Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Do Your Feelings Ruin Your Manifestation?

Roxy Talks Episode 237

When you're on the path of becoming a conscious creator, it isn't uncommon to question things like, "Did I just ruin my manifestation?" or, "Are my feelings more powerful than my thoughts?" The human ego has been in charge of protecting us our entire lives, and will keep us from greatness until we learn the importance of asking it to take a back seat, allowing our higher selves to steer the ship.  In this episode of Roxy Talks, I'm addressing these aforementioned questions and sharing the answers I've found along my own journey. I also explain the importance of following your passion and the role feelings play in the process of manifestation.

If you would like to completely shift your mindset and develop a mental diet that can help you attract the life of your dreams, then check out my Free 30 Days of Alignment Challenge.

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.

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When you're tapped into that place where you're truly fulfilled, time disappears, you are just connected to yourself. And that fulfillment. Think about the difference eight hours in what you're loving to do, makes for the future projections that your thoughts are doing in every single moment versus eight hours.

Hating what you're doing, what the future projections of that are doing for your world.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is it? My fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Uh, welcome to another episode of the Roxy talks podcast, where we are discussing manifestation and living your life and living your best life and living a life that is authentic to you and fulfilling for you at the same time. That's the goal, right?

That's I think what we all want is to. Find ourselves with the ability and you know, the, uh, the, um, support to live the life. We truly want to live, not the one we think we're supposed to live, not the one that people tell us we should live, but the life that we actually personally want to live when we can be honest about that and make our goal every single day.

Doing more of that and putting ourselves into that place as much as possible will transform in an amazing, incredible ways. And I know that because I'm in the process of learning to do this for myself as well. I mentioned last week, the book, the big leap by gay Hendricks. It is the book of the now on my mind.

Book club on my website, you can find our book club there. And right now we're reading the big leap and this book has been changing my life. I read it about a week ago and ever since then, I have switched the focus of my life to the thing that makes me happy to be alive.

Glad to be here and makes me want to live life and dream big and, and go in new directions for myself and that's creating music and it always has been. Um, but you might not know this about me in 2018. I released my first album. I had been working on it for a while and it was my first album. So pretty much a culmination of a lifelong thing.

And at my release, Party. I was on stage singing my songs and I just felt completely empty inside. I was like M D and I had no enjoyment of it. I was like, this is what it's supposed to feel like all this time I've been working to create this album and I feel nothing right now. And that moment sent me on this trajectory of refinding myself, because I didn't want to pursue.

A pop music career anymore. And I had only wanted that for my entire life. And so I stopped knowing who I was to the planet, you know, like what, what I was going to do or who I was going to be like from that point forward. Cause I was always just Roxy the singer I never planned on doing or being anything else.

And that moment led me to. Creating Roxy talks. It's why this exists is because I was trying to find myself and I brought people along with me on the process and it turned into this, this I'm going to say now since the start of an empire. Okay. So, oh, that moment of feeling like everything I worked for just was not good enough.

Wasn't it. Wasn't. Wasn't it, wasn't the right thing for me brought about something even greater and not good enough itis. That's something we talked about today on mindset Monday. And you know, it's like, it's when you're looking around at what you've got and you're, you're not realizing the impact.

Potentiality in every moment, nor are you realizing that you've already created all this stuff around you, whether you think it's great or not, you did that and you can do it again. Cause you're doing it right now and you can always do something different and it just takes awareness and discipline. I always say that the cornerstones of my signature method, the 360 method awareness and discipline.

If you know that if you have those two things, you can change your life at any moment. It just takes awareness and discipline to change your life in any moment. But it's true. It's true. And I stand by it. I firmly believe it. And I've done it enough times now to like, I'm a, I'm a success story. I have a proven success and you're about to see me do it again.

You're about to witness it again in real time. So if you've been along the journey of Roxy Talks at the beginning, you saw me go from making, you know, the little videos in my bedroom to where we are now. And. I can't say much right now, but let's just say there's, there's a lot coming. There's some big changes on the horizon.

Good ones. And. I'm evolving. This is my upleveling moment right now. And you're here with me too. So that means you're upleveling. We're all upleveling together. We're aligned right now. If you're listening, you're aligned with me and bitch, I am fucking aligned. Okay. And it's because I say I am, I stay alive.

And even if I'm not feeling again, I'm fucking aligned. Okay. Which brings me to today's topic of you. Didn't ruin your manifestation. If you feel a certain way, if you feel down, if you've been high for a while and now you feel down and you're discouraged and doesn't feel like you're quite as powerful as you felt on those strong days, does that mean that your manifestations not working or when you see something in your reality that makes you.

Feel discouraged or disappointed or worrisome or fearful about things working out for you. Does that ruin it? And this was a question pose on mindset Monday at this point, I'm just like on mindset Monday. I'm like, Hey, what do you guys want the next podcast topic to be? Because I'm just going off of what you say.

And then I know I'm giving you exactly what you need to hear. So today on mindset Monday never fails. We, the best community ever, we get this great question of, you know, If I feel shitty and I feel like it's not working and I feel upset, like I'm ruining my manifestation. And the answer is no, it's thinking that you're ruining your manifestation.

That's ruining your manifestation. It's saying that it's hard or saying that it's not working out or saying, oh no, I feel so shitty right now. This thing happened. Now my manifestation can't happen. That's the issue. The issue is when you call it a problem, the issue is that you think feeling bad is the antithesis of manifestation.

And that's not the case. In my personal opinion, I do not believe that feeling is. The complete and total source of manifestation. I don't, I don't feel that way. I don't believe it. And, and part of that is because, you know, for like eight years, I subscribed to that sort of manifestation. And it wasn't until after this moment, I referenced in the beginning of this podcast where I kind of went on a soul searching journey and I figured out the real fucking truth about manifestation, which we'll call now the 360 method.

Once I figured that out, that's when my entire life fucking happened. So, you know, I went from feeling my way through life, reacting my way through life. I knew I would be successful. That wasn't a question, but like how long was I putting it off? How long was that? Not good enough. I, this going to keep me away from declaring and doing and being the me that was.

Not sleep for four days to put a business together and have it fucking pop up and be successful. Cause that's what happened. And now that I've read the big leap and I'm applying these teachings to my life, I see now that the reason Roxy talks is successful is not because of how I felt about it. It was because I made it.

It was going to be, there was no question. It was determination. It was sheer will. It was grit. It was fucking stick to witness. It was it's happening, period. There is no other option. And if I were to put, this is a quote from my business coach, I don't want to steal anybody's quote. If I were to put just a fraction of that.

Into what I actually care about the most. Not that I don't care about connecting with you, but that thing that really drives me, which is creating music. If I were to put that amount of focus into creating music, what would come from it? And that's a question I want to pose to you now, listening here, we know what you're good at.

We know what you do for money, but what do you really love to do? What makes you thrive? If you put all your determination that you put into manifesting your SP or getting a job, or, you know, not that the is important. I'm just saying you can only focus on so many things in 24 hours, right? If you put that focus into.

Expressing yourself in your most authentic way, loving your life, being grateful for it, using the moments to add to yourself, not to take away, not to look at what's, not with you not to look at what, what hurts and wasn't what doesn't feel good. And wonder why things aren't working out for you and wonder what's going to come of this, this terrible thing that might've happened in your life instead of using all of your infinite power to create more.

Worry doubt, uncertainty, insecurity, negativity, whatever you want to call it, you take those moments. You shine the light of awareness of consciousness, AKA manifestation, 3d reality. You shine that light onto things that make you feel alive and make you feel amazing and, and expansive and infinite and powerful and meaningful and fulfilling.

Your life is going to turn around. If your life is manifesting all the time, and you're looking at feelings of negativity of shame, blame, worry, fear, doubt, insecurity, anxiety, apprehension, apathy, whatever it is. And you're shining your light there, your awareness, your focus. I'm not saying don't feel your feelings.

I'm saying don't focus on them so much because I, again, I don't think the feelings are manifesting. I don't think it's that. I think the feelings inform the thoughts, but I don't think that the feelings do the manifesting, I think, is what you think about and how you think about, so when you feel a certain way, that's your cue to expand your thinking.

In your words, it is not your cue. To crunch up and close yourself off and do what you normally would do and hide away. That's your cue that there is something within you that needs to open up to love or expansion or creativity. This is from the big leap, check it out. You're signaling to yourself with a worry doubt, fear, whatever that something's not right.

That, that you don't feel right. That you don't believe. Or connect with the current moment. You're getting signaled by your, your negative feelings that you're not on the right path or happiness exists. It's why you feel negatively, but your thoughts then should be used to take you somewhere that does feel good.

Use your thoughts to drive your, your feelings somewhere better than where they are now. And just like with any destination, sometimes it takes a minute to get there from starting point to ending point. But the point is that you're on your way. And if you cry the whole way, that's fine. You're still on your way.

So make sure that you're not allowing your thoughts to, to join in low vibrational feeling. If something happens, whether it seems directly related to your manifestation or indirectly or not at all, it doesn't really matter. The point is that you get off kilter, right? If something happens in your 3d reality, that puts you off where you want to go, where you want to be emotionally, physically in the body feels not.

Your job is to a allow yourself to feel that way is completely valid. And as soon as you feel through that emotion, it'll be gone and it'll be on its way out. Okay. So you don't have to like, feel it again, like if you were to bottle it up or something or smush it down or spew it on someone else, projected it projected on to somebody else.

If you were to do that, you know, none of that is actually feeling through the emotion and allowing it to pass. But that needs to be done because it's like, it's almost like if you don't feel it, it's going to just wait around until you do it. We'll just hang out on the corners and something triggers it.

And it's like, Hey, you remember me? And then you got all these things triggered from the day. I have nothing to do with what's going on in the moment, but this is why we want to take care of ourselves and do this stuff in real time. As we're going along, purge the feelings, meditate every day, be aware, do the discipline all the time, because you're going to end up being your best version of yourself.

If you're constantly. Doing the maintenance on yourself that that is required for living the best version of life. Keeping yourself happy and fulfilled, maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health, maintaining the relationships around you, doing things in your day and enough of them doing enough things in your day.

That don't make you long for something else. If you're thinking about like this, if you're spending. Eight hours a day, let's say eight hours a day, doing something you don't like, and you're longing for something better. You are wasting eight hours worth of infinite potentiality. This isn't an unchecked mind, not someone who's doing 360 to get themselves out of it.

Right. But this is somebody that's just swimming in the abyss of what they don't like. You're spending eight hours of infinite creative power on making more. Misery at your job or wherever you are for those eight hours versus fitting in eight hours worth of expansive fulfillment satisfaction, where your thoughts are nowhere near lack in any fashion.

When you're tapped into that place where you're truly fulfilled, time disappears, you are just connected to yourself and that fulfillment. Okay. Think about the difference eight hours in what you're loving to do makes for the future projections that your thoughts are doing at every single moment versus eight hours hating what you're doing, what the future projections of that are doing for your world.

Okay. And this is happening constantly to so many people. And if you're 24 hours a day, hating what you're experiencing, then you got the not good enough IDAs. I can tell you that right now because you, you're not looking at what you've already done. You may hate it now. But at some point you wished for what you have now, I've heard Esther Hicks say that, you know, you may, it may be over and done now the desire to have what you have now, but at some point it was something you didn't have and you do have it.

Now you did create it. You did make it a part of your world. And that's amazing. And once you can recognize that. Yeah, that's cool. I'm down with that. I did that. That's great. Yeah. And I'm ready for what's coming next because I know more is coming. Cause I did that and wow, what's coming next. You're changing the energy to something that expects good things versus something that keeps recreating the same shitty things over and over again.

Do your managers, Fest stations get ruined when you don't feel good about your situation? No, not necessarily. Not if you're not using your thoughts to agree that you don't like your situation, but if you feel like you don't like your situation and you use that as data to say, okay, I don't feel right right now, first off, I'm obviously not doing something that brings me joy.

Clearly. Second of all, I'm obviously thinking thoughts about stuff. That's bringing me discomfort at whatever level that is third. I'm not. Being in control of what's going on in my mind or my life right now, I'm allowing my 3d reality to inform my thoughts. I'm allowing my feelings to inform my thoughts.

I'm not being the captain of the ship. I'm not informing the thoughts. And that's where the problem lies. It's not in what happens in the 3d reality. It's not in what happens in your body or how you feel. It's the fact that you are not taking that moment to steer the ship when you should. Why is somebody else at the helm of your ship when you need it?

The most? When the storm is raging, the captain does not turn over control to the first mate or the fucking chiefs do Hey below deck fam you know, like it, the captain fucking carries you through the storm and that's what you're supposed to do. If you feel a certain way. It's time to be even stronger with your mental fortitude, as you allow your body to process and feel and transmute and pass those feelings that don't feel so great in the body.

They inform your thinking. But your thinking in my personal opinion is what is doing the manifests. The conceptualizing of your reality is what makes it 3d. So if the feelings are high, then the thoughts can join them and soak them up and magnify and amplify it. But the thoughts need to stay high, whether the feelings are lower high, um, the feelings again are just part of the ride.

It's just, it's it's the way you experience it. It's it's the. Processing of everything that you're doing, um, as a 3d reality entity, the body's going to experience it, but the mind is something different. Do not confuse the two because the mind is a whole nother animal and it is so much more advanced than what your body feels.

Okay. So let your body feel it's completely okay. And valid Sue that be kind be there for it, guide it through the storm, but guide it through the storm. Do not jump into the stormy water with it. So one-on-one coaching is available at my website. If you want me to help you get through this on your own, like get through your own story, get pinpoint where you're doing this yourself, where you can switch it.

What you can switch to affirmations. You can use all that stuff. Roxy is where the coaching is. I've also got lots of great affirmation music. We got meditations coming. We got lots of music coming on the horizon because that's part of my expertise and area of genius. I've got really great inspirational music coming.

That sounds so cheesy. Like to say, I got this great inspirational music, but it is so good. I'm so excited. I cannot wait for you to hear it. It's going to be great. So Roxy that's there also, of course, if you want to get started right away, I have some amazing courses and workshops that you can jump on right in this moment.

If you want to, you know, have added and start changing your life, I've also got great free content. That'll help videos. We have a blog, we've got a forum. We have a group on Facebook. There's so many ways to connect Instagram as well. And I am thinking about moving mindset Monday to my website. And, um, when I say thinking about it, I'm like, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it, but I'm just putting a little, I'm putting some little feelers.

I'm just letting everyone know that a mindset Monday is going to be something just a little different. If you've been on it before, not much is going to change except for the location. Um, but if you haven't been on it before, come join us because we got some new stuff in store and I'm excited to. To show you guys mindset Monday 2.0, okay.

So I love you. I appreciate you remember, if you feel like who cares? Like why, why should I finish that sentence? Who cares? How you feel? And I mean that with love, like your feelings are, you should feel that way. It's right. It's valid. You deserve to feel that way, but you don't deserve to. The way the feelings may, might make you want to think you deserve to think million billion, kajillion, dollar thoughts, not penny thoughts.

If you have penny feelings, that's one thing. Feel it, feel through it, but. Uh, penny thought needs to be turned into a billion dollar thought every time. Cause you always have the option. You always can exchange a penny thought for a billion dollar thought. So why wouldn't you? Every moment of the day is an op an opportunity for a billion dollar thought.

And if you're filling that 24 hour space with billion dollar thoughts the whole time, guess what you're going to be seeing billion-dollar reality really fucking soon. That's how it works. So. Just be on your mental game, 360 method. That's my shit. You know what? I talk about it all the time official program coming very soon.

Roxy get more information and you can do this. You can do this, I've done it. You can do it. I've seen lots of people do it. I've helped thousands of people do it. That's not even an exaggeration. That's a true statement. And, and maybe even more. I've at least talked to thousands of people about it.

I know that for sure. There might be millions. I intend there millions. So there are millions, there's millions. I'm now by millions of people. And I just knocked some stuff over, but I don't even care because I'm expanding. I'm opening myself up. I'm not going to stress about dumb stuff. I'm going to take the moments where I might want to stress and realize what is the stress trying to tell me.

Okay. No, listen to that. And I'm going to allow myself to add more space into my life. More time, more freedom, more, love, more joy, more value, more, whatever it is that I'm missing in that moment, when I feel stressed or sad or worried or doubtful, if you feel a certain way, it's because you're missing something, what are you missing?

Give it to yourself. What does that sound like? Oh, awareness and discipline the cornerstones of my practice. Right. Okay. But we know that it's always, that it's always, that you got to know that you're doing it and then you've got to do something about it. And if you can, yeah. You can control your whole world.

You got this. I know you can do it. I love you. I believe in you, you have the power. I've seen people do it. You've just got to stick to it. If you got the not good enough,  go in through you. If it feels like you're trying, and it's just not good enough, nothing's really working. Nothing's really giving you that sparkle.

Then you need a little bit of gratitude and you need to just start practicing, looking around being like I did that. I did this, I did this. I did that. Oh my gosh. I did all of this start taking credit for how powerful you are. And then. Shine that light onto something you actually want to experience.

That's where magic lies. Okay. So I love you. I'll talk to you next week. Be good to yourselves out there. You have the power I believe in you.