Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Talk To Your Spirit Guides, Hear Intuition, & Manifest With Ease

Roxy Talks Episode 242

All of the answers and guidance needed to live a blissful life already exists within us. Maintaining a regular meditation practice has been instrumental in helping me tune into divine messaging and the information that comes through is been even more powerful as of late.

In this episode I explain how to tap into this inner informational stream, what it feels like, and how the "voice" sounds, so that you may be able to silence the distractions of the ego and hear infinity!

If you would like more tips and tricks for developing your own practice, sign up for my FREE Meditation Guide here.

I would love to hear about your own experiences with meditation which you can share in the Roxy Talks Forum here.

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.

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Meditation helps you learn how to quiet your mind, how to separate yourself and the ideas that come from within versus the ideas that kind of come from somewhere.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things. Manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to another episode of the Roxy talks podcast. We're here to talk about harnessing your power, connecting with your truest and most authentic self and living a life that not only you can be proud of, but proud of it in a way that you're proud of yourself for actually allowing yourself to go there and allowing yourself to.

Do the big dream and do the thing that really fulfills you instead of pretending to be fulfilled by them, the mediocre medium level things. And not only is that theme kind of been playing out a lot over the podcast over the last few weeks or so, or the last couple of months ever since I read the big leap, I've been having some really profound meditations lately.

And today I received some really great information having to do. The choice to stay. It's like an elevated mediocrity, you know, versus like your absolute, soul's highest calling our journey or passion, but elevated mediocrity is that, that place where you're really good at something that doesn't completely fulfill you or serve you.

But you do it anyways because it pays the bills or because you think that other people need it, or because you think it provides you some sort of story. Some sort of validation to do what you actually want or, you know, it's the thing that you tell yourself that you can't do what you want because this thing's in the way it's that kind of stuff.

And I think that it's pretty common among humans to kind of get caught up in that space of safety, security company. Not necessarily doing what we actually want to do, but doing stuff and doing enough to get by and being good at what it is that we're doing to get by and thinking that that is being our best selves.

Even if we're making tons of money doing it, that doesn't necessarily mean that you are at your highest capacity or value. And nor does it mean that you can't make even more money by doing what you love to do. And nor does it mean that you can't make money doing what you love to do. And I think that that.

A really big concept and change that I've been undergoing ever since reading the big leap is like not associating the dream thing or the thing that you actually want to do with making less money or being less successful, or like, you know, chasing a pipe dream or not living in the real world and not being grounded or not being realistic.

And it's just so dumb to think that it's more realistic to spend 60 years working for someone or something, doing something you don't like and be in business. Then to spend every waking moment you can chasing absolute bliss and just enjoying being a human in all the way as possible that you can. So I am doing that every day.

You probably know I've got my shit. That brings me joy list. I make sure that I'm doing something on there every single day. In fact, what are we going to do today? I'm at least going to go for a walk. If I can't think of anything else, or if I can't, there's nothing like super exciting that I at least go for a walk and just get out of my house.

Look around my neighborhood, getting into my neighborhood. Reminds me that I've manifested where I live getting into my neighborhood is like, oh yeah, I live here. I manifested this shit. Cause there were times when I would drive around my neighborhood and pretend I lived there, you know, or visualize myself there and, and come here and say, I'm going to live here one day.

And I, you know, this is my home and I belong here and now it's true. And I just walk around my neighborhood and I, from those same exact things. And that's part of how I know that too. Affirm in my 3d, as my ideal are the same affirmations that you can use in your current to move you there. And I know that because before I moved here, I would use affirmations.

Like I live in the most beautiful place ever. I did it. I love my house, you know, all these things. Like I love where I live. I used to say those things to myself every single day, even though I actually kind of hated where I lived. Before I moved here and then I manifest this move. And now I say those things naturally, because that's my real truth.

And I said before in episodes, when your ideal person or excuse me, your ideal version of yourself is just simply looking around their 3d and affirming what they see. Those are the affirmations that you can and should use to get yourself there because those are the natural 3d reality. Confirming the reality affirmations that your ideal is thinking.

So if you put those into play, now you will move to your ideal. And I did that and now I literally will go outside and be like, damn, I live in the most beautiful place ever. I live in the most beautiful place in the world. And I mean that, and I'm not just saying that because I'm manifesting it. I'm saying it because my natural.

Bodily reaction is to look around and be like, whoa, this is fucking, this is the tip. That's what I heard in my head. So it's the tits and we love that. So if you want the tits in your life, now you've got to say that what you got now is the jets. Even if it's not, even if it's the ball,

where has this episode, God, where is it going? What are we talking about? We're talking about not living in elevated media. And that is something I saw through meditation this morning. I sat on the shoulder of a giant, she was a giant diva. That's literally what I heard in my head. Who's this giant diva.

And she was, she was a big old bad-ass bitch and big old, tall black boots. And like just looking like fine and flow and fabric and just this magnificent giant woman. And she brought me up on her shoulder and my meditation today and she showed me the landscape. And gave me a bird's-eye view and said, things don't seem like such a big deal from up here.

Take an elevated perspective. And your 3d reality is not such a big deal. And from that elevator perspective, I was able to see that. My true ideal, my true passion, the thing that I want to do most in the world, which is create music and just express myself musically 100% without fear or doubt that I can do it, or that it's the right choice so that I can make money doing it or that I can survive, or that I'm good enough or that the world's going to want to hit Atlanta.

I didn't want to go down the road of it. It's about making and creating from a space where none of that stuff even gets considered. And that space where I'm just making music unapologetically, expressing myself unapologetically and who knows where it goes from beyond there. I don't even know what's going to happen once I unlock that full openness to being a musical creator.

Just me going there more than a. Avoid it by doing all the, the mediocre shit that I have to do to keep my bills paid. So my mind says me just doing more of what I love and being in that energy of my true calling is me calling myself and putting myself closer into a reality where that is the norm. You know, like if I was going spending, you know, two weekends a month in the studio before, and now I'm spending two days a week in the studio.

Now that's so much more time. In my life and my schedule and my energy that I'm spending actually tapped into my fullest potential and creativity, therefore becoming it more because of simply doing it more during the day. And simultaneously eliminating and getting rid of the ideas and notions that say that you can't make money through art or that, you know, the music industry is hard to get into, or that, you know, if I don't do the things that pay the bills that the bills won't get paid well, how about I don't do the stuff that doesn't drag me down.

It doesn't drain me. And I do do the things that fulfill me completely and make me live the best life possible. And everything has already paid for in excess. And I have more coming in, even more leftover and I'm just growing and growing in big, getting bigger and bigger. All of that can be just as true as the opposite.

So little blurb from my personal Roxy task diary, if you're listening and you know, you are because otherwise, how could you hear me say this? It's about being your most authentic you as much as you can, as many times a day as possible as many days of your life as possible, the more you do that, the more authentically you use.

It's not something that you have to strive for. It's just something you have to do. Having said that I wanted to talk today, um, about speaking to your guides and, and, and messages and voices and things, not voices, but like hearing, hearing things and seeing information and having instances and impulses and things like that and, and how to connect to it and understand it.

And of course I was already on that wavelength, but of course our wonderful mindset, Monday crew suggested this and. Um, you know, that's, what we're talking about today is like actually communing with those voices and listening to those nudges and intuition and hearing the voice that says, Hey, the thing you're doing is it may be making you a lot of money and it may be kind of like making you happy in some way, shape or form, but you could be doing something that's even better for you for the planet, for the people around you.

And it would make your life a hundred times better than you can even imagine. That voice is always speaking to you. And it's always saying that it's always send that message. I just said right there. That's what it wants you to know at every moment. And it's constantly there and waiting for you to acknowledge it and listen to it.

And it's always giving you and feeding you and guiding you and loving you and witnessing you and holding space for you and allowing you and cheering you on. But. We as human beings tend to drown the voice out with doubts, worries, noise, and securities distractions, social media drama, all that shit TV, all that.

All these things meant and designed to keep you away from communing, with your, your true self and your higher self or whatever you think is out there. If you want to connect with that entity or the entities or the energy outside of you, you want to kind of connect more with it, or you want to be more clear on what it sounds like, or you want to be able to interpret its messages to you and differentiate between yourself and it, then that's what we're talking about here in the second half of this episode.

And I gotta be honest with you. I, I really believe it starts with meditation. I think that meditation not only allows you like actual time and space, like literal empty space in your mind to be filled with information from somewhere else. Not only does it do that, but I think that getting quiet every day and getting into a habit of putting away your own self.

And allowing whatever comes to come doing that every day in meditation helps in your regular waking life. So I have always been intuitive and kind of have that connection and known things or heard things and felt things. But now that I meditate every single day, I'm much more in tune with and aware of.

When I'm, uh, what it was, I want, I wanted to say being a channel, but yet transmitting information, both of those things, because there's always something coming through. And if I quiet myself enough and I can hear what's beyond me, but if I'm so over, you know, come or consumed with this, and what if this, and how am I going to do this and how am I going to do this?

And what if I can't do it because of this and blah, blah, blah, all that stuff that you just cycle, cycle, cycle one. It's just drowning out the answers to the problem. Like you could be begging for, for answers. And the answers are they're being fed to you the entire time, but your begging is louder than the answers.

They're gonna, the answers. Aren't going to scream. The answers don't scream. They whisper they're gentle, but they're always there. So. In order for you to tap into them, you got to get quiet. You got to like, shut the fuck up a little bit with the doubts and the worries and the insecurities and the why can't use in the why haven't used in the, how long it's going to take in the, how comes all that noise, all that doubt and insecurity and reasons why it's not working all that is such bullshit.

It's just taking up space in your mind that you could either a be using to affirm that you're great or things are working out or to witness yourself or be there for yourself or just be calm or just feel okay, or just enjoy. And be taking up time that you could be listening to divine, inspiration and message and guidance.

So meditation helps you learn how to quiet your mind, how to separate yourself and the ideas that it come from from within versus the ideas that kind of come from somewhere else. And then when you're in your regular life, doing things. That don't promote an environment where self doubt, worry, fear, et cetera, can thrive.

And I think that's really important is coming at it from a, uh, an environment, like a perspective of not trying to rid yourself of it, but instead just creating a space where the opposite exists and not really focusing on the part that we don't want.


when you create an environment that is supportive for you, that tells you that you can do anything that believes in you, that cares for you, that allows you to feel your feelings and process them. That thinks your ideas are interesting and things that you are capable of bringing them to fruition. The notions that feel good, not the doubts that come after, not the, all the reasons why you can't, but just the initial nugget of joy and optimism and excitement about the possibility.

If you can stay in that place, create that and expand on it and live there and stay there longer and do more things that make you feel good, do more things that bring you joy. Do things that help you process your patterns and your emotions purging the other stuff, letting it out while keeping your thoughts, aligned to productivity, openness, allowance, peace, the possibility of things going your way.

You're making a practice of not giving attention to the stuff that takes away from. Internally and physically cause it, it all manifests. And so therefore you're lessening just by default, the amount of that stuff you'll manifest because you're not allowing yourself to focus on it mentally, as much as you used to.

And since the world is a mirror, then it's just going to have to display that in your 3d world. You're going to get less of it just because. So that's one, that's going to handle that part also what it does at the same time, is it, you know, as you're making yourself feel good and you're making more space for that, you're putting yourself into that space.

I've talked about this before. You are just naturally drawing in what you want just by being in a space that doesn't give light and life to the fears, worries, doubts insecurities. So it's like one job that does double duty and probably, you know, probably more it compounds on itself. But. Just merely pulling your attention towards something better and using your body to cement those feelings in it and not distract.

Don't use your body to repeat your old patterns while you're trying to make your brain, make all the switch and the change on its own, how, you know, let your body help and actually do things in your day. Make you feel good and not just try to control how you think and think good. Use all your faculties to cultivate a life of openness.

Understanding joy, excitement, eagerness every day gets better than alive. Today was the best I've ever had and tomorrow is going to be even better. And every day forward gets better and better, but things happen from the moment you wake up till the end of the day. What else could can happen today? That space, not only does it obviously bring you more joy, it also of course, brings you in alignment with your manifestations.

But also that space is where that voice, that you're looking to hear those messages and information. That's where it's kind of like the loudest, or I don't want to say it loud sound like it's volume. It's this maybe the strongest, most influential. How about that? That's when that voice is the most influential that's when we're talking about like inspired action, if you're in a space of inspiration of feeling connected and being open and just letting what comes to you come because you know that ultimately it's always, always ultimately for your good.

Then you will be led and get impulses to things that you could not have access to if you were not energetically or mentally or emotionally, or even physically in a space to receive that information or, or that nudge or that impulse, all of the great things that come to you when you're just enjoying who you are, can't get to you when you're not enjoying who you are.

And that voice isn't going to scream. Like I said, it's not volume. It's not going to overpower. Maybe in some rare cases, I've heard stories of, you know, the voice of God coming through booming through, you know, when it kind of gets dire. But I think for the most part, your doubts are going to overpower any sort of quiet voice within, because you're so used to letting that have all the attention.

And you're trained yourself to listen more to that voice. Then you have trained yourself to listen to this other voice, this smaller voice, this some other worldly voice. And I don't know why, but it always feels like me and my Roxy thoughts, like the thoughts that come from me, like from in my own frame of reference, come from the left side and the thoughts from the universal, wherever that is come from the right side, like my right in my right ear.

And when I have conversations in meditation, It's almost like I'll ask with my left ear and I listened with my right ear and I'm sure it sure is different for everybody. But again, going back to the value of meditation, meditation taught me how to have a conversation inside of my head with someone else.

I asked my question and I get out of the way, and then I let the answers come through and they do. And I let myself continue to believe and know and trust that that information is valuable no matter where it comes from, whether it actually does come from deep within me or whatever, either way it's offering me guidance and support and notions that I maybe not didn't recognize or put any effort or energy into, but the more I tap into that space where I am love and I am loved and it's infinite and it's safe and it's quiet and it's peaceful.

Refilling my cup and it's rejuvenating. The more I go there, the happier I am as a person, the more comes to me in my life. The more confident and comfortable I am in pursuing my actual true passions and dreams. And the more I connect, the more I connect, the more I connect, the more I get connected, the more I'm going to connect.

The more I open myself up for an allow information and messages to flow with. The more that I get. So hearing and recognizing that voice comes from in my personal opinion, a little bit of practice right now, I'm making my husband meditate every day. Cause I'm trying to teach him how to get messages. He's I think he just kinda got some, a little bit today.

Just a couple words here and there, but he's learning how to. Quiet and kind of zone out and then also allow flow. And again, I don't know why it's always quiet on the left flow on the right. Like the messages wants to come from the right. And the left side wants to be, just ask a quick question and then shut it down again, whatever side, I don't know where it comes from for you, but there's that sense of the self asking of the, this is the me part of the conversation and I'm talking to whatever the heck this other entity is.

And. You know today, like I said yet today I talked to the giant diva yesterday. I talked to, I'm not even joking the three, the three graces. That's what they told me. I think I've been speaking to a queen, the queen. I think I had two days of queen. They were different Queens, royalty, Regal. I don't know.

These are just the words I hear in my head and I just go with it and I've had crazy four completely profound, different experiences over the last four days. And I'm not, I can't exactly say why. I think I just was like, I'm gonna get some fucking good information and I've just. Had this crazy, you know, just opening my husband, I'm trying to help my husband get into meditation has helped me have these amazing experiences.

And now I'm like every day I'm like, okay, what are we going to get today? And it's just been more and more and more downloads and so much encouragement to, to trust in myself and do my true passion. There's so much love and support there when you can tap into. I don't know what it is, that energy, that entity, that support whatever's out there for us.

It's there. It's always there and it's so happy when you a connect with it and be trusting in it and listen to it and go after what makes you, you and what makes you passionate? Cause that's why you came to earth. It's your whole purpose to be here is just to be you. The more you fight against it, the more you do that, mediocre shit, even if you're really good at.

You're just denying your true self and you're denying true, true happiness and power. So if you want to ask me how to connect to your guides and your gods and hear that voice, I'm going to say meditate every single day, pay attention, let them the information come through at any time and then spend more time in your day in a place that actually feels good to be mentally and emotionally, because you will get so much more.

Then you get in, you're just, you know, your 15 minute meditation, you could have that going on all day, you're getting impulses and information and knowledge and all that stuff. And tapping into that is only going to lead you towards all of the fulfillment that you seek, because that's literally what it is, fulfillment leading you towards itself.

So I would love to hear how you particularly speak to your spirit or your guides or. Listen to your intuition. What does it sound like to you? Is it a big voice? Is it a small voice? Mine's a small voice. It doesn't scream and head to my forum. Roxy backslash forum had to the meditation's tab.

And I've got a space for you in the forum where you can talk about benefit meditations. Talk about what you've experienced messages you've heard. You can even talk about if you're not able to meditate, like, you know, get tips and stuff there. So that's how it, Roxy I also have a free meditation guide that you can download.

And it just kind of just a two page, little download to kind of talking about how I get into a meditative state and how I communicate from that place. That's for free at my website, Roxy talks dot. Also, if you'd like me to help you get into this situation for yourself so that you can connect deeper and speak to your intuition, or if you'd like specific help on your manifestation or your limited beliefs blocks, whatever it is, specific person one-on-one coaching is available at my website.

Roxy I do have a few spaces left in October, but as usual, my calendar always fills up fast. So you can speak to me. One-on-one Roxy or I've got some great self study courses that you can start right away. But either way, like I just, I want everyone to take in you listener out there.

Meditation is so valuable and powerful and does so many things to improve your quality of life. And it also is, you know, untapped, gold and knowledge and wealth, and just so much in there that's already existing within you. So. Get into meditation. Get used to hearing yourself, go out into your world. Feel good, feel secure and make yourself push the thoughts away that talk about doubt or fear or worry.

Redefine them. You don't have to live by the same definitions anymore. You can always change who you are and the labels and parameters that you set on yourself. I know you can do it. I've done it myself. My 30 days of alignment, free guide. That's kind of how I did it to start out with was my 30 days of alignment.

I was like, I'm going to change my life and I'm going to try doing it for 30 days straight. And that was two years ago. And here we are, we're still doing it. We're still going life, still getting better every single day. I'm a work in progress and I love. So more support is available for

I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast, watching the videos, whatever you're doing, connecting in any way. I love you so much. I appreciate you. Please be good to yourselves. Please love yourself and put the focus that you put on the outside world, on yourself in a good way.

In the best way possible. You deserve to be selfish and focus on you and do the things that you love. That's why you came, don't hold yourself away from it. That's what makes you miserable. And that's not why we're here. You're here to be happy and joyful and fulfilled in every way. So that's my dream and wish for you.

That's why I have this podcast. It's what I'm talking about right now, because I truly want that for every single person on the planet, including you, you have the power I believe in you. I love you. I appreciate you. I will see you.