Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Manifesting Past Your Comfort Zone + The Big Leap Book Review

Roxy Talks Episode 238

Self-sabotage is REAL y'all, and it can happen in the most subtle of ways. One pesky side effect of feeling good is the triggering of negative thoughts due to lifelong conditioning. However, as powerful CREATORS, we have the ability to rewrite this programming by changing our story.

In this episode, I'm reviewing: The Big Leap - by Gay Hendricks, which has helped me transform my life so much that I feel compelled to share what I've learned with you. If you're feeling stuck, longing for change, and unsure of what to do next, this episode is for you!

Join the Roxy Talks Community Book Club and follow along as we tackle manifestation, mindset, and positive living based literature.

If you're looking to completely change your mindset and transform your life, check out my FREE 30 Days of Alignment Guide!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast

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Unfortunately, our thermostat setting usually gets programmed in early childhood before we can think for ourselves. Once programmed, our upper limit thermostat setting holds us back from enjoying all of the love, financial abundance and creativity. That's rightfully yours.


What is it up? My fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of Roxy talks. And even more specifically, the Roxy talks podcast, and even more specifically, the Roxie talks manifestation podcast, where the gen vibe, the general vibe around here is talking about discussing. And, um, achieving living as our ideal version, how to keep doing it, how to maintain it once you get it, how to beat the stumbles and push through it and ensure that you do push through it, which is how you.

Get through your stumbles anyways, is by sticking to it. And of course that comes down to the 360 method, which is my signature method. If you're new here, that may be your first time hearing it. If so. Welcome. Thank you. Thanks for joining. And if you're not new here, then, you know, 360 method is. My signature method, but it's also the way I live my life.

And it's how I continue manifesting the life I want and living the life I want to live, uh, while navigating my current 3d reality. And it was through needing in my mind, my eyes, a desperate, desperate change. I was desperate for change. I was so desperate. I wanted it so bad, desperate for change. And then just deciding to do something about it.

It was like a cracked one nut. And that one that led to so many more, so many more nuts, you know, so much more to crack. But once I kind of understood that my thoughts were creating and I was creating my reality like that, I kind of had a grasp. I had known about the law of attraction manifesting for about eight years.

At that point, I understood that I was able to make things happen, but it didn't really Dawn on me, the gravity of the power of my thoughts, or maybe it wasn't explained in a way that I understood that every single thought I was thinking was building my reality and every single moment, and I was always manifesting and, and that never stopped.

And there's nothing I could really do about that, but I could do something about what I thought. And that little nut right there that I cracked that little nugget of info really changed my whole perspective on manifestation. It's how I opened up to receiving the 360 method and applying it to my life and changing my life.

Um, I did that through my own challenge. I made myself a 30 days of alignment challenge, the one you for free on my website. Um, I literally made myself I'll do that. Like that challenge came about because I was recording myself in real time. As I was taking one day at a time for 30 days to just try to control.

I just, I wanted to stop being aware. I wanted to see if I could not be a bitch for 30 days. What I call what I consider being a bitch, which is really reacting to my 3d reality in the ways that I'm conditioned to react, which is with anger and passion. So, um, was, was, was, was, was not so much anymore, right?

Cause we're in control of that anyways. Uh, I wanted to go 30 days without being a bitch. That was my whole goal. And that's where the 30 days of alignment came from. And that was the start of discovering. How I manifest what I turned into my 360 method, which has saved, changed and saved my life, um, numerous times now in the last two years.

And in that time, I've just worked so much on maintaining the awareness that my thoughts are creating every moment, no matter what I'm going through, good or bad up and down high end. Excited her shitty. It doesn't matter. I'm still creating my future. That's an escape. Awareness. That's that? That's one part of the 360 method.

The other part is the discipline. Now that I'm aware, what am I going to do about it? Do I do something about it? And do I do something about it every single time since I do do that. And when you do do that, when you do notice that you're thinking of thought that doesn't really add up to where you want to actually be, and then you do something about.

Meaning you replace that thought with something, uh, that does add up to where you want to be, or it does represent the reality you want to live in. Then you, in that moment, move yourself towards that reality in a way from what you don't want anymore, in a way, you know, away from the current that you're experiencing and towards the goal.

You know, destination, which we should all know by now, that's the journey is the destination. The journey is the goal. Um, because once you get to your goal, you're just gonna have new goals and new destinations you want to go to so that part's never ending the way the Esther Hicks puts it as like, you know, you never stop asking.

She says, what you like, you're always in, you'll always be in step one mode. Cause even when you receive something in the moment of receiving you launch new rockets, Uh, I was just listening to Abraham Hicks today. So that's fresh in my mind. What else is fresh on my mind? Is this book, the big leap I've been talking about it so much.

So I was like, I better do an episode on it because, um, you know, I just, let me just say my piece. I believe very strongly and everybody needing to read this book. And so here it is. Here's my contribution to the world. Go read this book, the big leap I'm telling you. It's so it's so important. And I'm somebody like, you know, I felt like I cracked the code on manifestation a couple of years ago and figured it out how to really genuinely use it.

I made it my own program and process. I built my own business out of scratch. And I'm saying this book. Is so important. Like this book is like, I needed this, you need this me at this point today needs this book again. I blew through it right when I bought it like two weeks ago. And, um, I've already bought like, I'm onto like a two the second book since then, but I open this back up to talk about it too.

And I was like, dang, I should read this book again because it is so it's so good. It's just so. Illuminating in the right way that everybody needs to be illuminated. It's illuminating in a way that every single person on the planet needs to eliminate themselves. That probably the majority, the vast majority of us, 90% above are not illuminated in this way.

And 100% of us need to be. I love this book. The other thing I like about it is that when he talks about how to apply, what he's discussing, guess what it is. It's a 360 method basically. So I was on the right path and I figured out this thing on which I felt like I figured it out on my own. You know, everybody, there's other people on the planet that are living this way as well, too.

So, you know, let's, let's share the knowledge. Let's give, let's give credit where credit is due and gay Hendricks. If you've ever listened to this. Thank you so much for this book. It's really life-changing. I hope to someday meet you and share genius moments with you. So any huddles let's talk some excerpts from this book because it's hard to kind of explain.

I mean, it's easy to explain. Whenever you start to feel too good. You do something to fuck it up, right? I call that your own personal brand of self sabotage. I've I've coined my own term for it too. So like I'm just saying this book is really important. Like, what I'm trying to say is I've also, you know, express these notions and try to explain them to you.

But the way that it has done in this book is so good. I need to read it again, and everybody listening needs to go get it right now. Okay. And I'm not affiliated with it. I don't get paid off this. This is 100% a true, honest review. My business coach made me read this book and I'm so thankful she did so any who's okay.

We're going to start reading. Um, we're on page 20. This is just the beginning because you got to understand what's going on and then you do the rest of the reading on your own and the rest of the work. But this is, uh, The section is called how the upper limit problem works and the upper limit problem is gay Hendricks way of describing what I call your own personal brand of self sabotage.

This is the thing that you do that, that brings back in your old cycles again. Okay. So if you listen to the podcast, normally you've heard me talk about this tons of times. It's that thing you do that makes you your cycles start again. Okay. This book explains how and why you need to stop and what you need to do in, in place of that.

Okay. It's funny how the upper limit problem works. Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love success and creativity. We allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old familiar zone where we feel secure.

Unfortunately, our thermostat setting usually gets programmed in early childhood before we can think for ourselves. Once programmed, our upper limit thermostat setting holds us back from enjoying all of the love, financial abundance and creativity. That's rightfully ours. It keeps us in our zone of competence or at best Arizona of excellence.

It prevents us from living in the ultimate destination of the journey. Our zone of genius. What you need to know is that. If you make a spectacular leap in one area of your life, such as money, your upper limit problem quickly and shrouds you in a wet wool blanket of guilt that keeps you from enjoying your new abundance.

Guilt is a way our minds have of applying a painful grip on the conduit, through which our good feelings flow. First of all, can we just recognize the sentence? And shrouds you in a wet wool blanket of God. I love it. I love it as a writer. I love it. Thank you. So what we're talking about here, again, this is that self-sabotage thing.

This is the thing that you do that your program to do. I have my own, Mr. Gay Hendricks has his own, which he talks about in the book you have your own. And so does every single person on the planet, rich, poor, happy, then fat, tall, young, old successful. Whatever every single person has the thing that they do that holds them back in some way.

And now, you know, a lot of people have worked on, you know, working through that. I'm working through it as we speak, everybody that's listening to this right now is working on it as we speak. So. Just know that if you're here right now, you're, you're on the right path. You're doing something about it and that's, you just have to be willing.

And that's actually a part of the book too, is like, you just have to be willing to open up to these concepts and apply them to your life. So understanding what you do. That causes you to go back down your cycles. Again, what I would call your own personal brand of self-sabotage is really important because then if you're using the 360 method, which the cornerstones of that are, what awareness and discipline, I say it every time, if you're using your awareness to spot.

Your own personal brand of self sabotage or your upper limit problem. And then you use your discipline to switch the frequency, switch the thoughts, which the momentum switched, the feelings, switch, whatever it is that you're working on, or however you're doing it for yourself in your own practice, then you can transcend whatever it is that you do to yourself to keep you, um, you know, small or keep you away from exceeding your own expectations or goals.

And then you just. Fucking knocking that shit out. You just keep succeeding and progressing without holding yourself back, which keeps you kind of like even keel. You don't really grow too far. You don't really go down too far. You have a glass ceiling and then you have a bottom rung. Everyone's got a bottom rung.

Everyone's got a glass ceiling. So. If you can catch yourself doing the glass ceiling thing, then you can stop yourself 360 method, Roxy Find out more. And if you would like help pinpointing your own personal brand of self sabotage, you can sign up for one-on-one coaching at my website, Roxy

We've also got a lot of great free content as well. Of courses and workshops that you can get started on right now to help do it yourself. If you're a self study type, otherwise you can check out the forum blog book club, et cetera. On my website, Roxy as well as our Facebook group, black men society.

Okay. So getting back into the book in the passage that we just read, we're talking about guilt is a way our minds have of applying a painful grip on the conduit, through which our feelings flow. So obviously, you know, guilt is a way of, of sabotaging or stopping ourselves from. Feeling good about our achievements and creating more for ourselves.

This next passage is on page 21, a radical idea. Take a closeup. Look at how guilt operates in conjunction with the upper limit problem. It shows up when we're feeling. Or make an extra money or feeling a deeper, loving connection in a relationship when we're feeling good. We may come up against the hidden barrier of an old belief, such as I must not feel good because fundamentally flawed people like me don't deserve it.

The churning froth of these two powerful forces clashing with each other is the chief constituent of the irritating, itchy, slow drizzle, feeling of guilt. Again, love the word.

When the old belief clashes with the positive feelings you're enjoying, one of them has to win. If the old belief wins, you turn down the volume on the positive feeling or lose some money or start an intimacy destroying argument with your partner. For example, if the good feeling wins, congratulations your practice and expanding your capacity for positive energy is paying.

Yeah. Your capacity expands in small increments. Each time you consciously let yourself enjoy the money you have the love you feel, and the creativity you are expressing in the world as that capacity for enjoyment expands. So does your financial abundance, the love you feel and the creativity you express?

So I love this book again. It's just, it really gets into explaining why. Staying focused on the things that are good in your life and what makes you feel good and, and allowing yourself to continue to feel good, even when good things happen and not thinking, okay, now that's something good has happened.

Something bad's going to happen, or when's the rug gonna get pulled out from underneath me that just brings in more chaos or trauma or drama or pain or apathy or whatever it is that you're dealing with. But if you can learn to push through from good moment to good moment, to good moment, continuing to expect.

To continue, continuing to expect it to continue. Then that's what continues, right? So when you feel good feelings lean into it, open up even more or expand even wider and allow even more good when you have this self-sabotage mechanism that play the good feeling, triggers the bad food or the bad thoughts or the negative thoughts of the words that that's insecurity is the all that.

The good feeling, triggers negative thoughts, how fucked up is that. But a lot of us are living out that story over and over, and it sucks because it's just not fair. It's not good that we're conditioned that way as human beings. And we shouldn't live our lives this way. So if we can break this conditioning, which 360 method, that's my personal approach or.

Get the big leap. He talks about it here too, as well. If you can outright that programming, then you can install a new one and install whatever one you want. Install the program that says, Hey, something good happens. That means that good things always follow good things and shit, if a good thing just happen, that means like another good thing is having that good thing happen and one has to have it.

And another one has to happen at the good things. Always follow good things. So we're turning our thoughts into this idea of good things. Follow good things, good things continue. Good times. Continue. I have money. I can make more. I'm going to get more and more things are gonna come. I'm gonna have a great time with people around me.

I'm going to express me more creativity. I'm gonna grow even more. I'm going to learn even more. I'm gonna expand even more. I'm going to love even more. I'm going to have even more. I'm going to grow even more. I'm going to love him more. I'm expand anymore, even more. And that just keeps continuing, continuing, um, in what he calls like an upward spiral, basically.

So my intention is, is that. There's enough of a taste here of understanding that this book is going to show you how you get in your own way, what you can do about it, what it is that you do that brings you the absolute most joy and how you can make your life about doing that as much as possible. If you were to take all of the attention and focus that you spend on negative aspects in your life.

I think I even said this last week on last week's podcast, let's say you have to spend eight hours a day thinking about what you don't want. What would happen if you spent those eight hours thinking about good things, can you imagine the potential? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? And that's what I did when I changed my life.

I was talking about this at the beginning of the episode. Just decided that I couldn't let the negative thoughts continue to run my life and manifest things for meeting more. Cause I knew they were. So I had to do something about that. The thoughts aren't going to stop manifesting. That's not going to happen to like, not on this planet anymore.

And then who knows what we're dealing with. So for now I gotta control the thoughts so I can enjoy my time while I'm here. That's the, that's the secret. That's the key to it. If you can control the thinking, the control, the way you think about your life and the thoughts that you give attention to the feelings that you give intention to attention, to both the feelings that you give attention and intention to replace the automatic ones that don't feel so good or don't sound so good or don't look so good when they show up in your 3d reality, replace those with thoughts, ideas, feelings, beliefs, et cetera.

With ones you do actually want to experience or do like when they come about and you just do it on purpose and not none of this talk am my telling you that you've got to believe in yourself. So hardcore, before anything comes about, the belief comes, you'll believe in yourself. As you see things continue to unfold.

According to what you're doing with your mind, believing in yourself is a byproduct of being successful at staying focused in your mind. I like that. Let's say that one more time. Believing in yourself is a by-product of staying focused in your mind. I'm going to have to put that one on t-shirt or something anyways.

Um, that's the whole deal, right? So if you stay focused on the reality that you want to live in, and we know through 360 method, you pick the reality you want, you figure out what thoughts are thinking in that reality, you insert those thoughts on purpose throughout your day to make yourself think those, instead of the ones that keep you stuck in this reality, and then you just continue to do that.

And the needle moves you along and you move along towards your ideal reality. Do that. Everywhere. You can do that with your mindset, keep your mindset on that and away from what doesn't work. And that's just what you will continue to see in your 3d reality. That's just how it works. So the big leap is going to teach you how to stay away from the thoughts that limits you and the things that tell you that you got to go back down to a certain level.

Once you feel a certain amount of yeah. So check that out, go read this book. And then when you read it, we have a book club going on this, maybe I didn't mention this at the beginning, we have a book club going on right now. This is the book club of the now for Roxie backslash. We're reading the big leap.

And so if you read this book, can you please go leave comment on my website and just, just give us a little blurb about what happened for you, what you thought about it, how it made you feel, um, you know, what you're, what, what are you going to focus on? What's in your genius zone? Oh my God. Yes, please. Can you please come to my website on my forum after you read this book and tell us what your genius zone is?

That is amazing. I want to talk about this. I want to talk about genius zones with people. Let's open up this conversation. Communicate with your fellow people who are doing the same thing. As you make connections, find friends, get manifestation buddies, learn even more and more. Learn more about yourself, connect, grow, get everything that you want.

Good things. Keep on. Keep on happening the big leap by gay Hendricks. Go out and get it for yourself. You can listen. I prefer to read, um, I know some people like to listen to books, whatever you, however you consume literature, please consume the big leap. As soon as possible. I'm telling all my clients, everybody you're listening, you got to read this book.

Okay. It's worth it. You will appreciate doing so. And then you're going to go to Roxy backslash forum. You're going to click book club. You're going to go to the post about the big leap, and you're going to leave your genius zone and what's been happening in your life since you read the book.

Okay. Thanks. Appreciate it. And while you're at Roxy Check out my amazing courses and workshops. See if we can't get just something that'll help you fix your 3d reality ASAP. We got a lot of fun free content videos, downloads. Oh, I just got new eBooks are coming. I got one on there. There might be more coming soon.

Affirmation, music, meditations, and one-on-one coaching. Of course you can speak to me directly and help me have me help you pinpoint exactly what you're doing in your own life so that you can do something about it. Okay. Awareness, discipline. 360 method. That is my signature approach. And I've also got a brand new live workshop bundle at my website.

This is a five recordings of a live workshops that we've done with our amazing community. Take them off the pedestal. Self-love letting go. And mental diet and scripting bundle, which those two are not available anywhere else. So you can get recordings of all of these five amazing workshops, brand new at my website, Roxy

Head over there. Thanks for listening to the podcast. I love and appreciate you. Be good to yourselves. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power I believe in you.