Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Become Impervious to Triggers | Keep Manifestations On Track! 🎯 ~ Mindset Monday Summer Series

Roxy Talks Episode 279

Are you ready to feel WORTHY?! On the podcast this week, I talk about practicing knowing, not practicing NOT knowing and why visualizing ALL your desirable options is helping The Universe help You. I also talk about being tested in our manifestations and my new acronym which is something you are going to want in your toolbox when it comes to relationships and love!

Are you ready to BEAT the triggering circumstances that are keeping you stuck? Sign Up for my first EVER Master Training PASS THE TEST! And I'll show you how!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast


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Things that don't have resistance, don't need to be worked on. That's why you manifest them. Things that do have resistance need to be worked on. And if you halfass the work on that, you'll get halfass results.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all. Manifestation related I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade, I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

Affirmation ideas for popularity growing a network. I'm getting outta my shell. So. My network is growing. I know that seems obvious, but that's, you know, one right there. My network is growing. I have so many blanks in my network. I have so many people signing up. I get so many signups a day. I, um, love seeing my new people come through.

I'm making so many, so many things, a blank. They're weird. Remember we were talking about blankety blanks last week, basically that like it's literally whatever, fill in the blankety blanks. I'm getting blank, blank, blank, signups a day. Um, I'm reaching out to so many more people. I'm so popular in the blank field.

Um, I'm the most popular in my niche. I'm at the top of my niche. I'm at the top of my, um, genre. I'm meeting so many people in my industry. I keep making these great connections. I love having so many industry friends. Um, I have a great industry connections. I have amazing, um, relationships with people that are in my industry.

I'm so glad I have so many friends that are in the industry that I am that really get what I'm doing and support me. I have really supportive people in my, um, circle, people in my circle share me. We're networking together. We're sharing each other, doing each other's audiences. I'm getting great collabs.

Like I'm collabing with the, the best people I'm collabing with the artists. I admire the people that I admire admire me back. Those are good. I like those. Thanks for those. Yeah, those were fun.

This question from Juliana, I'm gonna answer says, when you say shift the narrative, does that basically mean to fake it till you make it? I can do that. How do I remain patient through though? Through all of that? Yeah. So shift the narrative essentially. Yeah. Fake it till you make it change the story about what you're saying, like change shifting the narrative means like, if I was like, okay, let's say that.

Um, okay, let me, I'll give you a real world example. One time. My husband and I were walking on the beach. We, we live on the beach, so we take walks on the beach all the time. And there were two girls coming at us that were in. Like string bikinis. They looked fantastic, incredible bodies. And I see them coming towards us and I had the opportunity right in that moment to either feel shitty about myself, worry about my body, whatever, blah, blah, blah.

And I, but obviously, because I'm trained at this, my immediate thought was I launched into, I might have told you guys this already, but I launched into immediately. They're jealous of my body. I don't know why it was just like what my brain gave me. It's what my brain offered up. And it was enough. And. So as they're coming this way from the moment I saw them and the whole time they were walking towards us and as they passed us, they're jealous of my body.

They're jealous of my body. They're actually jealous of my body style. They actually like my body style. They're envious of my body style. They're jealous of my curves. They're jealous of my body over and over and over and over and over and over again because the untrained Roxy probably would've. Talked about what I didn't have in comparison to what they did or whatever.

Right. That was me shifting the narrative. And so that moment, what that did was I didn't spiral. I didn't put myself down. I didn't manifest myself longer in a body I didn't wanna be at, and I didn't have to like come back up out of the fog of like shitting on myself. You know what I mean? I, I just kept going on about my day and.

Whatever those girls were thinking. I don't fucking know. All I know is they were jealous of my body, right? Like that's all it matters and didn't hurt that many didn't hurt me any didn't hurt anybody. And, um, I controlled the narrative in that moment. You asked how can you be patient through it all? The answer is, um, should that brings me joy, do make a shit that brings me joy list and do those at least once a day.

And then when you're starting to feel impatient, go to your joy, your joy is where you are in bliss. Obviously. Um, I like to call it like, it's like a free space in bingo. It just it's like a place that you can go to where you're naturally not in resistance. You're not resisting any of your manifestations.

And you can, if you go into your bliss, the more often you're in bliss or enjoy, or just like, like, you know, those things like the crafts, you like to do stuff that you could get lost in for hours. You're not resisting your manifestations. And that's the only thing, keeping them away from you. So the more you set yourself or put yourself into joy, the more you release resistance in your.

So, um, and you just naturally manifest what you want because you're not pushing it away. Cuz the stuff's wanting to come to you. You're a magnet. You're RA you're drawing it, it drawing it in constantly through you're the magnetic field of your body. But with your thoughts, you're pushing things away. So if you can get your thoughts out of the way the magnet can do its job,

this guy who's so accomplished. I don't know if I can get him. Well, there's your problem, right? But I know he's, my husband had a speed of my manifestation, uh, know that you can get him switch this, stop saying you don't know, switch that to, you know, and start practicing knowing, instead of you're practicing, don't know if you can get him, you need to practice knowing that you can get him and you need to also remove him from the pedestal.

Right. Because he's so accomplished. So what, and that means what you, so you don't deserve him. You don't deserve an accomplished partner. Like that's what you're really saying. So if you deserve an accomplished partner, then. And he's accomplished and that's who I pick, guess what? Guess who I pick? I pick the accomplished one.

You see what my husband's gonna have? Have you seen his resume? Like instead of this, like, oh God, he's so accomplished little old me over here. That's gonna keep you underneath him. Always. So quit acting like it's an issue, equalize yourself with this person. And, um, again, practice knowing and not, you said don't know if I can get him.

So yeah. So start practicing knowing that you can get.

Manifested in SP, but he's leaving the country soon. Okay. Um, he's not  okay. You have several options. And I would say do all of them, um, because deciding like a reality where you just manifested something and now they're leaving is, is. It sounds like you're programming for one, having good things being taken away from us or good things.

Um, going away, that's a normal thing for people to manifest, um, or to experience I should say. So we have to make sure that we are, when we manifest something good in our lives, we are not allowing the thoughts about what is it gonna go away? What if I lose it? What if this, what if they don't that? How come they just, all of the thoughts that, that, that describe you, not having it anymore, need to.

Eliminated essentially, but as mu you know, reduce as much as possible. Um, and then, so that's one, the next thing you're gonna wanna do is. Visualize them staying I'm guessing, or like, I don't know if, if, if you wanna stay or you wanna go with them, whatever one, whatever one you would like, or you can visualize both.

Literally, when I say do all of them, it's like, I would want you to kind of like, think of all the best options that would be possible. And then kind of like, then you can dull, here you go, universe. Here's some options for you. And you're like, yeah, it'd be cool. Like. They're gonna, we're going to blah, blah, blah country.

And I can't wait. It's gonna be such an exciting experience, blah, blah, blah. Or if they're staying with me, we have such an intense connection. I'm so excited. I can't wait to see what our future holds, blah, blah, blah. So kind of either pick a reality that you want or pick a few that would be cool, that you wouldn't mind in to, and like kind of juggle them around and toy with them so that you, at least you're not going back and forth about the problem.

You're going back and forth about. Good opportunity. You would like good, um, outcome. You would like. And then, um, the next thing I would be saying, the next thing would be to now, what you really wanna do is start creating, like you wanna, how do I say this? You need to evolve your story about your relationship up ahead a few months, like, or, or years or something, right?

Like now that you have the SP you guys have this insane connection, you can't get enough of each other. You love being around each other. Um, we can, we, we feel so longing for each other when we're not together or they feel that way about me. I'm fine when they're not with me, but I know they along for me.

Or do you get what I'm saying? It's like, Really talk about how great of a bond you have. They're not going anywhere without you. They couldn't leave you for anything. And they wanna be around you all the time. They're, um, molding their lives to fit you into it. Everything is working out so you guys can be together, those kind of ideas and affirmations, and then no matter what happens, whether they stay or go.

You still talk about how much they can't stand, not being with you. They're they do everything in their power to be with you as much as possible. They see you as often as they can. They talk to you as often as possible, they need you in their life. I don't know, whatever. I'm just making things up, but like, no matter whether they leave or not, don't stop with the affirmations because someone could come right back, even if they do leave.

Like that could be just like a test, if you will. Um, by the way, I'm gonna be talking about tests, um, more in depth in my first monthly group program. I know we've been talking about it. Um, and I just, this, this is a completely, I'm sorry, I just segue in the middle of your answer, cuz I literally was just like, I need to say this real fast, um, to segue in the middle of your answer, but I'm gonna be talking more about tests in our very.

Group program. It's not necessarily our first group program, but it's the first group program of the new structure that I'm doing. We're gonna be talking about taking massive action and inspired action and why taking action is so powerful. We're gonna be getting ourselves to that space that we can take action.

And we can create huge shifts in our 3d reality and basically make leaps and bounds in our manifestation. So I will be discussing tests and going more in depth and diving deep into what tests are, what they mean, why they happen and how you can, um, Essentially pass them. Right. So the reason I, sorry, I said that, cause I was talking to you about tests.

Um, so essentially like if they left, that could be what you might consider to be a test. So you wanna pass the test. Okay. Even if they did leave the country, that doesn't mean anything about your manifestation doesn't mean anything about your. Relationship people in relationship leave, leave the country all the time and they come back and everything's fine.

So we don't wanna act like them leaving the country is the end of everything because it's not, it's just, this is just the beginning. So we're switching the way we think about it. You're switching your perspective and, um, don't let anything that happens make you switch that. Okay.

You help me get my SP to come back. When I had coaching with you two years ago, he didn't stay, but I'm, but I'm glad cuz polygamy is not for me. I don't like to share. So let me tell you some shit right now because you are the third. I'm not gonna give notes. Nothing. No ways of nobody's. But I wanna tell you, you are the third person in less than a week that I have talked to.

That is dealing with, or that has mentioned polygamy, uh, polyamory, or I learned a new term it's called E N um, something non monogamy, but it's a fucking topic right now. And like, I always tell you guys that I always know what's going on with you because everybody will be talking about the same shit at the same time.

And I don't know what is going on with this, this polyamory thing, um, is going. People are coming to me lately a lot for it. So it's very interesting for the, yeah. It's just been a few days and I keep seeing that. So obviously my RAs is gonna be picking that up more. Um, and I'm manifesting it, but, oh, it's, I think it's ethically non monogamous.

I think that's what it is. Ethically non Manous. I think that's what the E stands for. Yeah, there it is. Ethical non yeah. Yeah. I'd never heard of it before. Um, and last week I had two clients. That we're dealing with polyamory and ethical non monogamy. And then now you can come over here, talk about polygamy.

So it's just very interesting right now that that kind of energy is, uh,  D doesn't know things. So, um, we can just, and it was really funny too, because before I talked to the person that told me about the E N M I talked to somebody before and I made up an acronym, I was like, we'll just call it FLM, which is, I was like, fidelity, longevity, monogamy.

I was like, those are the things that you want. Cause they were coming for cheating or whatever. And I was like, let's. FLM fidelity longevity, monogamy, fidelity, longevity, Mon monogamy, FLM, FLM. And then like the next person I talked to was like, yeah, E and M. And I'm like, oh my God, I just came up with like the opposite acronym for this in my last session, it was fucking bizarre.

So F LM and not FML FLM, fidelity, longevity, monogamy. If you're working on third parties or anything, that's the opposite of fidelity longevity, monogamy. You can use that. Um, FLM. FLM chant, fidelity, longevity, monogamy, fidelity, longevity, monogamy. I love relationships because they offer me fidelity longevity.

Monogamy, of course I'd love to get in a relationship with somebody because it's a chance to experience fidelity longevity, monogamy. It always turns back to that. Okay. He said, polygamy is, is all an excuse to his coward is, and I'm not in that mindset. I'm not desperate. I know my worth, uh, Regina, it's interesting because somebody asked earlier.

What about the manifestations that don't come through and, you know, we think about like, you know how there's some like, rhetoric about like, if you, if it doesn't work out, it's not meant for you. Where is the line? And this is the question I don't know the answer to between like protecting you from stuff that will harm you versus like, all right, bitch, I'm gonna let you get this manifestation.

You're gonna find out exactly why you don't need this man or why this isn't isn't good for you, but, or whatever, right? Like, You needed to learn that lesson or whatever, obviously it was a lesson on your, on your path and you wouldn't have learned that lesson. If you hadn't been successful in your manifestation of getting this person, that was not the right person for you.

A homework right now is to use our lovely 360 family member. Anna's. Affirmation. I'm seeing movement. I'm seeing movement. I want everyone to manifest seeing movement. Um, whether you see it or not, I don't care. You're seeing movement, period. That is your affirmation. This is your whole awareness. This week, I'm seeing movement.

I'm seeing movement. I'm seeing movement. When you see an inch, it's a fucking mile. When you see a backwards inch, it's a forward inch. When you see a mile, it's a fucking lot of miles  so we're gonna manifest movement. So I'm seeing movement. Everybody affirm it in the chat. I am seeing movement. I'm seeing so much movement.

Dina says I'm seeing positive movement. Yes. So that's gonna be our homework for this week is, and not like I don't even want you to focus on manifesting movement. I just want you to be in the energy of saying you are. Like affirming that you're seeing movement. The, the homework is not, yeah, let's, let's get this clear.

The homework is not to manifest the movement. Like, I don't want anyone to feel like they failed if they actually ultimately don't see, they don't see movement in their 3d, but the whole point of it is whether you see it or not, there is movement going on behind the scenes. So don't cancel it out and manifested a way out of it by saying you're not seeing it.

Right. So I'm seeing movement, I'm seeing so much movement happy thought says, what does that mean to see movement? Basically, it means. People tell me I'm not seeing movement in my manifestations. What they mean by that is that they're trying to do the work. They're doing the wor they're, whatever they're working on their manifestations, but nothing's changing.

They're not seeing movement, like things aren't moving along. So now we're saying, oh, I'm seeing movement. So if that doesn't resonate with you, then you can say things are happening fast. Or my manifestations happening really fast, or I am seeing change or it is happening now, but basically I'm seeing so much movement it's moving.

So. Georgina says it's basically another way of saying everything is working out best case scenario. Yes ma'am. I love you all. I appreciate you. Your homework this week is to affirm that you're seeing movement our power. I believe you.