Anything But Vanilla Podcast

Episode 168: You Can’t Blame Your Parents For Everything... But In This Case, It’s Cool

August 26, 2020 Anything But Vanilla Season 1 Episode 68

How many times have you, dear listeners, blamed your shitty behavior on your upbringing? Drinking too much? For sure my dads fault. Picking assholes in relationships? Again, daddy issues. Critical of my family? All my mom. Can’t commit to a good partner? Look at my parents marriage... we here at ABV are of the mind that blaming your folks for all your life’s problems is a straight cop out. Except, in this case we give you the green light 😝

Welcome in to episode 68, where we hate on your parenting, hate on our own alma maters and hate on old folks (per usual). This  week in review brings listeners the good (fran has them Rona antibodies and Claire is firing on all cylinders with work) and the bad (double mastitis and California is on fire, nuff said).  News of the week comes at you with Fran calling out her own high school in light of recent sexual assault allegations against a former track coach and Claire sounding the alarm on racist pieces of garbage vandalizing and targeting black and LGBTQ owned businesses in Oak Park. Advice this week takes on a parent bend, with a mom asking the ladies what do about her husband who is always yelling at their kid. Survey says: it’s a childhood deep dive.  Have you ever loved a moment of your life you wanted to do it again? Is their any moment so tragic you need a do-over? The ladies share their thoughts in this weeks AUA. ABV, shit we like (trademark pending), covers vegan desserts and online content. Lastly, this weeks hater is brought to you by old people who make you cry. WTF old people?

Spiked Tea
1 can Trader Joe’s black tea peach bev
2 oz vodka
1/2 lemon juiced

Combine with ice and enjoy!

Did you enjoy the shows intro song? Thomas Castillo and his band Creamline, created ABV’s spectacular music. If you want to hear more from Creamline, you can find them on instagram @creamline916. In need of some advice? Want to ask us something weird or embarrassing and have us answer it live? Looking to slide into our DM’s?

Find us @abvpodcast on insta and twitter