Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Manifesting A New You: You DESERVE To Let Go Of Your Past Self

July 28, 2021 Roxy Talks Episode 233

We're all on this spiritual journey to learn, grow, and expand. Part of the process is identifying the limiting patterns and beliefs that inhibit us from becoming our best selves. In this episode, I discuss how to upgrade your life by letting go of the past version of yourself that's become comfortable playing small. This is also the focus of my next live workshop on July 30th at 3PM PST where we will come together as a community to Let Go of any BS that's holding us back.


Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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The oldest, the old version would allow that kind of thinking to go on for longer than a few seconds before they caught it and redirected it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade, I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum.

And the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams. Visit Roxy for more info now. Yeah.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks, where we discuss manifestation and how to be the best at manifesting on your block and in your home and at work and in your gym and at the club. I don't know where you go at the bar, whole foods. Um, On a boat in a moat, wherever it is that you're going, you are bringing along the best version of you carrying them throughout your day.

And, uh, really committing to selling yourself on who it is that you want to be and what life it is that you want to live. Right. Yeah, that was great. Just do it. So today we're talking about letting go of your old self and, and carrying on with your new chosen reality or your, and version and carrying that with you throughout your day and what that looks like and what that means and how you can apply that to your life.

And, yeah, that's, what's, that's what's going on and kind of just talking. In my life going on right now, we had our self-love workshop last week and it was really fun and really a really good time. And I actually like had my own fun time at it, even though I was hosting it. Not that I don't normally, but normally I'm working.

Right. I'm um, I'm more thinking about making sure that. Getting everything and handling in, you know, taking care of everybody. But this last one I kind of was able to join in the vibes with everybody. So it was really fun. We had a great time and we just have one workshop left. It's in two days from now.

Right now, if you're listening right now, if you're listening on the day of release, it's in two days, if you're listening the day after it's in one day, and if you're listening two days after it's fricking today, and if it's past that. You can get the recording. So that's cool. Right? So anyways, letting go workshop is happening July 30th.

So we're talking about letting go obviously on the podcast right now, because this is big right now. It's summertime we're wanting to live. Our best lives and be our best versions. There's something about summer that makes us want to be like our thinnest, our happiest, our Tannis, our most social, our most, um, productive, you know, we're getting things done.

Our most adventurous. We tend to save a lot of good stuff for the summertime, or at least I associate summer time with. All the good stuff in life. So that's why I wanted to talk about letting go right now, because there's still a little bit of time left for it to be the best summer ever. And for you and us and we, and all of us here to move forward, the way we ought to the way that we deserve to, because.

We should be able to live exactly the way we want to, and we should be able to live exactly as the version that we want to be no matter what has happened to us in the past, no matter what people have told us, no matter what we've experienced or manifested for ourself, it doesn't matter. We're talking about what's coming next and we're talking about something more.

We're talking about the future. We're talking about expansion. We're talking about. Hopes and dreams and achievement and all that stuff. We're talking about all the good things in life, and we all deserve it. We came here to live it. We came here to experience it. You deserve it. So let's oh, mango deserves it.

Let's work on bringing it into our lives. Okay. So. Part of this whole deal is understanding that it's not necessarily that like, you know, we're so terrible that we have to change or anything like that, but like our current selves. Manifested what we're going through right now, or, you know, where, who we have been has gotten us to where we are now.

And that's great because where we are right now, like if you're listening to this podcast, I know you're super aligned. Cause I'm super aligned. So if you're listening to me talk about being aligned, then you've gotta be aligned. Right. It's the only thing that makes sense. So yes, we're super thankful for where our past self or even current self, if you want to go there has gotten us.

Cause obviously it got us to this moment and this is. The moment where we take control, this is our moment right here to, to grab onto, but either way we should and deserve to be able to expand and grow and have the best and the finest that life has to offer us if we want. And there's nothing wrong with wanting the best for yourself.

And that's why rich people live in luxury and use fine fabrics and eat expensive food and drive nice cars and travel in first-class because. Treat yourself compounds on itself and multiplies. And once you start to understand how good it feels to feel good, you start to realize that you should have it all the time.

There's nothing stopping you. There's nothing that should stop you. There's nothing that has to stop you. There's no reason why you shouldn't feel good all the time. And in fact, the goal of life should be to feel good as often as possible as many times of the day as you can. And so doing what you can to.

Make that a daily reality is what we're talking about. So upgrading, allowing yourself to be more and to conceptualize that, or just to allow the fact that there could be more, you don't even have to try to conceptualize it. You can just say that you can conceptualize or that you're excited to see what else options are out there for you.

Or you're excited to see how you learn and grow as you progress. But we want to be. Not necessarily dropping our old self. Like we're dumping it off, but understanding what parts of ourselves keep us in our same cycles and what parts of ourselves don't allow us to progress forward. Because you know, if you're listening here right now, then you are on a journey of bettering yourself period, or else, how would you have found this?

So you're already on that forward trajectory. You're already thinking forward about yourself. So if you're here, you're already doing it. The work you're you're already. On the mountain you're you're, you're taking steps in. That's great. But in order to get to the next place that you want to get to, to order in order to really fully expand, we're saying that we want to expand.

We saying that we can conceive of it. We're allowing ourselves to expand simply by saying that we are. And allowing it with our language, we need to be then on the look out for the things that keep us in the box that we've been saying. And so basically the, the thoughts that equate to the opposite of our expansion.

The thoughts that keep us small, right? That's another way of saying it, the thoughts that keep us small need to be noticed, they need to be tended to, and they need to be redirected because you know, it's fine. If you feel that way, like it's not fine. It's, it's understandable that you might feel this way, or you might have this thought reoccurring for your mind because of what you experienced.

But if you don't understand that, it, it. Past. And what you experienced before is irrelevant to where you're going next and that your thoughts are always describing the next moment. So you shouldn't be misusing them to describe the current moment, because that'll just keep you in a cycle of experiencing more of the current.

So in letting go of our old selves, what that actually is and what it looks like is recognizing the behavior, the thinking, the reactions, the patterns that equates to. Staying small, the ones that challenge our ability to achieve and grow and do more. The ones that question it, the ones that doubt it, the ones that remind us of our insecurities, all of that stuff needs to be recognized for what it is, which is just residual junk in the system and flushed out as if it were junk and not given a second.

Yeah. A thought, which is kind of like the opposite of what we tend to kind of train ourselves to do. A lot of us have been going through. Doing the opposite and, and throwing away and trashing and flushing away, the positive things that pop up on our mind, but soaking in and allowing the rumination of these thoughts that don't serve us to take over.

So. We're doing the opposite. That that's the old way. That's the thing we're letting go. That's the oldest, the oldest, the old version would allow that kind of thinking to, to go on for longer than a few seconds before they caught it and redirected it. The old version wouldn't maybe necessarily even catch that they were spiraling or catch that they were allowing doubts and worries and fears and insecurities to build up.

The old version might not be strong enough to. Withstand a barrage of doubts that don't stop for several minutes or several hours, but the, the new current desired version, the one that we're achieving by letting go of this old version does catch those thoughts is diligent about it is really passionate about keeping the environment in their mind pure because the more pure the environment in your mind is the more pure your reality is going to be.

Right. It's makes sense. So, Again, multiple, multiple. Then it benefits to keeping our thoughts on track and doing this, this work 24 7. But understanding that what letting go is really about is decision-making in the moment, it's about not allowing yourself to do the same old thing or reacts the same old way or let the same old thoughts happen.

And for me as I work on letting go and. I'm hosting these workshops. So I've been really diving into the idea of, you know, the first one we talked about was taking the person off the pedestal and prioritizing yourself. This last one we did was about self-love. And then this one now is about letting go, right?

Those specific topics I've been really diving deep on personally, just because I want to present the best possible experience for you on the workshops, which of course we have had. And it's been amazing and I'm really excited for the final one and sad that it's over, but excited to do another one and the future right in person next time, hopefully.

Um, so as I dive into letting go and. That's our, the name of our book club book right now. Right? If you watched or listened to last week's episode book club book we're reading right now is letting go by Dr. David Hawkins. Check it out on the website. As I've been diving into this idea of letting go, I've been noticing for myself where my old self hangs on is, is in.

Well, this is for everybody, right? It's in the assumptions that we make it's in the automatic thoughts. Right? So what I've been doing is just kind of going down the road and asking myself more questions and wondering like, okay, is this part of my pattern? Is this reaction what I would normally do? Am I choosing this?

Because it feels right or it feels normal or it feels comfortable or. Am I going into this with the right perspective? Because if you think about it, it doesn't really matter if it's the right situation or not. It matters if you are calling it the right situation while you're in. Because no matter what the 3d looks like, if you call it the right situation and say that it's, that it's going to conform in the 3d reality to present itself that way.

So it doesn't really matter what you're seeing right now. It's going to eventually fall into place as the exact right situation, because that's what you're saying with your manifestation power, which is your thoughts. So I've been really paying attention to a couple things. One is. Asking myself, if that reaction is necessary, if it reminds me of something else, if it's familiar, if it's part of the program and just kind of listening to myself and trusting my intuition, because I know that the answers that I get are real and they are true and they are coming from somewhere.

And so the more that I listened to that, that voice that answers back right away. The more, I'm uncovering great things in my life. So trusting that intuition and that voice and learning to trust yourself and learning to hear it and just go with it will lead you to the answers that you're seeking. So I'll ask myself, you know, is this how I would normally act, is this how I would act if I had it?

Is this what the version of me that I want to become and would do? Or is it. The version with the version of me that I want to let go of would do. I'm asking myself these questions, I'm staying present. I'm staying conscious of what I'm doing with my mind and my reactions. And the newest thing I've been doing is like, when I do catch myself, starting to kind of slip with the doubts and kind of lose that sparkle, which, Hey, it happens to everybody.

Why, why would I affirm that it doesn't whoever heard of it, it doesn't happen to anybody never heard of it. But should it in this, in this fantasy world, if it ever should happen. I am just having a moment where I'm just like, I'm putting my shoulders back and I'm like, what? Roxy fucking talks. I'm Roxy fucking Lee, what am I saying?

Of course it's all working out for me or whatever it is. Right. I am reminding myself of who I am. So I'm questioning. Myself, so that I do not continue going down the same patterns. And so that I learned to recognize when I do make that same choice. Again, BB, when I do make that same choice again and go down the path and manifest another cycle for myself, I'm learning to catch that by asking myself and being present and knowing what I'm doing and how I'm reacting and paying attention to myself while simultaneous that's the letting go, right?

That's letting go while simultaneously. Reminding myself and re standing and resubmitting and re declaring who I fucking am. This is me, bitch. This is going like this. My life is amazing. Yada, yada, yada, there is no other option. And these two things are helping me become and stay in, stand in my chosen new version and let go of the old self.

And whether it's good or bad, it doesn't matter because I deserve to constantly feel the best that I want to feel or be the best that I want to be. And so do you, and that's why we're here on this podcast, listening to this, working on ourselves, working on our mind, doing the 360 methods, staying focused, staying on top, caring about ourselves, meditating every single day, treating ourselves with kindness, doing the things that we love and just.

Pushing through persisting, staying focused. It's valuable. It works out. It doesn't matter if trash cans are being drugged next to your studio, that supposed to look like a Hollywood studio and is really a bedroom in the house that you manifested for yourself. Who cares? I don't live in my dream life. I'm Roxy fucking dogs, bitch.

Remembering and declaring I'm standing in it. I'm advocating for my ideal self, bringing her along with me and dropping the old notions. When I catch myself doing them. That's how change is made. It's made in the moment every single time. Letting go is great. It feels really good. It makes you feel lighter obviously.

And it leads you down a path that you actually want to be on instead of going around in circles, doing stuff that you've already done, that you don't necessarily like so much. So if you're ready to let go of something, BS and join me on my live workshop, July 30th. If you just catching this right. When it pops out, if you're catching this episode right out of the womb, fresh out of the womb, then it's going to be in about 48 hours.

And it's happening on Friday, July 30th, if you're in the us or in the year in the Western hemisphere, I guess, I don't know much about international time dates and things like that. So I'm going to defer to Google. July 30th, 3:00 PM. PST. That's where you will catch us at the final workshop for the summer life series.

We had a freaking blast last time. It's going to be great this time. I feel this one feels electric. It feels like the last day of school. And I just have a feeling it's going to be a really fiery and exciting workshop. So. Don't let me down, come hang with us. It's the last one of the summer and get rid of some baggage.

You deserve it. You deserve a lighter load. You deserve to just live the life you want to live and you can, and you will, and we're doing it together. Roxy Oh yeah. There's a podcast discount. It is podcast 10 and you can get 10% off of this workshop. And if you want to bundle up, I know the other workshops have already happened, but you will receive the recording and an email.

You actually kind of get to attend all three, even if you can't make it, you'll get there. The links in the email. Uh, so go ahead and sign up. Roxy use code podcast 10 for 10% off, and I will see you on the workshop. I love you. I appreciate you. You can also grab one-on-one coaching at my website.

Roxy There's also amazing free content workshops, courses, forum book club. Community Facebook group, all that stuff. I love you and appreciate you. Thank you for making this the best community ever. We're just getting better and better every single day. We all have the power. No, that's not how it goes.

We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power I believe in you.