better to let go over and over then to carry it with you all that time, because there is instant and immediate relief in the moment when you do let go and drop it.

And he says that right in the beginning of the book. And again, this is a doctor, he's an MD and a PhD. Okay. He's a doctor of both the mind and the body. So. I believe him. I want to believe this guy. Okay. Grab this book. It's really, really great. So far, I'm not too far into it. Where am I at? Where's my little dog here.

I'm on page 1 0 2. I think I'm on page 1 0 2. So I'm not very far. You can catch up to me. It's an easy read and it's really informational. Uh, is that a word? The information is really beneficial. That's in here already and helping me understand when. Those feelings have been triggered and then it's okay to just feel the feeling and allow it to go without attaching those associated thoughts.

That might be there with it. Okay. So key. On working on letting go, keep on, focusing on releasing the thoughts and allowing the feelings, get this book. Cause it's much more in depth about that process. And also join us on July 30th, where we're doing our own letting go workshop. We're connecting to ourselves and connecting to each other.

We're letting them. Of all the stuff that's not working for us, cleaning out some spiritual junk and getting straight with our manifestations. So I hope to see you, the previous two workshops have been really amazing and I'm very excited to do the final one. It's the last one of the summer. So come join us for the letting it all go.

F the BS workshop. July 30th via zoom. You can sign Don't forget to check out the book club page on my website. If you want to talk to your fellow community members about this book, letting go. Cause this is our official book club. Of the now book, but colonial the current book of the current club.

Now, this is the, what were those words? Book club now current, do it, read it, comment, share with your people, connect with your, your fellow manifestors and let go of all your BS on our live workshop. Happening July 30th. All of the stuff You can also join my Facebook group black society and catch me live on YouTube every Monday at noon ish PST, we're all raising our vibrations together.

You have the power I believe in you. Oh, you can also follow me on Instagram, right?