Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

How To Maintain A Positive Attitude While Manifesting! (STOP Waiting & Start LIVING!)

Roxy Talks Episode 239

How do you stay patient while waiting on manifestation? The answer is simple, ENJOY YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW. When you're focused on things that make you happy, you're not concerned with anything that is lacking in your life.

Joy begets more joy. It aligns you and makes you magnetically attractive to everything you desire. In this episode, I'm sharing all the ways you can appreciate the life you already have, while in the process of manifesting what's next.

To completely overhaul your life in just one month, check out my life-changing
 FREE 30 Days of Alignment Challenge!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
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The inside must mirror what we want the outside to look like before the outside can look.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Uh, welcome to another episode of Roxy talks. And here is a place where we talk about manifestation and living as our best selves and living our best lives and creating our best lives for ourselves and being our best versions. And most importantly, showing up for ourselves consistently.

So that we can learn to rely on ourselves. And this is also how we learned to trust the universe, as well as by following through for ourselves, we build trust in ourselves by showing up for ourselves consistently by only allowing ourselves to think the thoughts that add up to the reality that we want to live in.

Shout out 360 method. That is my personal signature approach. And we. Just keep doing that every single day, we make it our goal to spend as much time thinking and feeling as if. Thinking and feeling as we would, if we were in our ideal reality and learning how to make yourself feel and think like you are in your ideal reality is I guess what you would call doing the work.

Uh, people ask a lot of times, you know, what's doing the work. I would say doing the work is clearing out the old junk making room for the new, and then putting in the new, you know, it's like, it's like remodeling a home, almost like gutting it. Getting it down to the bare bones, as much as possible, cleaning up every nook and cranny that you can with love and care and attention and focus and the best healthiest ways, you know, by talking to qualified people, to help you and purging your emotions in a healthy way.

We've talked about that here on the podcast, feeling the emotions while keeping your thoughts in check again, 360 method. It's about finding the ways that you maintain. Feeling your best thinking your best, treating yourself the best, saying that you're doing the best saying that you are the best. Not saying that you're not it's, it's swapping out language behaviors and beliefs that keep you as the small version.

The not worthy version, the not good enough version, the not able version, the missed their chance version, the never going to get their chance version. The everybody gets the chance, but me version in all of the other. Poopy versions in between that are not the most successful. I'm getting everything I want.

And every single moment watch me shine version because that version has a lot of fun and that version gets whatever they want. And that version is kind of who I wanted to talk about today and honor today. And for some reason, I was like, let's make today's episode fun. Um, When we were getting suggestions for the podcast episode on today's mindset, Monday live chat, which if, you know, you know, that's our weekly live manifestation Q and a happening on Facebook and YouTube.

I always go to the mindset Monday crew for podcast ideas, because like I said before, then I know I'm giving you exactly what you want to hear. I'm sorry. Sorry. I have a cat right here. I talk with my hands and I just realized that I'm talking with my hands and it's annoying my cat. I don't want to get swiped out.

I'm trying to concentrate. And now she's going into the jungle of our little feather lamp here. Okay. So I'm going to talk with my hands less. If you watch the podcast and not just listen, then you get to enjoy watching my cat sit here next to me today. So there's an incentive to go to Roxy and watch the podcast.

Any who those we were saying, what were we saying, bunny? Now she has nothing to say. Now that we're off topic, she's got nothing to say classic bunny. Okay. So anyways, we're talking on mindset Monday. I'm asking about the topics, because again, I like to give you exactly what you need. And I know that if I'm asking the community, we're also connected and so aligned that they're going to give me information that everybody needs to hear.

So when today's topic was suggested, my immediate thoughts. Oh, a fun, a fun episode. Like sometimes the episodes are so heavy or they're so serious or like everything is so dire or it's so important. Like we just need to get this manifestation and that's like the opposite of what. You know, conscious manifesting is about conscious.

Manifesting is about doing it with ease and harmony and letting it happen on its own and just, you know, being the, the beacon for, and allowing the rest of it to come to you. And today we're going to talk about how to be that because that's where all the fun is when you learn how to be content now and understand that.

Part of being content now means that you get to fill your day with as many things that bring you contentment as humanly possible. What's not to love here. Why are we not everybody clamoring for this right now? And as I'm asking them, that's a great question to ask. Why aren't we clamoring for peer satisfaction and joy and contentment?

I mean, we all. But we're doing it. We're going about it in a way that's screaming. I don't have what I want. And unfortunately that doesn't work for the universe. That's not how our situation here on earth is set up. So what I really want to say is get with the fucking program who cares if you have to think opposite about.

For it to show up. Who cares? You mean you get to think opposite about what's going on in your world and it shows up to you the way you want it. Wow. Good. Thank you. I wish someone would have told me sooner me as a manifestation coach and speaker on law of attraction, these things, sometimes I get.

Sometimes, I just don't understand what is so appealing about constantly talking about what you don't fucking like in your life. And apparently today's podcast episode is going to be one of those ones where I'm a little fired up. I got a little leftover mindset, Monday residue energy on me. And Hey, maybe we're maybe the podcast guys need to be yelled at a little bit.

Uh, I got yelled at my Roxie talks. Shirt's coming very soon. So stay tuned for new Mertz drops. That's happening very soon. Side note. Also because we're on the subject, we just dropped a brand new workshop bundle. This is a five live recordings from workshops that we've hosted the, take them off the pedestal workshop.

Self-love letting go. Mental diet and scripting bundle are now available in one. Do it all heal. It all bundle called the heal and transform bundle. That's available at my website. Roxy Right now you can get that for yourself and you know what, how about 10% for my podcast listeners. Okay. Just you guys.

Okay. You can tell your friends podcast 10. You can get 10% off my brand new heal and transform bundle at my website. Roxy just for my beautiful podcast listeners podcast. 10 is the code at checkout. Back on track. We're always on track it all folds in on each other and makes sense and tells the same story, which is that the inside must mirror what we want the outside to look like before the outside can look like that.

And if that's the deal, then our job needs to be figuring out how to mirror the ideal outside or the ideal outer world while. Living in an outer world that does not mirror that, making that internal mental shift that says I am no longer going to look at what I don't have. I'm no longer going to look at things that aren't manifesting or haven't manifested yet.

And I'm only going to say, and look at things as if they're already mine. And I know that they're unfolding even more. Let's say you're living paycheck to paycheck. That's something that I think a lot of people can relate to. Okay. On the first of the month, maybe you're getting paycheck, number one, but even on the first of the month, you know, anticipate and expect paycheck, number two on the 15th, don't you, you get paid on the first and the 15th, so we understand fundamentally how to expect something and want it.

Of course. And know that it's coming and know that you're going to have it and be sure that you're going to have it and, and, and Hey, even spend it before it gets here, if you want to be real, sometimes even when it's not here. So just in the same way that somebody who lives off of two paychecks a month, which I've been there, no shade at all.

That's a revenue stream for you. Congratulations. If you're living off of two paychecks a month, then you know how to anticipate and expect something to show up in your three world without doubting it without pushing it away, welcoming it, and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that it's coming and allowing yourself to put yourself mentally into the place of spending it already before you got it.

Okay. Why I'm saying that is that if you've been there, then you understand the mechanism at play. When you are expecting something in your 3d reality that has, you have to show up and you're operating off of faith. Now you may not think that it's faith because you expect your employer to give you your check every two weeks.

But I've talked to a lot of people whose employers are not giving them that, you know, maybe waiting for months that paycheck, that second paycheck comes every month because you expect that. And then, because you expect it to, and you're completely sold on the idea that that paycheck is coming and therefore you must do all the requirements required to get that paycheck.

Namely working, let's say 40 hours doing X, Y, and Z. Who knows what you do. You have decided that in order to get that second paycheck on the 15th, even though it's the first of the month that you're going to work 40 hours a week and, and file these papers and get this coffee and who knows what your job is.

It's great. It's a, it's a revenue stream, whatever of course. Uh, but you're going to do that and you're going to get that. Even though you don't have it yet, even though your employer hasn't written that check for you yet, even though you haven't done those tasks yet, you know that you're going to do them and it's going to result in you getting your paycheck.

That is exactly the same thing that with manifestation, when you're doing it in the easiest most harmonious way, you are, there's no question about whether or not it's coming. It is that's. Yeah. That's inevitable. What do you do in the meantime? What do you think you have to do to get it? What is the cost of it?

That's an important question to ask. Because that builds your future and that defines your relationship with money and everything else. So what we want to do while we're waiting on our manifestation is fill our time and focus and thoughts and days with actions that don't strike up, the doubt don't call it forward and don't.

Allow it to continue if it does come up cause that's normal.

But the goal is to stay in the mind frame, the energy of the belief of the certainty of knowing that what you want is coming like clockwork. Just like the paycheck comes on the first and the 15th. When you have that certainty, you can operate with a little more freedom. You have the boundaries that you have set for yourself, AKA budget, right.

Or, you know, your weekends, we'll say, if you want to look at it, time-wise, you know, what you're allowed, uh, for yourself to spend to do. Um, you know, time-wise and money-wise. Uh, energy expenditure, all that stuff you haven't calculated out in your mind. And you have decided that these actions equate in, you know, I don't know if the $1,400 every two weeks or something like that.

Right. So that's what you got. But if you can expand that amount, expand the frequency that it comes, expand how much is coming. That it's constant, that you don't have to do anything actually. Cause that's another reality that you can pick. It's another belief that you can think. It's another thing that you can say and affirm, and just like you operate with faith, knowing that that paycheck is coming, you operate with the same faith.

You. You don't necessarily have to believe it right away, but copy and paste the, the mechanism, the functionality of knowing and expecting something is coming and use it to expand what you know, and expect is coming for you and then distract yourself. So I've talked to exhaustion about the first part of deciding and saying, and only thinking the thoughts that are going to.

Equal up to what you want. Let's talk about the distracting part, because that's what was asked on mindset Monday is how do you distract yourself while you're waiting on your manifestation? And that lit me up cause I was like, Ooh, a fun question. The distracting part is the fun part. The doing things that actually bring you joy is the reason you're alive.

It's the thing that. Settles and quiets your doubts and sends them away and, and lets them know that, that they don't need to exist anymore. And they don't need to worry. I got you covered. You can count on me. I'm here. I'm showing up for myself every single day. I'm keeping my thoughts away from the stuff I don't want.

And I'm keeping my. Focus on feeling good as much as possible. AKA distracting myself away from what's not here while it's in that unfolding process. Okay. So if you want to go with analogy, we talked about earlier about the two weeks for the job. Again, the, the manifestation that we were, no, we are certain about that we know is coming.

Is the paycheck every two weeks, the distraction while we're waiting for it to show up, is you doing your actual job? Let's put that onto a manifestation sense. Okay. If you are manifesting the ultimate satisfaction, peace, joy, love, connection. Trust. Whether that's with relationship, career, self money, all the above, as it should be everything.

The goal is to be so content and satisfied and not need anything that your doubts and lacks and limitations are nowhere to be. You can't even fathom thinking about them because you're surrounded completely by so much love and, and whatever it is that you want, that the idea of lacking something is just implausible, impossible, improbable, whatever it is.

Right. So that's the goal. That's life's goal. If you want to achieve that, you must. Expect it know it, trust it, affirm it, expect it, know it trusted, affirm, and expect it, know it, trust it. Keep the thoughts away from the opposite of that and how we do that is by, or let me say this actually better. The best way to do that is by filling your day.

With so many things that bring you satisfaction, enjoy that your thoughts are nowhere near lacked out fear, warrior insecurity, so that stuff just doesn't even manifest anymore. So if you can keep your thoughts away from the stuff you don't like, then they won't manifest. And even if something comes up in your 3d reality, that might be leftover energy or just, you know, some residual stuff that you got going on, it's a good thing.

It's letting you know that it's time to recalibrate, which is great. That's a gift. And you already know that the future is being created in every moment. So whatever happens in your 3d is irrelevant. So who cares if it comes up in your 3d reality? So what, why are we even talking about it? You know, so if you spend.

Let's say 18 hours a day. Let's say we're awake for 18 hours. If you spent 18 hours a day feeling complete and total satisfaction, your thoughts were nowhere near lacked out. Worry, fear insecurity. What you don't have. And you already knew that you have set your intentions for abundance and love and relationships and joy and excitement and opportunities and growth and yada, yada, who cares.

It's all, you know, all the stuff that you want. It doesn't really matter. It's all, it's all energy. Anyways. Then the longer you stay in that place of satisfaction, doing the things you love. The longer and more of an opportunity, the longer the window is open for your manifestations to come to you and to flow your way.

I like that idea of, of the, the window being open, because you know, if you leave your window open all day, then wonderful things can climb in at any moment and come your way. But if you close it all the time, cause you're scared, I might won't be out there then. You shut out the good and the bad. And if you define something as bad and it's bad, if you define everything as good, then you realize that everything coming to you is a blessing and a gift.

And why wouldn't your window be open then if blessings and gifts, gifts are constantly coming to you, your windows should be wide open. So that's, that's the thought process is like, okay. So I'm saying that everything wonderful is coming to me. And if that were the case, then I would be in complete bliss all the time.

Right? Ideally I hope. And so if I want to mere, if I want that mirrored back to me, then I must mirror contentment and bliss all day long. If possible, I gotta be just loving my life in as many ways as possible as I can humanly do in the 18 hours. I'm awake every single day. And that's the best possible thing I could ever do for myself and every single person that ever has to come in contact.

That's the truth. I'm much nicer to be around, I think, but I'm like in the flow of my shit versus when I'm super out of it. Right. So that's the goal. When you're waiting on manifestation, you're not waiting on anything, you know, that good things are constantly coming to you. So what you're doing is just maintaining a vibration or an energetic field or whatever you want.

Of satisfaction and contentness, so that, that is what continues to be magnetized to you and what continues to be drawn to you through vibration or law of attraction. However you want to look at it. So my best advice on how to distract yourself is to create yourself a shit that brings me joy list. I've talked about it before, but this time it's it's, this is this whole, whole own episode.

This is all about why it's so important to have shit that brings me joy. Plus I've already kind of expressed the importance of. Staying in the place of joy last week, I even said like, or maybe it was two weeks ago. If you spend eight hours of your day, let's talk about that job again, feeling in thinking about how much you hate it.

It's not working out. You're in lack. I only get this much money. I only have this much. I'm going to have to budget my life, blah, blah, blah, blah, eight hours a day. You're radiating in that. You're going to keep seeing that in your 3d world. There's just no way around it. If you took those eight hours a day, it's switched your mindset to focus on how satisfied content and.

Fulfilled you are, whether or not that's your reality in your 3d? I didn't ask that that's irrelevant. I mean, what, what are you saying about your reality? That's what matters? Not what you're actually experiencing. What you say about it is what matters because that's what you get next time. So switch those eight hours from focusing on lack to focusing on contentment.

A couple of ways you can do. First, you can literally just switch the thoughts. That's what I had to do when I changed my life. When I did 30 days of alignment, that is exactly what I was doing. I was trying to cover those eight hours that I was sitting at my job, hating my life, manifesting more of a job and more hating my life.

So for 30 days I wanted to not do that. And I started the 30 days of alignment. How can I not sit around, hating everything for a month straight? You can do it with thoughts, you can do it. And I would meditate and I would bring that high with me into my day. I would go on multiple walks throughout the day to bring myself back up to that higher vibrational space.

And I would be really just, I don't want to say bulldozing in a negative way, but really bulldozing my thoughts into thinking things about how abundant my life was, how great it was, how fulfilled I was, how I was doing exactly what I wanted to do. And it worked my whole life changed. I'm sitting here talking to you because of it 100% because I.

And I'm still doing it to this day. That was in June of 2019. I'm still to this day doing those same techniques all day, every day. So, and that's why I'm successful. That's why my life is amazing. And it's going to keep being that way because I'm going to keep saying that I'm not going to say the opposite.

So anyways, that's one way to do it. If you're physically in the job and you can't wrap your mind around just not doing the job and money still coming through anyways. Yet, because you'll get there. We're going to, we're going to work on it. We want to get there. If you can't wrap your mind around that yet, and you need to have those eight hours in your job.

And this also goes for if you're, you know, in a relationship you don't like, or you're manifesting SP uh, you know, a specific person, whatever it is, you're working on. The ideas that tell you that you can't have it that are the problem or noticing. And it's not, they're saying that you don't like it saying things aren't working out for you saying that it's hard saying it's taking long.

All of the things that discount your abilities to manifest every single one of those sentences needs to be addressed in my personal opinion, um, or at least needs to be ceased. It needs to cease in order for it to stop manifesting. The ways you do that are through switching the thought while you're having it in the moment.

Again, 360 method takes awareness and discipline. These are the cornerstones of my. You find out You can send it for one-on-one coaching. I can help you pinpoint what you're doing in your life and how to make this work for you. I've also got amazing free content and courses that you could sign up for right now and get started right on your own.

If you'd like that's forum book club, Facebook group, Merck, affirmation, music, inspirational stuff, all kinds of great stuff to help keep your thoughts away from what you don't want. Okay. The other way, and do both. Is to literally put yourself physically in a space where you do feel content and satisfied and fulfilled already.

And it's not, you don't have to pretend. You're not pretending you feel satisfied by making yourself think satisfied thoughts, which there's nothing wrong with that. Again, it changed my entire life, but. If I had a really understood what I was doing and what the whole process was, I would have quit my job immediately and went 24 hours a day into complete bliss satisfaction, knowing that.

I'm making money simply just by being content right now. And it's flowing to me constantly and it's never ending and it's coming to me because I'm doing what I love and therefore I'm going to continue doing what I love because doing what I love makes me happy. And it's what makes me money and it makes my life great.

It helps the world it's happening more and more everyday. , you know, that's what we're doing. We're just billowing on this stuff. Okay. So without further ado, should that brings me joy list. I'm actually gonna read a client's and this is going to remain anonymous. This person emailed me and I read it right before recording this podcast.

And I know that it was a sign, obviously, because we had already decided to do this episode. And normally I just rattle off the things that are on. I have like six things on my list. This person sent me a list of like 50, maybe not 50, 25, 30 things. And I was just really like, damn, that's a good list. Like, um, I'm proud and I'm kind of like, oh shit, I need to beef my list up because you got a lot of stuff on this list.

Now, the point of this. Which I'm going to read a client's anonymously here in a moment. I won't read anything. That's going to give anyone away. This is just to show you what other people are putting on their list, and you might recognize some of the stuff on and on this person's lizards on my list as well.

And the point of the list is to give you somewhere to go when a you needed a distraction, right? That's what we're talking about here, or B and B. You should be doing this stuff every single day. Because this stuff makes you feel that way. I was talking about this stuff makes you feel the opposite of limit tid.

This stuff makes you feel the opposite of, uh, not having this list is really important because if you're already doing something that fulfills you, you're not going to be looking elsewhere for. Film it meaning you're not looking outside of your 3d reality or excuse me, outside of your mind and looking at your 3d reality and saying, I don't have what fulfills me.

I don't have what I need I'm unfulfilled right now because you're too busy being focused on being fulfilled in the moment. And I've never said it that way and I'm so glad it came out that way. I'm glad it's on film so we can remember it. This list is really important. It's going to help bring you there.

It's going to help put you in that place of satisfaction. This is something that you can use when you're triggered, and this is something that you should be doing every single day, as many times a day as possible. And again, this is where you can look when you need a distraction, when you're declaring your, your chosen reality and your 3d reality looks different.

Declare what you want and then turn away from your 3d reality and distract yourself with something from your shit. That brings me joy list and revel in it. As long as Paul. So I always tell my clients and one-on-ones your shit. That brings me joy. Plus, you're going to do one thing from it every single day, at least one thing, bare minimum.

Once a day, at least one thing off this list. And two, this is where you go. When you need an escape route, this is where you go. When you need somewhere to go. This is where you go. When you're spiraling triggers. Or need a distraction. Okay. So without further ado, here is a beautiful example of a shit that brings me joy list.

Anything on this list can be done in a moment when, and of course make your own list. Of course, this is just examples of someone else, but any of these things can be done or called upon in the moment when you need them. And of course should be incorporated into the day as much as possible. This person says Mariah Carey of course, number one on my list as well.

SNL skits doing my own makeup. Celine Dion, John Mayer, disco, painting, feeding, friendship, bracelets, tarot, reading, spell work walks around my neighborhood or the park fashion, art learning, new makeup techniques petting my dog, writing, calling friends and family looking at means cooking new recipes while listening to Goodwill.

Dance parties in my shower. That's another one on my list, singing in my car, also on my list. Speaking on things I'm passionate about also on my list, Manny petty, also on my list, how weird getting my hair to do the same lists, deep cleaning my apartment, not on my list. Having someone else see clean my.

Definitely on my list. Okay. Looking for epic thrift finds, spending time in nature, meditating early in the morning, getting dolled up, studying, reading, working in a coffee shop, setting languages, especially French taking trips, especially to new destinations or beaches. So very proud of my client for putting together this amazing list.

And I want to. Challenge you listener watcher. If you are on the website, Roxy of course, to create your own shit. That brings me joy list and leave it as a comment. Come to the website in the forum and talk about it with your fellow community members. What's on your shit. That brings me joy. Plus at least make it.

You don't have to tell me, I don't need to know this is your list, but this list is going to help you. Feel good while you're manifesting things while you know that it's unfolding for you because it is, this will help you keep your thoughts away from things that say, it's not things that make you worry, things that remind you of other times you failed.

We're not doing that anymore. We're not allowing ourselves to go there. And if we do find ourselves there, we're not allowing ourselves to stay there. That comes back to 360 method again, awareness and discipline. That's my signature method. Official program coming very soon, but you can always go to Roxy to find out more, to get one-on-one coaching with me to do your own self study courses.

Again, I've got free content, new eBooks, brand new affirmation and inspirational music and more coming meditations book club, March, again, lots of fun stuff, lots of ways to connect lots of ways to get into your best self vibration and live as your best self. So. Make your shit that brings me joy list.

Share it with your community members. If you want share it with us, you can email and let us know any success stories you've got as well. We are very eager and excited to get those kinds of emails and hear from you in the community and find out how the teachings are working for you in your life.

And if you want to be on the website, if you want to leave a testimonial, throw a picture on there, let us know to We'd love to have your testimony on the website if you love that as well. So. Your homework for today, make yourself a shirt that brings me joy list, and then start incorporating it into your daily life.

You must be doing at least one a day, at least one a day. And imagine I was just thinking like, imagine if you did this, if you just did a whole day of it just a whole day of should. That brings me joy. What if you did a whole week? What if you did a whole month, imagine what would happen? What would you attract to your.

If you could operate in this space of complete and total satisfaction for a day straight a week, straight a month, straight a year, straight at lifetime. So the question break out your journal and ask yourself if you have to, if you want to go deep on it, that's a great question to ask yourself, take it into a meditation.

If you need help, learning how to. I have a free guide on my website. And I've also got, of course the free 30 days of alignment I was talking about earlier. That's what helped me change my life. Honestly, it really did. And again, I'm still doing it to this day. So I stand by it 100%. I think everybody should do it.

And that's why I'm still here talking about it and making sure that I am spreading the word spreading the good word, inspiring everybody here to do shit that brings them joy every single day. Keep your thoughts away from what you don't want, what you don't have. And you will see magic happen in your life.

We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power, I believe in you.